Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1073 300 Million Is 300 Million, Teacher Ma Is Full Of Courage

In the conference room.

Everyone was shocked by Zhang Yong's suggestion.

Riding on the popularity of Blue Star Electronics’ new products?

This is absolutely a brilliant idea.

If you can really get Pinnacle 4 to Tianmiao Mall for a 50% discount promotion.

There is no doubt about that.

On Double Eleven, Tianmiao Mall will definitely be crowded.


You can only think about it.

If they were at Blue Star Electronics, they wouldn't be able to agree to Ahri's plan.

My Peak 4 has no worries about sales.

Why should I come to your Tianmiao Mall to get a 50% discount on sales?

It doesn’t do me any good at all!


Although everyone, including Teacher Ma, thinks that Zhang Yong's idea is good, it is unrealistic.

At this time.

Zhang Yong said again: "What if we provide subsidies?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned again.


You Zhang Yong can figure it out.

If we really do this, Blue Star Electronics will not lose money.

But Ahli will definitely be slaughtered to death by consumers.


A vice president quickly objected: "Mr. Zhang, are you sure we will subsidize it? Oh my god, I'm afraid this won't work unless we spend hundreds of millions of dollars! If there are too few goods, consumers will scold them. They think we are teasing them. If there are too many goods, can we afford the subsidy?"

"Yes! Too little will attract criticism from consumers, who will think that we are not sincere at all and are just a gimmick to attract 980 people. When the criticism comes, the reputation of Miao Mall will be completely ruined that day."

"There are too many consumers who want to buy Pinnacle 4. If there are too many goods, then everyone will probably wait for the Double Eleven Shopping Festival to go to Tianmiao Mall to buy. We absolutely cannot accept this.

Everyone expressed their opposition.

Subsidy is definitely not an option.

It is possible to do bad things with good intentions.

Teacher Ma said nothing, thinking rapidly about the pros and cons of Zhang Yong's suggestions.

After a while, he asked: "How much goods are you planning to buy?"

The reason why Teacher Ma can suppress the Eighteen Arhats is that everyone respects him.

It's not because of Teacher Ma's mouth that can confuse people.

Tianmiao Mall will be the key project supported by Ali Group in the future, which has been decided internally.

If you want to do it, then do it in a big way.

Let Tianmiao Mall gain a firm foothold and become famous.

Bringing Pinnacle 4 in for a 50% discount will definitely make Tianmiao Mall an instant hit.

It is unrealistic for Blue Star Electronics to make a loss and make a profit.

Since Bluestar Electronics has no worries about sales, why should it advertise to Tianmiao Mall at a loss?

That being the case.

Then you can only give yourself subsidies to make money for yourself.

Zhang Yong is indeed his very optimistic successor, with eclectic ideas and many ideas.

Zhang Yong stretched out a finger.

Someone immediately asked tentatively: "A thousand units? This is too little, and consumers will definitely make trouble."

Others nodded.

Who knows.

Zhang Yong shook his head and said: "100,000 units!"

As soon as these words came out, many people gasped.

Good guy.

Seeing Zhang Yong shaking his head, they thought Zhang Yong would say 10,000 units.

Ten thousand units is not too little or too much, but it can be done.


Zhang Yong directly launched a firecracker and said 100,000 units!

"Mr. Zhang, 100,000 units? Are you serious? Have you calculated how much subsidies we need to give Blue Star Electronics?" a vice president muttered.

Zhang Yong did not look at the vice president who spoke, but looked at Teacher Ma and said: "I am going to give about 300 million to Blue Star Electronics. For these 100,000 Peak 4 units, on Double Eleven, the 16GB version will be purchased for 2,949 yuan. , the 32GB version sells for 2,499 yuan.

Everyone who heard this immediately felt heartache.

To know.

Ali Group's current market value is only over 10 billion yuan.

The group's performance last year was only 3 billion yuan in total revenue and 1.2 billion yuan in net profit.


As soon as Zhang Yong opened his mouth, he wanted to send 300 million yuan to Blue Star Electronics, directly shutting down a quarter of the group's net profit in 2008.

This is tantamount to striking them directly with a knife.

It's too painful.

Although Ali Group is one of the giants in the domestic Internet industry, compared with giants like Future Group, its size is twenty to thirty times smaller, and there is no comparison at all.

Future Group can easily come up with 300 million yuan, but if Ahri comes up with so much money, it will really break the bank.

It's not that Ahri doesn't have money now.

The company's financial situation is still very healthy.

Moreover, the third quarter financial report has been audited, but it has not been released yet.

Q3 quarter revenue was about 1 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 32%; net profit was 240 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 20%, and a month-on-month decrease of 5.3%.

The reason for Ali's decline in Q3 quarter results was the substantial increase in marketing and research and development expenses.

One is planning a marketing event for the Double Eleven Shopping Festival.

The other is the research and development of its Feitian system and Ali’s investment in research and development in the field of cloud computing services.

Ahri does not seek to surpass the Smart Cloud of Future Group. It is the absolute overlord that has been disgraced even when all the technology giants in Silicon Valley have joined forces. He will definitely not be able to do it.


Ahri hopes to stabilize its current position as the third-largest company in the field of cloud computing services in the country, hoping to catch up with the leading company Huabian Cloud.


Ali has also made a series of acquisitions this year.

For example, it has acquired the management software business of Ali Software and plans to complete the acquisition of HiChina in December this year.

All of this requires money.

Although Ahri's current internal cash flow is still sufficient, the speed of spending money is much faster than the speed of making money. If Bluestar Electronics is given another 300 million yuan, the cash flow will be really tight.

Many people at the meeting expressed their opposition.

However, Teacher Ma directly made the decision: "300 million? Okay, then we will use 300 million as a subsidy. This can be done!"

I have to say that Teacher Ma is very courageous and courageous.

If it were anyone else facing this situation, they would definitely be more cautious, or even cut the number downwards.

after all.

For 100,000 Peak 4 units, each Ali has a subsidy of 2,049 yuan, and the total subsidy amount is only 205 million yuan.

Ahri offered 300 million, but there was an excess of 100 million.

But Teacher Ma thought about it for a while and made the decision without haggling, which shows his courage.

Although this money is really painful to spend, Peak 4 is so popular right now.

Tianmiao Mall can catch up to the popularity of Pinnacle 4, which is a much better publicity effect than spending a lot of publicity money.

Now there is almost no doubt that Pinnacle 4 is definitely a phenomenal consumer electronics product and it is definitely selling like crazy.

If Tianmiao Mall advertises a 50% discount during the Double Eleven Shopping Festival, and you can take home a 16GB Pinnacle 4 for 2,049 yuan, the website will probably be overwhelmed.

Spending 300 million to get a big wave of traffic is well spent.

Now that Teacher Ma has made a decision, others will no longer object.

Teacher Ma looked at Wang Jian and said, "Mr. Wang, once we publicize this news, there is no doubt that the traffic of Tianmiao Mall will explode on Double Eleven."

"Your Feitian system must make preparations in advance. Don't be afraid of Lianzi when the time comes!"

During the National Day, Feitian system failed to prevent a large number of hacker attacks.

If on the day of Double Eleven, the Feitian system cannot withstand the traffic due to traffic, then he really doubts whether the Feitian system can work and whether he can continue to invest in it later.

Wang Jian nodded heavily and said: "Don't worry, Mr. Ma!".

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