Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1070 Fu Tukang: Even If You Ignore Me, I Will Continue To Lick You

during this time.

Turing jumped up and down, making Blue Star Electronics very angry.

Especially the negotiations with Gao Tong.

Under the instigation of Jobs, Paul Jacobs opened his mouth to Blue Star Electronic Lion, which led to the collapse of the cooperation between the two parties.

This news not only shocked the industry inside and outside.

The employees of Blue Star Electronics were also shocked in their hearts.

They all know the importance of high-synchronization baseband chips for pinnacle mobile phones.

If Gaotong no longer provides baseband chips to Blue Star Electronics, it will be a huge blow to the performance of Pinnacle mobile phones.

Let the pinnacle mobile phone become no longer perfect and have flaws.

Once an opponent attacks Pinnacle Mobile with this flaw, Blue Star Electronics will become very passive.


Before the new product launch.

Everyone at Blue Star Electronics was very worried.

Even some people who participated in the design and development of Pinnacle 4 are still doubtful about whether Pinnacle 4 can turn the tide.

If Pinnacle 4 cannot be a blockbuster, it will shock the world like the first-generation Pinnacle mobile phone "550".

The vigorous development momentum of Blue Star Electronics will be interrupted.

It will really pierce the sky like a meteor, and it will only be brilliant for a moment.

But the good thing is.

The worst didn't happen.

The release of Pinnacle 4, like the first generation Pinnacle mobile phone, once again shocked the world.

Pinnacle 4 will also change the world again.

Blue Star Electronics succeeded!

With Peak 4, Turing's conspiracy against Blue Star Electronics was shattered in one fell swoop.

Instead, he slapped Turing so hard that he became an international laughing stock.

all of a sudden.

Everyone at Blue Star Electronics was completely relaxed.

Blue Star Electronics is still the same Blue Star Electronics.

It can always give people miracles.

This also makes everyone at Blue Star Electronics feel very proud and proud of being a member of Blue Star Electronics.

Because they once again use their wisdom and hands to change the world.

After Jia Weiping left the office, Liu Hong processed two documents and then left for Lu Yi's office.

Seeing Liu Hong arriving, Lu Yi smiled and poured him a cup of tea himself.

Although the relationship between the two parties is superior and subordinate.

But when no outsiders were around, Lu Yi would never put on any airs of superior leadership in front of Liu Hong.

How we got along in college is still the same now.

"Da Liu, you came just in time. I said I was going to find you."

"Now that the Pinnacle 4 press conference has begun, the headquarters relocation should also be put on the agenda."

Lu Yi said with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Liu Hong did not object and said: "Okay, I will make arrangements later."

The headquarters should have been moved to Tai Chi Galaxy a long time ago.

But the original negotiation with Gao Tong collapsed, and we needed to find a new partner, which was a lot of things.

So it was delayed at that time.

"I came here to report to you about my work." Liu Hong said again.

Lu Yi picked up the teacup and took a sip, then smiled and said, "You tell me."

"Lao Jia just reported to me that after the press conference, long queues began to form in 30 stores across the country, with more than 20,000 people.

"According to the current market feedback, our previously set shipment volume of 55 million units is still underestimated."

"At the beginning, I thought the 70 million units you set was fine."

“Even if we are more optimistic, we can expect 80 to 90 million units.

Liu Hong said.

Lu Yi previously set an annual shipment volume of 70 million units in an internal meeting of the company.

Didn’t the talks with Gao Tong fall apart later?

As a result, relevant internal personnel lowered this expectation to 55 million units.

But judging from external feedback, they were still a bit conservative at that time.

Because the shipment forecast has been lowered, the initial order for BYAT is only 35 million units.

Now it seems that this order may not be enough.

Lu Yi naturally understood the meaning of Liu Hong's words and said: "You mean to add an additional 15 million units of production capacity?"

Liu Hong nodded and said: "Not bad! Looking at it now, the 35 million units of order production capacity we gave BYAT in advance is obviously not enough.

"I have no problem increasing production capacity. You can just arrange it." Lu Yi did not object and agreed directly.

Liu Hongdao: "However, I suggest that the increased production capacity of 15 million units should be handed over to other foundries, not all to BYAT, otherwise it will bring potential hidden dangers to us."

Lu Yi instantly understood what Liu Hong meant.

If all orders are handed over to BYD, it will become more and more intensive in the future. BYD is likely to increase its bargaining power and raise prices from the ground up.

Although the personal relationship between Lu Yi and Wang Chuanfu is not bad, the two parties have also dealt with each other several times.

But friendship is friendship, and business is business.

Potential dangers like this must be dealt with in advance.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the eventuality.

If BYD gets jealous in the future and directly raises the price, the impact on Blue Star Electronics will be huge.

Lu Yi thought for a while, nodded and said: "You are right. If you really want to put all your eggs in BYD's basket, you will not be restricted by us. Your suggestion is very good. By the way, you There should be corresponding goals, right?"

Liu Hong nodded, and then said the name of a foundry.


As a reborn person, Lu Yi is naturally familiar with Pegatron, a foundry factory.

This is a company that was separated from ASUS and specializes in foundry manufacturing. Previous generations have worked on iPhones, iPads and other products for fruit companies.

Liu Hong thought that Lu Yi didn't know the origin of Pegatron, so he explained: "Pegatron is a subsidiary that was separated from ASUS and specializes in foundry manufacturing. It still has technical strength.

"Originally, Futukang's technical strength is the best among foundry companies. You don't think highly of Futukang, so I chose Pegatron as my target. 11

Lu Yi's expression froze when he heard this.

After thinking for a moment, he said: "Let's see, it's up to you to decide whether it's Futukang or Heshuo.

Although he looked down upon Guotai Ming, Futukang's foundry strength was indeed the strongest among all foundry companies.

As the person in power, you should not be too emotional about some things.

As for Pegatron.

Pegatron was only separated from Asus in 2008. In terms of strength, not to mention that it is not as good as Futukang, it is also far behind BYD.

The quality of pinnacle mobile phones must be guaranteed.

So Lu Yi thought about it and decided not to target Futukang so much.

Liu Hong's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he said in disbelief: "Fourth Brother, when you say this, are you not targeting Foxconn?"

Lu Yi smiled calmly and said: "I wasn't targeting Fu Tukang before, I just looked down on Guotai Ming. But for the sake of the company, some things have to be put aside."

Liu Hong said with a smile: "If Fu Tukang knew this news, I am afraid he would be so excited that he burst into tears."

This is by no means an exaggeration.

Blue Star Electronics is now at its peak in the smartphone market.

Futukang has been licking Blue Star Electronics wildly in recent years. It is not an exaggeration to call Blue Star Electronics a licking dog.

The purpose is to get orders from Blue Star Electronics.

after all.

BYD's strength is far inferior to his own, and he can get orders from Blue Star Electronics. There is no reason why his brother Dai Yi can't get them.

But what a result.

Wealth 0.7 Tu Kang really didn’t get it.

To this.

Seeing that BYD is constantly threatening its position in the OEM field by relying on orders from Blue Star Electronics, Fujian and Kang are anxious.

Guotai Ming even complained about this again and again.

The emergence of Blue Star Electronics is subverting the mobile phone industry. The decline of traditional mobile phone manufacturers has begun to show signs of decline. Orders from these customers will shrink irreversibly in the future.

What's even worse is.

The craze of mobile Internet has become unstoppable and will inevitably impact the PC market.

Computer shipments will also be significantly affected.

Although the current PC market is still growing, its growth efficiency has slowed down.

The PC foundry business is also one of Futukang's main businesses.

In today's turbulent change node, if you don't seek new stable growth points, you will die.

This is also the fundamental reason why Blue Star Electronics ignores Futukang, but Futukang keeps licking it.

You have to think about the future!

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