Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1077 The Strong Man Breaks His Leg


Jingdong Headquarters.

CEO office.

Liu Qiangdong frowned while looking at the hot news on the Internet.

He felt a little regretful in his heart.

Why didn't I think of bringing Blue Star Electronics to Jingdong Mall first?


I have brought Blue Star Electronics here, and during this year's Double Eleven Shopping Festival, I will have a 50% off discount on Peak 4.

With this move, he can definitely steal Ahri's light and become the most dazzling cub.

The subsidy amount of 500 million yuan is very difficult for Jingdong.

But Liu Qiangdong believed it.

As long as I submit this plan to the board of directors, those directors will definitely pass it unanimously.


The capital institutions behind these directors will also generously provide themselves with money.

after all.

This is an excellent opportunity to grow Jingdong Mall.

What a pity. What a pity.

Jingdong didn't think of this move.


Liu Qiangdong had actually thought of it, but it was a step too late.

On their Jingdong side, they are planning to hold a Jingdong Carnival to rival Ali’s Double Eleven Shopping Festival on June 18 next year, which is Jingdong’s store anniversary.

He planned to drag Blue Star Electronics to Jingdong Mall to stand on the platform during the first Jingdong Carnival.


Ahri got there first.

Ahri, in order to make Tianmiao Mall a hit, decided to provide a subsidy of 500 million yuan.

This time.

Tianmiao Mall really became an instant hit.

at the same time.

I am afraid that more 3C companies will enter Tianmiao Mall.

after all.

The influence of Blue Star Electronics' presence in Tianmiao Mall is too great.

It will bring at least tens of millions of new traffic to Tianmiao Mall.

Will those users who have not grabbed Pinnacle 4 directly buy other consumer electronic products on Tianmiao Mall?

It's completely possible.

Think of this.

Liu Qiangdong frowned even more tightly.

Buy 3C and go to Beijing.

This slogan has almost become a consensus.

But now.

Tianmiao's appearance here is to give consumers an impression that they can also go to Tianmiao Mall to buy 3C products.

This is a blatant attempt to steal your own business.

You have to find a way to deal with it!


Jingdong users have to go to Tianmiao Mall.


Liu Qiangdong asked his assistant to notify director-level executives to hold a meeting.

10 minutes later.

In the conference room.

Liu Qiangdong sat in the front seat, his eyes were serious, and he said in a solemn tone: "Ari and Blue Star Electronics have reached a cooperation, and Peak 4 will participate in the Double Eleven Shopping Festival. Everyone knows the news, right~.?"

Everyone present nodded.

This news is all over the screen now.

It has even spread abroad, causing a lot of heated discussion overseas.

They are Ahri's competitors, how could they not pay attention to their opponents' every move.

"Let's talk about what everyone thinks." Liu Qiangdong said.

A director immediately said: "Obviously, Ahri saw the popularity of Peak 4, so they spent 500 million to ride on the popularity of Blue Star Electronics.

"Ahri's operation will undoubtedly bring terrible traffic to Tianmiao Mall." Another director said.

"Ali's Teacher Ma has to be said to be a ruthless person. It's equivalent to spending 300 million for advertising. But the advertising effect is definitely worth every penny."

"Tianmiao Mall was separated from Taobao at the end of last year and was renamed Tianmiao at the beginning of the year. It has not yet established a stable foundation. The 500 million from Ahri came out to gain popularity. It is obvious that they want to use this to make Tianmiao Mall famous in one fell swoop."

"Whether Blue Star Electronics enters Tianmiao Mall or not, it won't have any impact on itself, because their Pinnacle 4 is so popular right now, and they don't have to worry about selling it. Ahri, on the other hand, needs to take advantage of the popularity of Pinnacle 4 to attract Tianmiao. The mall has established a firm foothold and gained a reputation, which I have to say is a good move."

The executives attending the meeting expressed their opinions one after another.

Wait until everyone has said it is almost done.

Liu Qiangdong said: "In addition to what you said above, I also saw one thing, that is, Ali is probably going to get involved in the 3C product field. With the influence of Blue Star Electronics, some other electronic product merchants, It is bound to follow the trend and settle in Tianmiao Mall, which will have a huge impact on our platform.

“Everyone knows that our Jingdong Mall is based on 3C products.

"It has become a consensus among consumers to buy 3C products and go to Beijing."

"But what now?"

"Bluestar Electronics has settled in Tianmiao Mall. It is the leader in the field of high-end smartphones. In the future, it will replace Nokia as the leader in the mobile phone industry. This will create a demonstration effect."

Liu Qiangdong's words made everyone in the meeting couldn't help but nod.

Because this is by no means alarmist.

"Everyone should use their brains to think about how we should face the impact from Tianmiao Mall and stabilize our basic market." Liu Qiangdong looked around the crowd and said.

"Mr. Liu, since Ahri can cooperate with Blue Star Electronics, our Jingdong Mall can do the same." A vice president said with a smile, "Ari has produced 100,000 Pinnacle 4 mobile phones and subsidized 5 100 million. Our Jingdong is not as big as Ahri, so we can be smaller and build 30,000 to 50,000 units, and subsidize Blue Star Electronics 2 to 3 billion. I think Blue Star Electronics will agree."

"I agree with Mr. Lin's opinion. This money is like free money to Blue Star Electronics. There is no reason for them to pay for it." A director agreed.

"Ali has a 50% discount, and the price is 2,049 yuan per unit. We can lower the price even further and price it at 2,000 yuan per unit." Another director put forward his own idea.


The best remedy is to also cooperate with Blue Star Electronics.

Don’t wait until next year’s 618 Carnival.


This year's Double Eleven, Jingdong will be overwhelmed by Tianmiao Mall.


Liu Qiangdong made the decision and followed suit.

You Ahli can reach cooperation with Blue Star Electronics, but there is no reason why I, Jingdong, can't. (Qian Li’s)


I here at Jingdong will also set the price 49 yuan lower than you at Tianmiao, which will put you at a disadvantage.

After the meeting.

Jingdong immediately contacted Jia Weiping.

With similar ideas to Jingdong, there is Vipshop Huisong, which was only established in August 2008.

Shen Ya, the head of Vipshop, almost had his brains removed after seeing the news.

As a new e-commerce platform that has only been established for a year, it is the time when it needs a big firecracker to make itself famous.

Why didn’t I think of cooperating with Blue Star Electronics?

Peak is definitely a super big brand, which is exactly what Vipshop needs.

It’s not just Shen Ya from Vipshop.

Yu Gang from No. 2 Store, the person in charge of and other e-commerce platforms all felt regretful and quickly took measures to remedy the situation.

This heat is not in vain.

Although you have to spend money to get it, you really won’t lose any money. .

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