Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1078 Isn’T It Just Three To Five Billion? I’Ll Bring Back Double The Amount In The Future.

The news quickly spread online, attracting direct attention from both inside and outside the industry.

The most excited ones are naturally the ordinary domestic consumers.

Half-price promotion, such a good thing, is not so easy to catch up with.

If Tianmiao Mall hadn't just been established not long ago, it would be in urgent need of a big firecracker to make it famous.

It is absolutely impossible for Ahri to spend 500 million to increase the popularity of Peak 4.

It is precisely because of the demand of Tianmiao Mall that consumers have caught up with such a golden opportunity.

By paying half of the money, you can take home the latest Pinnacle 4.

Ordinary consumers were very excited about this, shouting that Ali is a company with a conscience.

Ahri's competitors responded very quickly.

After the emergency meeting, I immediately contacted Blue Star Electronics and was willing to spend money to subsidize it, just asking Blue Star Electronics to enter its own e-commerce platform.

It doesn't matter if you can't get the first one, as long as you can invite Blue Star Electronics.


In the eyes of e-commerce platforms such as Jingdong and Vipshop, this money is like picking up money for free, and Blue Star Electronics will never refuse.

Blue Star Electronics refused this time.

The reasons given left Jingdong, Vipshop and others helpless.

Because Blue Star Electronics has agreed that in the next three years, it will only open a flagship store on Tianmiao Mall.

This is also the only condition for Ahri to agree to increase the money.


Ahri also thought about 333. Once the news of their cooperation with Blue Star Electronics spreads, those competitors will definitely follow suit.

This way.

Then the effect you want to achieve by spending money on subsidies will be greatly reduced.

Don’t you, Blue Star Electronics, ask for 500 million yuan?


Our Ahri agreed.


You, Blue Star Electronics, also have to meet one of my conditions.

That is, within the next three years, flagship stores are not allowed to be opened on other e-commerce platforms.

Originally, Ahri wanted to lock in five years.

But he was immediately beaten back by Liu Hong.

The maximum period is three years. If you don’t agree, you will be pulled.

Faced with the strong Blue Star Electronics, Ahri had no choice but to agree.

Just three years.

Three years is enough time for our company to make Tianmiao Mall bigger and stronger, and widen the gap with its competitors.


It also directly stopped competitors from trying to steal the limelight from themselves during this year’s Double Eleven Shopping Festival.

In one sentence: I, Ahri, have already predicted you!


Jingdong Headquarters.

Liu Qiangdong's office.


"Blue Star Electronics rejected our request for cooperation?"

"What's the reason?"

After hearing the report from his subordinates, Liu Qiangdong jumped up from the boss' chair with a look of disbelief on his face.

I took the initiative to send money to Blue Star Electronics, but was rejected?

Are there any such fools in the world?

Although their actions were not as generous as Ahri's.

But it’s not a lot.

Subsidy Blue Star Electronics 300 million, and Blue Star Electronics will provide Jingdong with 50,000 Pinnacle 4 units.

This is better than Ahri's conditions.

Liu Qiangdong added: "Is it because we asked for a price of 2,000 yuan and they didn't agree?"

The man replied: "It's not because of these reasons. The reason Blue Star Electronics responded to us is that they have signed an agreement with Ahri, agreeing that in the next three years, they will not be allowed to sell electronic products in any e-commerce store other than Tianmiao Mall in the next three years. Open a flagship store on the shopping platform.”

When Liu Qiangdong heard this, he punched the desk hard.

"Damn it!"

"Ahri must have predicted that we would follow suit, so they immediately cut off our escape route!"

"Damn it!"

Liu Qiangdong said angrily.

There was deep regret in his words.

He did not doubt the reasons given by Blue Star Electronics for refusing to cooperate.

Because other than that, there is no reason to refuse at all.

If you put this kind of free money thing on yourself, if you hadn't signed an exclusive agreement with Ahri, you would definitely be happy to cooperate with other platforms.

I am afraid.

Blue Star Electronics is also very regretful at this moment.

I regret signing such an exclusive agreement with Ahri.


At this moment, Liu Qiangdong was really regretful.

Why didn't I strike first?

Why do we have to wait until 618 next year?

it's good now.

Just beat the chicken (cifj) and fly the egg.

Don’t talk about next year’s 618 Carnival.

In the next three years, they will not be able to cooperate with Blue Star Electronics.

This will be a huge blow to Jingdong Mall.

The reason why Ahri wants to sign an exclusive agreement with Blue Star Electronics.

I am afraid that these three years of exclusive cooperation with Blue Star Electronics will make Tianmiao Mall bigger and stronger, and completely widen the gap with competitors like them.


Vipshop Summary Department

Shen Ya hung up the phone and slumped down on the boss's chair.

"Damn it, Ahri is so abominable!"

"This is not going to give us any chance to surpass!"


Shen Ya cursed weakly.

He never expected that Ah Li had predicted their actions.

They directly signed an exclusive agreement with Blue Star Electronics, blocking their way.

Not only Jingdong, Vipshop, but also other e-commerce platforms such as No. 2 Store and learned that Blue Star Electronics rejected their request for cooperation and learned the reasons.

They were all yelling at Ahri from a distance.

Scolding Teacher Ma is simply unbecoming of a human being.

But they had no other choice but to curse.

Who didn't think of it before?

As a result, I saw Ahri taking action and wanted to follow suit.

It's just that Ah Li directly cut off their way forward and gave them a gift without even thinking about it.

Blue Star Electronics.

Liu Hong's office.

Jia Weiping is here again.

He received several calls from big bosses today, all requesting cooperation with Blue Star Electronics.

Even the conditions offered by Jingdong and Vipshop are better than those offered by Ali.

But it's a pity.

Since they had signed an exclusive cooperation agreement with Ahri, they had no choice but to decline.

"Mr. Liu, I didn't expect that as soon as the news spread, e-commerce platforms such as Jingdong, Vipshop, and couldn't sit still and asked to cooperate with us.

"It's a pity that we signed an agreement with Ahri, so we can only refuse them."

"It's a lot of losses."

Jia Weiping sighed.

If we reach cooperation agreements with Jingdong and Vipshop.

Then Blue Star Electronics can pick up hundreds of millions for nothing.


I could only watch helplessly as hundreds of millions were there on the ground, but I couldn't bend down to pick them up.

Liu Hong heard this and said with a smile: "Why, do you regret it?"

Jia Weiping nodded and said: "A bit! After all, if these parties are added together, we can't pick up three to five billion in vain.

Liu Hong said with a smile: "At this stage, it is enough for us to open a flagship store on Tianmiao Mall. If we open more, it will be a bit overwhelming."

"As long as Tianmiao Mall, relying on the influence of our pinnacle brand, can become bigger and stronger."

"Three years later, the exclusive cooperation agreement with Ahri will be terminated."

"You see, e-commerce platforms such as Jingdong and Vipshop rush to the meeting to ask for cooperation, and the conditions they offer will be better."

"Now, let the bullets fly for a while."

"It's just three to five billion, it's nothing. I can just double it back in the future."

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