Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1074 What? Riding On My Heat? Need More Money!

Blue Star Electronics, Liu Hong’s office.

“Ali’s intention is to give us a subsidy of 300 million, let us build a flagship store in Tianmiao Mall, and offer 100,000 Peak 4 units for half-price promotion on Double Eleven?

Liu Hong was a little surprised when he looked at Jia Weiping who came to report on his work.

Jia Weiping nodded: "Yes."


After Ahli's meeting, he immediately contacted Jia Weiping, who was in charge of Pinnacle's mobile phone business.

Jia Weiping also didn't expect that Ah Li would come over like this.

Although he can decide most things.

But this matter was of great importance, and he had to ask Liu Hong for instructions.

"I remember Tianmiao Mall. It seems that it was Taobao Mall that was separated from at the end of last year, right?" Liu Hongmo said, stroking his chin.

Jia Weiping said: "That's right! Zhang Yong, chief operating officer of, at the end of last year, against all opinions, separated Taobao Mall from it and changed its name to Tianmiao Mall at the beginning of the year."

"The previous was very complicated internally and had a very low threshold. Any self-employed person could open a store on As a result, the quality of the products on was uneven and there were many fakes.

Consumers have complained about this. "

"Zhang Yong separated Taobao Mall and renamed it Tianmiao. He is obviously planning to take the mid-to-high-end route. This can be seen from the merchants currently settled in Tianmiao Mall."

"From a consumer perspective, Tmall is relatively formal. The stores in Tianmiao are all registered in the form of companies, and not just anyone can open them. It is impossible to open a store in Tianmiao without a registered company." .”

"Therefore, for consumers, Tianmiao is like a brand collection mall."

"Judging from Zhang Yong's series of operations, it is obvious that Ali has high hopes for Tianmiao Mall and attaches great importance to it."

Liu Hong said with a smile: "It seems that Tianmiao Mall wants to take advantage of our popularity."

Jia Weiping also smiled and nodded: "That's true!"

"After all, Tianmiao Mall has just been launched not long ago and has little reputation."

"Zhang Yong only joined Ahli Group in 2007, and was directly entrusted with important tasks by Teacher Ma. He has no foundation within Ahri Group, and there are many people who are dissatisfied with him."

"So, Zhang Yong also wants to rely on his dominance of Tianmiao Mall to gain a firm foothold within the Ali Group and quell all external doubts, so that he can better flex his muscles.

"After our new product launch, Peak 4 has become a phenomenon-level consumer electronic product that everyone is hotly discussing."

"If we, Blue Star Electronics, enter Tianmiao Mall and participate in the half-price promotion of the Double Eleven Shopping Festival.

"There is no doubt that it will attract a large wave of traffic to them, which is equivalent to giving them free advertising."

"And this advertising effect is not something that can be achieved by spending tens of millions or hundreds of millions."


Neither Liu Hong nor Jia Weiping are fools.

Naturally, he could see what the purpose of Ah Li's move was.

Apex 4 is now very popular.

Once Tianmiao Mall officially announces that Blue Star Electronics has settled in Tianmiao Mall and will participate in the Double Eleven half-price promotion, it will definitely make domestic consumers crazy about it.

think about it.

A 16GB Pinnacle 4 costs 4,099 yuan.

In this era when the monthly salary is only two to three thousand, ordinary people need one and a half months' salary to afford it.

And now.

On the Double Eleven day of Tianmiao Mall, you can take it home at half price.


This price will definitely make a large number of top fans who are put off by the 4,099 yuan price go crazy for it.

Users who originally couldn't afford it will grit their teeth and make up their minds to buy one at this time.

This kind of advertising effect can be achieved by spending tens of millions in an advertising agency?

Liu Hong looked at Jia Weiping with a smile and asked, "What do you think?"

Jia Weiping had obviously thought about it a long time ago.

He smiled and said: "I think we can agree to it, since we are not the ones subsidizing it with money."

The matter of Blue Star Electronics entering the e-commerce platform was actually discussed at a high-level meeting within the company.


With the development of the times, it will be necessary for Blue Star Electronics to open flagship stores on e-commerce platforms in the future.

Because smartphones are becoming more and more powerful, people are becoming more and more accepting of online shopping.

In another three to five years, I'm afraid online shopping will become a part of everyone's daily life.

Whether it is online shopping for daily necessities or consumer electronics, it will become the norm.


The company has no objection to Blue Star Electronics entering the e-commerce platform.


At present, the company's strategic focus has begun to shift domestically.

After agreeing to cooperate with Ali, the half-price promotion on Double Eleven can also further open up the domestic market, which is a win-win situation.

"Director Lu said at a previous meeting that it was inevitable for us to enter the e-commerce platform."

"It's not too early to settle in Tianmiao Mall now."

Having said this, Liu Hong paused and then stretched out five fingers.

"You replied to Ali's people, we agree to cooperate."

"But if you want to take advantage of our popularity, you have to pay more!"

"We want a subsidy of 500 million yuan, and we will only provide 100,000 16GB version devices, so there is no room for bargaining."

"At the same time, we also need to clearly inform consumers that our half-price promotion is not the result of our price reduction, but the result of Ali actively subsidizing our company. The retail price of the product itself is still 4,099 yuan, not 2,049 yuan. .


As the company's COO, Liu Hong has the right to directly make decisions on such matters.

Because Lu Yi basically doesn't care about this.

Unless it is a major strategic decision for the company, he can make decisions on things like these himself.

"Mr. Liu, 500 million? Could it be..." Jia Weiping frowned and looked at Liu Hong.

According to the official retail price of 100,000 units of 16GB Pinnacle 4, that is about 400 million.

Liu Hong actually asked for 500 million, so he might as well go to an offline store and buy 100,000 units, and save 100 million.

Liu Hong knew what Jia Weiping meant and said with a smile: "Ali wants to ride on our popularity, but it can't be in vain. 500 million is very cheap!"

“Which company is as popular as us now?”

"If Tianmiao Mall wants to become an instant hit and establish a firm foothold, they have to spend a lot of money outside. It may not be as effective as riding on our popularity."

"So, 500 million yuan is not a loss for them at all. I don't think it is less."

Liu Hong is not a fool.

Although Ali’s teacher Ma is very familiar with Lu Yi.

Future Group is the major shareholder of Ali Group.

But favors are favors, business is business, and brothers have to settle accounts clearly.

If you want to take advantage of my heat, you can!

But Bai Piao, isn’t that bad?

With 500 million, Ahri will never suffer a loss or be cheated. .

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