Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1069: Singing And Dancing While In Dire Straits

Turing1's price dropped sharply online, giving Jobs a headache.

Because the price plunged too fast.


This makes consumers who originally wanted to buy Turing1 become wait-and-see.

Because they think Turing1 will continue to cut prices significantly -.

If you buy it at this time, you will suffer a loss.

Of course.

The biggest loser is Turing.

Because no one goes to direct stores to buy Turing1.

Just wait for those consumers who bought Turing 1 but regretted it after watching the Pinnacle 4 conference and resold it at a discount.

This made Jobs very angry.

These new second-hand goods that are resold at reduced prices on the Internet are a huge harm to the Turing brand.

When everyone talks about Turing in the future, what immediately comes to mind is probably the rapid diving range.

But faced with this situation, Jobs had nothing to do.

after all.

People don’t want Turing1 anymore, so they put it online for resale at a discount, and it’s not illegal and Turing can’t control it.

As for the damage it will cause to Turing's brand.

Who made your Turing1 worse than Peak 4 by ten blocks?

As for the Turing directly-operated store to carry out price reduction sales, this is definitely a stupid move.

If it goes on sale on the second day, the price will be significantly reduced.

Turing is afraid it will become a joke to the entire industry.

at the same time.

How does this make consumers who have bought Turing1 before feel?

Oh, I spent 549 meters gold to buy your Turing products the day before.

As a result, the next day, you lowered the price to 450 meters of gold without saying a word.

Don't be such a bully!

Really do it.

I am afraid that consumers who bought Turing1 before will rush directly to Turing’s headquarters to ask for explanation.

To this.

Faced with this situation on the Internet, Jobs could only hold his nose and admit it.

The difficult situations that Jobs had to face didn't stop there.

Gao Tong's backbiting gave Jobs a huge headache.

at the same time.

The pressure from the fruit company's board of directors also made Jobs breathless.

The fruit company has invested huge resources in the Turing project.

It was originally planned to defeat Blue Star Electronics and take its place.

But looking at it now, this is basically a flower in the mirror.

A lot of money was spent, but no corresponding returns were obtained.

Naturally, the people on the fruit company's board of directors couldn't sit still.

after all.

This is about their own interests.

The fruit company has invested a lot of money in Turing, which means that the fruit company's profits will fall sharply, and as shareholders, the smaller their profits will be, the less dividends they will receive.


Jobs was overwhelmed by calls of accountability.

It's different from Jobs who was so anxious.

Here at Blue Star Electronics, it’s a different story.


Everyone in the company has little confidence in facing the menacing Turing.

no way.

Turing's offense is too fierce.

With the support of the three giants, who can stop this?


After the press conference of Pinnacle 4, the haze above my head was swept away.

If Turing wants to replace Blue Star Electronics' position in the industry, let's wait another 500 years.

"Before, I was worried about whether our company could survive, but now it seems that my situation is still small.

"It's J! Especially before the press conference, Turing set off a big firecracker. It was bad news for us."

"You guys should have more confidence in the company and Director Lu. When has Director Lu ever let us down?"

"To be honest, even though I am an employee of Blue Star Electronics, I am still shocked by the design of Pinnacle 4. It is really beautiful!"

"Look how Turing can dance this time!"


Within Blue Star Electronics, many employees took advantage of their free time to discuss.

Many of them only knew what kind of mobile phone Pinnacle 4 was after the press conference.

Blue Star Electronics, Liu Hong’s office.

"Mr. Liu, currently the 30 offline flagship stores in China have very enthusiastic consumers queuing up to buy."

"According to incomplete statistics, there are currently more than 20,000 people queuing up in the store waiting to buy."

“And consumers who come to the store to experience it can even overcrowd the store.

Jia Weiping came to Liu Hong's office and reported to Liu Hong.

As the head of the Pinnacle Mobile Phone Business Department, Jia Weiping naturally grasped the situation of the 30 offline stores across the country at the first opportunity.

From the fact that Pinnacle 4 will be released in the domestic market first this year, we know that Blue Star Electronics’ focus will gradually shift to the domestic market.


Within this year, the number of domestic flagship stores has tripled.


Blue Star Electronics' flagship stores are only opened in first-tier cities in China, less than a dozen.

But this year, flagship stores have begun to move to some second-tier cities.

Opening 20 direct-operated stores in one go, the average investment cost per store is about 50 million yuan, and the total investment exceeds 1 billion yuan.


At the beginning of the year.

Liu Hong also felt that Lu Yi's decision was a bit too aggressive.

Although China has developed rapidly in the past two years, its consumption capacity is still much lower than that of the European and American markets.


The financial crisis hit the world in 2008, resulting in weak global consumption, and the sales of Pinnacle mobile phones were also greatly affected.

But Lu Yi decided against all the odds.

But look at it now.

Lu Yi's decision is quite wise.

Not only that.

According to the strategic plan formulated by Lu Yi.

It is expected that by the next two years, Blue Star Electronics will have 50 direct stores in China, covering 16 provinces, cities and regions across the country.

The two were sitting on the sofa chatting.

Liu Hong said with a smile: "There is still half a month until the official launch of the sale. The people who are queuing up to buy now should be basically scalpers, right?"

Ordinary consumers should not queue up half a month in advance.

Jia Weiping nodded and said: "The vast majority are scalpers, and a small number are ordinary consumers."

"The queues started half a month in advance, which is enough to show everyone's expectations for Pinnacle 4." Liu Hong said with a smile, "Old Jia, you must ensure that the supply of goods is stable, and the quality cannot slip, and you must not lose the chain. .”

Jia Weiping nodded and said: "Don't worry, Mr. Liu, I plan to go to Pengcheng to see the situation of the foundry in the next two days.

"Well, I can rest assured that you can do things." Liu Hong said with a smile.


The two talked about Turing again.

After all, this is the Internet information age.

Although Longguo and America are separated by the Pacific Ocean.


The news from America's side can reach the Dragon Kingdom in less than a few minutes.

Jia Weiping said with a smile: "After the release of our Pinnacle 4, Turing's life was quite difficult. Looking at the news reports from America, many consumers who bought Turing 1 regretted it and bought them before they got it. The unpacked Turing1 is being resold online at a 22% discount.

"I have also seen this news. The media in America also reported it as "the mobile phone with the fastest price drop in history". I think people like Steve Jobs and Li Jianxi were very worried." Liu Hong also covered up the news. Can't help but smile inside.

Turing danced so happily before, but now she fell miserably.

Not only did the price plummet online, Gao Tong also ran away a second before the contract was signed, making Turing a joke and spreading around the world.

Seeing these news, everyone at Blue Star Electronics felt that they had vented their anger. .

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