Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1072: Riding On The Popularity Of Peak 4?

After all, he was not one of the Eighteen Arhats who started his own business with Teacher Ma from the very beginning. He had no foundation within Ahri.

As soon as he came to Ali Group, he was entrusted with important tasks by Teacher Ma.

Even in terms of status, he surpassed many of the Arhats who followed Teacher Ma in the past.

Is this convincing?

The reason why no one jumped out to oppose Zhang Yong was entirely because Zhang Yong had Teacher Ma's strong support behind him.

Teacher Ma is definitely a spiritual banner-like existence within the Ahri Group, and getting rich can determine Ahri's law.

Teacher Ma supports him in taking the position. Even if others are opposed in their hearts, they will not speak out and openly oppose Teacher Ma's decision.

But secretly, it will definitely give Zhang Yong a stumbling block.

If you have no achievements but are in a high position, it will be difficult to convince the public.


Zhang Yong urgently needs to come up with a report card that satisfies everyone at Ahri.

Let himself gain a foothold within the Ahri Group and tell those who dissatisfied with him.

Zhang Yong was able to reach his current position not because of the back door, nor because of Teacher Ma, but because of his own personal ability!

The only way is to win a beautiful battle and come up with an answer that satisfies everyone.

Only then could he, Zhang Yong, establish a firm foothold within the Ali Group and start cultivating his own people.

Let yourself have a greater voice within the Ali Group and be more able to do things.


Under this premise.

He took the lead in separating Taobao Mall from and changing its name to Tianmiao Mall.

This will be his decisive battle.

He needs to rely on Tianmiao Mall to gain a foothold within Ahri and quell all doubts.


This battle must not only be won, but also fought beautifully.

We must not let the newly separated Tianmiao die halfway.

if that is the case.

Even if he had Teacher Ma's strong support behind him, it would be difficult to convince the public.

There are many people inside who want to take over and replace him.

If he fails in the Tianmiao Mall project, then these people will have an excuse to attack him and pull him down from his position as president of and Tianmiao Mall.

To know. is the basic base of Ali Group.

The ability of Ali Group to grow to its current scale is inseparable from the development and growth of

And he.

Being able to become the president and actual person in charge of

This shows that Teacher Ma attaches great importance to him.

In addition, he is also responsible for the important project of Tianmiao Mall.

It is no exaggeration to say that Teacher Ma regards Zhang Yong as his future successor to train.

Now his status within the Ali Group is definitely second only to two or three people such as Teacher Ma, Cai Chongxin, and Peng Lei.

And how long has it been since he joined the Ahri Group?

Just two years.

In two years, it has reached the top three within the Ali Group.

Those who are jealous and want to pull him down reply too much.


He must ensure the success of the Tianmiao Mall project.

With Teacher Ma's strong support behind this, Zhang Yong is also fully confident that he can make the Tianmiao Mall project so beautiful that everyone can stop talking.

The release of Peak 4 undoubtedly brought him a protective lock.

How can we increase the reputation of Tianmiao Mall which has just been separated not long ago?

If the Double Eleven Shopping Festival was only proposed this year, then using it on Tianmiao Mall would undoubtedly make Tianmiao Mall an instant hit.

But it's a pity.

The marketing plan for the Double Eleven Shopping Festival was a suggestion given by Lu Yi to Teacher Ma two years ago.

At that time, Ali and eBay were at loggerheads in China.

It was precisely by relying on the Double Eleven Shopping Festival marketing plan that it completely defeated eBay that year, and Ali successfully became the leader of domestic e-commerce.

Also relying on the Double Eleven Shopping Festival, Taobao is becoming more and more famous in China.

It has even spread abroad.

This has caused similar imitation by Amazon abroad, creating a post-Christmas ‘Black Friday’ shopping festival.

The marketing plan for the Double Eleven Shopping Festival will definitely attract a large number of consumers when used on Tianmiao Mall.


It will definitely not be as sensational as the first Double Eleven Shopping Festival.


When everyone mentions the Double Eleven Shopping Festival, the first thing that comes to mind is the Taobao Double Eleven Shopping Festival, not the Tianmiao Mall Double Eleven Shopping Festival.

But anyway.

There is only one month left before the Double Eleven Shopping Festival.

This is a very important marketing plan within Ali.

This day is a carnival of online shopping.

For Ahri, it is also a carnival of data.

Zhang Yong looked around at the senior executives attending the meeting and said: "I think we must seize the popularity of Blue Star Electronics' new products, ride the wave of popularity, and completely build the reputation of our Tianmiao Mall.

"Now our internal positioning of and Tianmiao Mall is very clear. One is a low-end self-employed model, and the other is a mid-to-high-end brand store model."

"..." Pinnacle mobile phone is undoubtedly a high-end mobile phone in the smartphone market. "

"If our Tianmiao Mall can gain popularity, it will undoubtedly give everyone a deep impression, which will be very beneficial to our Tianmiao Mall brand.

When Teacher Ma heard Zhang Yong's words, he was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Xiaoyaozi, you mean, we bring Pinnacle 4 to the Double Eleven Shopping Festival for a 50% discount promotion?"

Zhang Yong nodded very straightforwardly.

The other senior executives attending the meeting all looked at Zhang Yong in surprise.

The idea is a good idea, but does it really work?

"Mr. Zhang, your idea is too subjective. A big-name merchant like Blue Star Electronics will never enter Tianmiao Mall."

"That's right! Even if Blue Star Electronics enters our Tianmiao Mall, it will definitely not participate in the Double Eleven promotions.

"Blue Star Electronics will never agree to a 50% discount on the price."

"Yeah! Look at what's going on at the two pinnacle direct-operated stores in Yintai Lakeside and Vientiane City. The queues are lined up thousands of meters away. It's only half a month before the sales start. They have (good) new products. I don’t have to worry about selling at all, how can I go to our Wei Miao Na City to get a 50% discount?”

"Exactly! What the industry is most concerned about right now is how crazy the sales of Pinnacle 4 will be! I read some news reports on America, and they said that there are fanatical Pinnacle fans, and they are ready to choose to buy Pinnacle 4 from the waistline because they have no money. ,too crazy!"

Others spoke up to express their opinions.

Blue Star Electronics is not one of those sellers who has already settled in Tianmiao Mall.

Ahri has absolute binding force on these sellers.

But in front of Blue Star Electronics, they have to beg.

Because Blue Star Electronics' products do not need to go through their Ali online channels, demand exceeds supply.

How could you lower yourself to a lower level and go to Tianmiao Mall to take advantage of the 50% discount promotion?


Not only them, but even Mr. Ma is not optimistic that this will work.

Although the advice is indeed very good advice.

But it is too difficult to implement. .

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