Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1079 Teacher Ma: It’S Money Well Spent! Real Value!

After the news fermented on the Internet for seven or eight hours.

The staff inside Ahri were excited.


The traffic of Tianmiao Mall suddenly soared explosively that night.


The website was overwhelmed by the sudden surge in traffic, and it took about ten minutes for the website to be down before it returned to normal.

It’s not just visits.

There has also been a surge in the number of users registering Taobao accounts and opening Zhifubao accounts.

at the same time.

Campus websites, Weibo, WeChat, Tieba and other online social media platforms are also discussing this matter crazily.

The keyword entry #2049 yuan can buy Pinnacle 4 mobile phone# has also been soaring in popularity on Jiso Search, Qiandu Search, Weibo and other platforms.


Ahri headquarters.

Although it is already nine o'clock in the evening.

But the entire Ahri headquarters was still brightly lit.

It’s not just regular employees who are working overtime.

A group of senior executives are also working overtime and having meetings.

“Starting from this afternoon, the number of visits to Tianmiao Mall has been ten times the usual number of visits.

"My God, the current popularity of Apex 4 is really incredible. The effect is immediate."

In the conference room.

Zhang Yong couldn't help but said.

It can be seen that the corners of his mouth are upturned, and he cannot hide the joy in his heart.

All the Ari executives present at the meeting couldn't help but smack their lips when they heard Zhang Yong's words.

They naturally know how terrifying the number of visits to Tianmiao Mall today was.

Because of the surge in traffic, Tianmiao Mall was knocked down for about ten minutes without even having time to prepare.

to this end.

The person in charge of the relevant department was first called to the office by Zhang Yong and scolded.

Later, Teacher Ma, who learned the news, called him to the office and scolded him.


Although it was down for ten minutes today, the impact was very bad.

But luckily it didn't go down on Double Eleven. Otherwise, the 500 million that Ahri spent would have been wasted because the website was down.

Now that the problem has arisen.


There is still a month to resolve.

at the same time.

It can be considered that Ahri has been vaccinated from top to bottom.

It’s not even Double Eleven yet, and everyone is so enthusiastic.

You can imagine how much traffic will come to Tianmiao Mall on Double Eleven.

An executive who attended the meeting said with emotion: "Before, I thought that we spent 500 million this time, which was a waste of money and was taken advantage of. Now it seems that I am still in a small position. This is far from Double Eleven." There is still a month to go, but everyone is so enthusiastic, I can’t imagine how explosive the number of visits to Tianmiao Mall will be on Double Eleven!”

"Old Liu is right! With this effect, an advertising campaign worth 300 to 500 million yuan will never be able to achieve it." Another executive said with a smile on his face. You can even see the smile on the other person's face because he was holding back his laughter. Pleated.

"Not only has the number of visits increased tenfold, but the number of users who have registered Taobao accounts and opened Zhifubao accounts has also increased two or three times today." said a director in charge of logistics operation and maintenance.

He can see the number of new users of the website, the number of newly registered users and other data at the first time.

Naturally, I know.

How many new users have registered Taobao accounts today?

"Obviously, many consumers were still skeptical about online shopping before. But they couldn't resist the half-price price of Pinnacle 4, so they registered Taobao accounts, opened Fortune Treasures, and Xishuangyi was preparing." A deputy He said with a smile, always in a good mood.

Teacher Ma said: "It cost me 500 million to invite the giant Buddha of Blue Star Electronics into our home!"


Teacher Ma stretched out his right hand and spread his fingers, making a look of great pain.

But immediately.

He said with a smile that changed his face in Sichuan Opera: "But judging from the current results, the expenditure of this money is not an injustice, and we are not a big injustice!"

"Although it is indeed very painful, I am happy with the pain. What I am most afraid of is that the pain will not be effective."

"But obviously, this worry is unnecessary."

“It’s money well spent! It’s worth it!”

After hearing what Teacher Ma said, everyone became more and more excited.

For Internet companies, it is self-evident how important traffic is.

Because today.

When the traffic of Tianmiao Mall exploded, the traffic attracted generated extremely considerable monetization capabilities on the same day.

The number of online shopping transactions was nearly 20,000 higher than yesterday.

If nothing unexpected happens, Tianmiao Mall’s transaction volume today can exceed one million.

This will also be the tenth time since the establishment of Tianmiao Mall that the transaction volume has exceeded one million!

And those netizens who have never heard of Tianmiao Mall before, must be very familiar with Tianmiao Mall under today's popularity.

The popularity of Tianmiao Mall was quickly achieved today.

Senior executives like them can definitely have a good sleep tonight.

Another person laughed and said: "I heard that today Jingdong Mall, Vipshop and other platforms contacted Blue Star Electronics, wanting to learn from us and reach cooperation with Blue Star Electronics. Hey, they didn't expect that we predicted Their actions directly blocked this road."

"You can imagine the expressions of Shen Ya, Yu Gang and others after they were refused cooperation by Blue Star Electronics, hehe. 11

"I'm afraid Blue Star Electronics will regret it when they see platforms like Jingdong and Vipshop asking for cooperation."

…………Please give me flowers…

"Fortunately, we have signed an exclusive cooperation agreement with Blue Star Electronics. Otherwise, if competitors like Jingdong Mall follow suit, they will definitely take away a large amount of our traffic on Double Eleven."

"It's a pity that we only signed an exclusive cooperation agreement with Blue Star Electronics for three years. If we signed it for ten or eight years, our position would definitely be untouchable."

"Ten and eight years are unrealistic. Why didn't Blue Star Electronics just reject our proposal of five years? In the final analysis, we still need the fame and popularity of Pinnacle mobile phones to be at a disadvantage.

"There is no way, who made Pinnacle 4 an epoch-making high-end smartphone?"

Everyone present at the meeting was talking about it.

can be seen.

Everyone's face is full of smiles.

At this time.

Zhang Yong spoke again and said: "By the way, General Manager Guo Pinguo of the flower factory contacted me today and expressed his intention to cooperate with us."


Teacher Ma was not surprised at all when he heard this.

He smiled and said: "Flower Factory has been following Future Group and Blue Star Electronics in recent years. Now that Dingfeng has settled in our Tianmiao Mall, Flower Factory has also followed up immediately, which is not surprising. "

"Look, there will be a large number of mobile phone manufacturers later, and they will also seek to cooperate with us."

"In negotiations with Blue Star Electronics, we are at a disadvantage. But in cooperation with other mobile phone manufacturers, we are at an advantage.

Zhang Yong then asked: "When negotiating with these manufacturers, do we require them to sign an exclusive cooperation agreement?"

Teacher Ma shook his head and said: "No! We will not give them cooperation conditions like Blue Star Electronics. Naturally, we cannot ask them to cooperate exclusively with us, and these manufacturers will never agree."

"If we really offend all these manufacturers and go to Jingdong to open flagship stores, it will be detrimental to us."

“For Tianmiao Mall’s 3C products, we need not only high-end brands like Dingfeng Mobile, but also mid-to-low-end brands such as Huaban, Rice, BYD, Kupi, and Weiwo.

"After all, not everyone can afford a top-notch mobile phone priced at RMB 4,099. The vast majority of consumers can only afford mid- to low-end mobile phone brands priced at RMB 1,000 or 2,000."

Zhang Yong nodded when he heard this, and gave up the idea of ​​exclusive cooperation with other mobile phone manufacturers.

If Tianmiao Mall wants to be bigger and stronger, it must be complete in terms of products, including low, medium and high.

Otherwise, what should we do if there is only one high-end mobile phone brand called Dingfeng Mobile and most consumers who can only afford low-end mobile phone brands?

Should we drive these users away from our competitors?

This is obviously not a wise move. .

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