Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1071 Inscription On The Pot Table: Thank You Blue Star Electronics Dad For The Meal!

Treasure Island.

Foxconn headquarters building.

CEO office.

Guotaiming was in a bad mood.

Because the market’s feedback on Apex 4 has been so good.

This means that Pinnacle 4 will definitely sell out in the market.


This has nothing to do with his wealth and prosperity, this is too bad!

In the past two years.

They Futukang are licking Blue Star Electronics like crazy, hoping that Blue Star Electronics can get some orders.


Faced with their wild licking, Blue Star Electronics always ignored them.

This made Guotai Ming feel aggrieved.


How did Futukang offend you, Blue Star Electronics?

Futu Kang clearly surpasses BYAT in terms of technology and strength.

As a result, you gave the order to BYD, which is not as powerful as me, and you did not give me Futukang!


Is it because Futukang is a company from Baodao?

Blue Star Electronics' attitude troubled everyone in Futukang.

Guotai Ming is very crisis-conscious.

Although it did not get the order from Blue Star Electronics, it did not affect 28 Futukang's revenue performance, it would just make less money.


Don't just look at things at face value.

Traditional mobile phone manufacturers began to decline.

Although Nokia's shipments still rank first in the world, its market share has been declining year by year.

Not to mention Motorola, its market share has dropped to only 5%.

In addition, the mobile Internet trend is approaching. In the future, a mobile phone will be able to handle many things and is expected to replace PCs.

A few more years.

The PC market is bound to face shrinkage.

By then.

Futukang's PC business may shrink significantly.

In this turbulent era, if you are not careful, you may be thrown off the bus.


Even though Blue Star Electronics is like a cold goddess, it ignores their wealthy and prosperous people.

But Futukang needs to lick it.

You have to find a way out for yourself!

even if.

Everyone in Futukang feels aggrieved by Blue Star Electronics' attitude.

But no matter how aggrieved they are, they have to endure it.

Who let Blue Star Electronics be the father of the sponsor?

Looking at the market's feedback on Pinnacle 4, Guotai Ming was in a bad mood.

It has nothing to do with yourself, how can you feel better?

after all.

These orders are all common.

It belongs to one’s own competitor!

Watching your opponent become bigger and stronger, you can't get anything you want by licking it wildly. It's strange that you can be in a good mood.



"Why doesn't Blue Star Electronics want to give us an order from Blue Star Electronics?"

"I, Guotai Ming, didn't offend them in any way, right?"

Guotai Ming sighed.

At this time.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Guotai Ming calmed down and said.

The assistant pushed the door open and walked in, reporting: "Director Guo, Mr. Zhong, the person in charge of Pengcheng Longhua Base, said that Liu Hong, COO of Blue Star Electronics, contacted him and was interested in giving an order of 10 million units to Futukang."


When Guo Taiming heard the assistant's report, he was stunned for a moment, thinking that he heard wrongly.

"What did you say?"

"Blue Star Electronics wants to give us an order?"

The assistant nodded nervously and said, "That's what Zhong always said."

"Okay, you go down first." Guo Taiming dismissed the assistant, and then walked back and forth in the office rubbing his hands.

His expression kept changing.

The news surprised him.

Could it be that after licking for so long, God was finally moved by their persistence?

After a while.

Guo Taiming quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed Zhong Yiwen, the person in charge of Pengcheng Longhua Base.

Soon, the call was connected.

"Guo Dong." Zhong Yiwen's voice came from the phone.

Guo Taiming smiled and said: "Yiwen, I heard that Mr. Liu of Blue Star Electronics has contacted you and wants to give us an order?"

"Yes, Guo Dong."

"Okay, okay, I have finally waited for this day!"

Guotaiming was so excited when he received Zhong Yiwen's affirmative answer.

Although the order volume of 10 million units is not large.


It's finally started.

This time it was 10 million units, and next time it might be 20 million or 30 million units.

They are rich and prosperous, and sooner or later they will snatch away all of BYD's orders!

"In this case, Yiwen, I will negotiate this deal in person, and I will fly to the mainland now."

In order to express his importance, Guotaiming decided to talk to Liu Hong in person.

After chatting with Zhong Yiwen for a few words, he hung up the phone.

Guotai Ming couldn't help but yelled——yes!


He calmed down his excitement and quickly convened a meeting with senior management.

Now Blue Star Electronics is willing to place some orders to Futukang, which is a good start.

They must also pay attention.

Blue Star Electronics' order is enough for them to pay attention to.

It didn't take long.

All Futukang's senior executives gathered in the conference room.

After learning that Blue Star Electronics would distribute part of its orders to Futukang, the executives present almost cried with joy.

It feels like I have been using it as a spare tire for a long time and finally turned it into a full-time employee.

at the same time.

Hangcheng, Ali Group headquarters.

At this moment, a camp-level meeting was also taking place.

The content is also related to Blue Star Electronics.

To be precise, it is related to Pinnacle 4.

"There is no doubt that Pinnacle 4, this mobile phone, will definitely sell like crazy, and Blue Star Electronics will also make crazy money with Pinnacle 4!"

The speaker was Zhang Yong, nicknamed Xiaoyaozi, who held the meeting.

Zhang Yong, who joined Ali Group in August 2007, serves as the chief financial officer of and participates in the design of Taobao's business model.

In 2008, Zhang Yong concurrently served as the chief operating officer of

At the end of 2008, under the leadership of Zhang Yong, Taobao Mall was separated from

And earlier this year, Taobao Mall was renamed Tianmiao.

Zhang Yong also serves as the president of Tianmiao.

There is still one month left before Double Eleven.

Zhang Yong is making final preparations for Tianmiao Double Eleven., on 713 two years ago, relied on its Double Eleven marketing strategy to soar into the sky, defeating eBay and becoming the well-deserved e-commerce leader in the country.

As for the newly launched Tianmiao, if it wants to become an instant hit, it needs a gimmick that is eye-catching enough to let everyone know about Tianmiao.

Within Ali Group, the positioning of and Tianmiao is very clear. is equivalent to a market. There is no threshold and many individuals can enter. It is suitable for people who have just opened a store and started a Taobao store. Of course, it is a mixed bag, with some good products and some bad ones.

Tianmiao, on the other hand, takes the high-end route. It belongs to some relatively large companies or individuals with relatively good genuine products, has brand awareness, and the store strength is relatively good. There are relatively few fakes, but the prices are not cheap.

After all, Tianmiao has just been launched and has little popularity.

If you don't open up the situation, you may die immediately.

Zhang Yong, as the president of Tianmiao, naturally did not want to see the newly born Tianmiao die early.

This is a big project led by him.

Even in his opinion.

The importance of Tianmiao is even greater than that of


It has only been two years since he joined the Ali Group. Although he is in a high position and is highly valued by Teacher Ma, his foundation is still very unstable.


He just needs to come up with a brilliant result to stop everyone's mouths and tell everyone that he, Zhang Yong, has no problem at all sitting in this position.

Shut up those who doubt his ability!


He set his sights on Peak 4. .

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