Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1068 The Mobile Phone With The Fastest Price Drop In History

The press conference of Peak 4 was like a thunder that cut through time and space and shocked the world.

Ordinary consumers are intoxicated by the exquisite and unparalleled industrial design of Pinnacle 4 and look forward to time passing faster and faster.

And for those in the industry.

Pinnacle 4 seems to have opened a new door for them, just like when the first generation Pinnacle mobile phone was released, it was amazing that the mobile phone could be designed like this.

Countless people in the industry took action immediately after the press conference.

A number of old mobile phone manufacturers such as Motorola and Nokia seemed to have been slapped awake by Peak 4.

I understand, if they continue to cling to their old ways, they will be destined to be eliminated by the times.


Internal reforms were carried out one after another.

Noah is still unwilling to give up the Symbian system, but with the efforts of Evans, it has also agreed to come up with a model equipped with the Android system, ready to be released in the first half of next year together with the N8 that it has worked hard to build.

The reforms at Motorola are even more thorough.

From the second largest mobile phone manufacturer in the world that year, its share exceeded 20%.

In just two or three years, the share dropped to only 5%.

This speed of decline also frightened Motorola, and it made the strongest voice for reform, completely abandoning the Symbian system and investing in the Android camp.

Although two or three years ago, Motorola had a tough mouth.

I don’t like Pinnacle mobile phones at all, and I also sneer at the Android system, thinking that the mainstream system in the future will still be the Symbian system.

But reality taught them hard.

Mobile phone manufacturers that have joined the Android camp have been developing very rapidly in the past two or three years, with shipments increasing year by year and market share also rising.

On the other hand, they and Nomagia are still clinging to the 777 Symbian system.

That's really hard to describe.

As the leader of the industry, Nuojia is there.

Although the market share is also declining, it is still decent.

Even though the 5800 model was launched, it was equipped with the fifth version of Symbian, which was a system that was seriously out of touch with the trend of touch screen concepts. The poor user experience was criticized by most users, but a lot of people still paid for it.

Most people are willing to pay for feelings.


The trick of feelings cannot be used all the time.

This will continue to be consumed.

When the user's feelings are exhausted, the public will no longer look at it again.


Motorola can see clearly from top to bottom.

The trend of the touch screen era has arrived.

They are clinging to their former ideals, and will eventually be submerged by this rolling current, swallowing up all their bones and dregs.

This must change.

If you keep up with the trend of the times, you will be abandoned by the times.

If you go against the times, you will eventually pay a heavy price for it.

If we want to talk about the release of Apex 4, who will have the greatest impact?

It's not Nokia, it's not Motorola, it's not Sanxing, it's not Huachang.

But Turing!

As a high-end brand jointly created by Fruit Company and Sanxing Group, it aims at the pinnacle of mobile phones.

From the moment it was launched, it has been shrouded in a high aura.

Especially after the press conference in June, the market received overwhelming praise.

As the 'mastermind' behind the scenes, Jobs was very pleased.

He has always felt that the iPhone he developed is no less than the top mobile phone of Blue Star Electronics.

The reason is that there are only pinnacle phones on the market, but no Apple iPhones.

It’s not that fruit companies are inferior in skills to people.

It's just that Steve Jobs's luck was not as good as Lu Yi's.

If the fruit company can conquer multi-touch technology early, then the current market structure of the mobile phone industry may not have a so-called peak, and will be replaced by the iPhone

Just because Lu Yi is lucky.

One step ahead of their fruit company, they developed contact touch technology and applied for a global patent.

As a result, the iPhone project he led fell short of success.

It was not in Jobs' character to admit defeat.

So he chose to save the country through a curve, and wanted to unite with the Sanxing Group to attack Pinnacle Mobile.

I want to give my iPhone a new skin.

And he did.


After Turing1's press conference, it was widely praised in the industry.

Countless industry leaders have praised Turing 1 for being as good as Pinnacle 3 and able to launch a strong challenge to Pinnacle mobile phone's position in the industry.

Everything is going according to Steve Jobs' plan.

But God's calculations are worse than those of people.

He failed to calculate that Blue Star Electronics' Pinnacle 4 would be an epoch-making machine.

Let all his conspiracies and calculations come to nothing.

Even worse.

Turing1, which was widely praised both inside and outside the industry before, has been reduced to worthless after the Pinnacle 4 conference.

on social networking sites such as Reddit.

There are many users who have just bought Turing1 and want to resell their Turing1 at a discount.

This diving speed simply created history in the industry.

for example.

On the morning of October 10, the 8GB Turing1 was still worth 549 meters gold. (ciea) But in the afternoon, after the Pinnacle 4 press conference, a brand new and unopened ‘second-hand’ Turing 1 could be purchased for a minimum of 400 meters gold, which was a 25% discount.


On the day Turingl was officially released, it grabbed headlines because of the NSA incident.

As a result, after the sales started that day, the total sales volume in the two countries was just over 10,000 units in one hour.

This is definitely not the data Turing1 should have.

after all.

before this.

Turing has invested a lot of money in advertising, and the advertising is overwhelming all over the world.

Moreover, data obtained from professional research companies show that consumers are looking forward to Turing1 under the massive publicity.

Of course.

Although sales in the first hour fell short of expectations, Jobs was not panicked.

Because he has confidence in the quality of Turing1.

Only the news of Gao Tong's investment in Turing dominated the front page.

Then Turing1 will definitely sell out.


I will cry if I continue.

He thought very well, but the reality was so cruel.

All the sweet dreams were shattered to pieces in front of Peak 4.

Not only did the sales of Turing1 not show explosive growth, but many consumers who bought it began to resell it online at a discounted price that day.

It was still 20% off in the morning, but no one cared.

In the afternoon, it’s 30% off.

The speed of this plunge made many consumers who bought Turing1 cry without tears.

So much so.

Some Turing1 users who did not intend to resell were very depressed and demanded that Turing take measures to preserve the value of Turing1. Otherwise, Turing must return the excess.

This leaves Turing Alexander.

Turing's CEO threw this problem directly to Jobs.

Steve Jobs is also one of the top two.

Not only that the product cannot be sold now, but also because the price has dropped too fast, some loyal users are unhappy and require them to refund the price difference.

Ah, this... isn't this making things difficult for him, Fat Tiger?

This is not over yet.

Major media organizations are just watching the excitement and not taking it too seriously.

One after another, they reported on the price of Turing1 on the Internet with the title "The mobile phone with the fastest price drop in history".


In your Turing direct store, the price of Turing 1 has not dropped, it is still 549 and 749 meters gold.

But the prices online are really a 90-degree drop.


The Turings that are being resold at a discount are not knock-offs, but genuine products.

Even when I first got it, I haven't opened it yet.

It’s brand new ‘second-hand goods’.

Users who want to buy Turing1 don't have to go to a direct store to spend the 549 or 749 wasted money. They can directly contact these resellers online and buy it at a 20% discount.

With the competition reported by various media organizations, naturally, no one is willing to buy Turing1.

Even consumers who have made up their mind to buy Turing1 are prepared to wait and see.

after all.

Who knows if the price will be lower later?

It's 20% off now, will it be 50% off or 60% off next?

It's entirely possible. .

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