Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1076 As Soon As The News Came Out, The Fishing Boat Exploded

October 15th.

Domestic hot news was suddenly flooded with information that Blue Star Electronics has entered Tianmiao Mall and will participate in the Double Eleven Shopping Festival.

A large number of news media platforms such as Sohu News, Wangyi News, Squirrel News, Titanium Media, and Today's News, which received public relations fees from Ali, have conducted extensive reports on this.

In an instant.

Domestic fishing boats exploded immediately.

To know.

The current hot topic on the Internet at home and abroad is definitely the news related to Pinnacle 4.


Suddenly, the news broke that on November 11th, Tianshangmiao could enjoy a 50% discount on online shopping for the Peak 4 mobile phone. This was like fueling the fire, triggering a fishing frenzy among the majority of netizens.

On Weibo platform, Tianya Forum, Tieba and other social media platforms, related topics directly rushed to the top of the hot list.

"Oh my god? Is this news really fake? Is it true that you can buy Peak 4 at 50% off at Tianmiao Mall during Double Eleven?"

"It should be true. Many online news media platforms have reported it. Such a large-scale report cannot be false."

"Ali's official Weibo account has issued a post confirming that on Double Eleven, you can buy Pinnacle 4 at 50% off on Tianmiao Mall. The quantity is only 100,000 units, and they are all 16GB models."

"As soon as this news comes out, needless to say, on the day of Double Eleven, Tianmiao Mall's website will probably be overwhelmed by everyone.

"I'm lost! What's going on? Tianmiao Mall has a 50% discount on Double 11, so will the Dingfeng Direct Store also offer half price?"

"That's right! If that's true, why don't you go to the direct-operated store to buy some? Wait a month and go to Tianmiao Mall to buy it at a 50% discount?"

"Blue Star Electronics' Weibo account also posted a message, confirming that Pinnacle mobile phones will be stationed in Tianmiao Mall and participate in this Double Eleven Shopping Festival. Blue Star Electronics said here that this time Tianmiao Mall will buy it at a 50% discount The Pinnacle 4 event is a price difference subsidy provided by Ali Group to Blue Star Electronics, and the market retail price is still 4,099 yuan."

"In other words, each Peak 4 unit in Tianmiao Mall sells for 2,049 yuan, but Ali has to give an additional subsidy of 2,050 yuan to Blue Star Electronics for each unit. For 100,000 units,

Ahri will give Blue Star Electronics a subsidy of more than 200 million yuan!"

"I just said that it is impossible for Blue Star Electronics to do a loss-making business! After all, with the current popularity of Apex 4, there is no need to rely on this kind of promotion method. The supply itself is in short supply.

"Obviously, Ahri probably saw the popularity of Peak 4, so he wanted to take advantage of the popularity of Peak 4, so he made such a move."

"I won't say anything else. I'm going to change the network at home. Does anyone know which one has faster network speed? China Unicom, China Mobile or China Railcom?"


Ali Group and Blue Star Electronics have successively published articles on their official Weibo accounts to confirm the accuracy of the news.

The topic has become more popular.

Even the extended topics such as ‘Which company has faster Internet speed’ have directly entered the top ten hot searches.


In order to succeed in shopping on Double Eleven, everyone is working hard.

Everyone understands.

The 100,000 units of 16GB Pinnacle 4 in Tianmiao Mall are a situation where there are more wolves and less meat.

Make sure you can successfully grab a half-price Peak 4 on Double Eleven.

Not only does it require the hand speed of a person who has been single for 30 years, but it also requires the cooperation of Internet speed.

The faster your home Internet speed is, the higher your success rate will be.

It’s not just ordinary netizens who are discussing related topics.

Relevant people in the industry were also shocked by this news.

Even quickly.

Some big names in the industry have inquired about the specific details of the cooperation.

Ahri is also trying its best to take advantage of the traffic of Peak 4 and make its Tianmiao mall famous in one fell swoop.

A direct subsidy of 500 million was given to Blue Star Electronics!

Tsk tsk~

This gesture is really big.

Everyone can basically figure it out quickly.

According to the market price, 100,000 Peak 4 units are worth about 400 million.

But Ali directly subsidized 500 million yuan.

If you take this 500 million yuan subsidy and buy a Peak 4 at a Peak directly-operated store, you can buy 120,000 Peak 4 units.


Another news came out.

It is said that Ali was first prepared to give Blue Star Electronics a subsidy of 300 million yuan, but Blue Star Electronics did not agree and increased the price to 500 million yuan.

Ahri held a two-day meeting and finally agreed to the 500 million subsidy amount offered by Blue Star Electronics.

Industry bosses are once again in an uproar.


The subsidy amount of 500 million | is still the result of Blue Star Electronics’ price increase.

Blue Star Electronics is really making money this time.

think about it.

100,000 Peak 4 units can be sold for 200 million in Tianmiao Mall, plus the 500 million subsidy from Ali, the total is 700 million.

And what is the total market value of 100,000 Peak 4 units?

A little over 400 million.

That is to say.

Blue Star Electronics made a huge profit of 300 million directly from Ali Group.

This money is so easy and satisfying to earn.

All the industry leaders were stunned.

"Ahri has really become a major figure this time."

"You can't say that, it's a matter of your own free will.

"You are looking at things too superficially! How smart is Mr. Ma to do a loss-making business? Think about it, what are the hot topics at home and abroad now? It is the new Peak 4 released by Blue Star Electronics. Tianmiao Mall has just been established Not long after, I needed to fight a good fight to prove myself. Riding on the popularity of Apex 4 was definitely the wisest move. It can be said that this time the cooperation between the two parties, whether it is Blue Star Electronics or Ahri, has made a lot of money. .One earned 300 million in extra money, and the other 693 earned huge user traffic.”

"Let's see, by the time Double Eleven comes around, I suspect that Tianmiao Mall will be overwhelmed by users."

"This move is much more effective than Ahri spending hundreds of millions on various publicity and advertising. Ahri Group will definitely not lose money!"

A number of industry leaders also discussed this issue and expressed their opinions.

Everyone agreed.

Although Ahri spent 500 million here, it seems that he was wronged.

But in reality.

This 500 million is well spent and will definitely not be a loss.

at the same time.

Everyone had to admire Zhang Yong's idea of ​​inviting Blue Star Electronics to Tianmiao Mall.

It’s no wonder that just two years after Zhang Yong landed at Ali Group, he was entrusted with various important tasks by Teacher Ma and trained as his successor. It’s not without reason.

This little brain works really fast.


Why didn’t Ali’s competitors think of inviting Blue Star Electronics to their own platforms?

after all.

The Double Eleven Shopping Festival has been held twice, and the feedback has been pretty good.

Now the Double Eleven Shopping Festival is no longer just a carnival for Taobao, but also a carnival for the entire domestic e-commerce platform.

Like Jingdong Mall.

This year, I am also preparing to take advantage of the popularity of Double Eleven, participate in this shopping carnival, and prepare to divert Ali's Liuhuang. .

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