Ahri's senior management can finally have a peaceful sleep tonight.

If more than 500 million yuan is spent and things don't go as expected, it will be very damaging to morale.


This kind of worry can be said goodbye tonight.

As a world-renowned high-end brand, Dingfeng has its own terrifying traffic.

At present, it has almost no popularity in the country.

I am afraid.

Only the Future Group can suppress it.

But in the field of consumer electronics, Blue Star Electronics really has no rivals. In the past, there were still flower factories to compete with.

but now.

Blue Star Electronics has surpassed the flower factory and become the absolute number one brand in China.

Today's internal management at Ahri is indeed inspiring.

Inspired by the brand effect of Blue Star Electronics, the flower factory immediately followed suit and expressed its intention to cooperate.


The flower factory will definitely not be the last "537".


At Tianmiao Mall, they only need to open the door, and the big-name brand merchants will automatically come to the door.

This is the follow-up effect brought about by top brands.

For other brand merchants, even internationally renowned super brands such as Blue Star Electronics come to Tianmiao Mall, and they do not mind the price reduction.

What else can other merchants say?

Could they still be better than Blue Star Electronics?

at the same time.

Reflected on the stock market.

Ali Baba Network Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Ali Group, saw its share price rise on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

However, the increase today is not much.

Because it was late in the trading, a large amount of money suddenly entered the market and pushed up the stock price.

The reason.

It's also very simple.

The news began to ferment in the afternoon.

By the time everyone noticed, the stock market in Xiangjiang was about to close.

There were smart capital institutions that rushed in a sum of money before the market closed, which was not much.

no doubt.

As the news fermented.

Driven by emotions, the stock price of Ali Baba Network Co., Ltd. will inevitably skyrocket tomorrow.

No one was able to grab the chips in advance today, and there will probably be a frantic scramble for chips tomorrow.

October 16th.

Magic City.

Loongson International Headquarters.

A group of senior executives, led by Zhang Rujin, had been waiting at the entrance of the company early.

Because today the company will welcome two distinguished guests.


An Audi A6 parked at the gate of Loongson International.

The next second, Mr. Ren, the head of the flower factory, stepped out of the car.

Seeing this, Zhang Rujin hurried forward to greet him and said with a smile on his face: "Mr. Ren, I have been looking up to you for a long time. Welcome~"

Mr. Ren also stretched out his hand to hold with Zhang Rujin, and said with a smile: "Dr. Zhang, I have admired your name for a long time, and I finally met you today."

Just as the two technology giants were exchanging pleasantries, another car arrived in front of the gate.


Lu Yi got out of the car.

Whether it was Zhang Rujin or Mr. Ren, when they saw Lu Yi arriving, they all stepped forward to say hello.

Although they are old enough to be Lu Yi's grandfather.

But they really don't have the strength to show grandpa's reputation in front of Lu Yi.

Lu Yi took the initiative to step forward and greeted with a smile: "Mr. Ren, Dr. Zhang, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for so long."

"Director Lu, I have just arrived." Mr. Ren said with a smile.

The three of them exchanged pleasantries at the company gate, and then were invited into the company by Zhang Rujin.

at the same time

The scene where Lu Yi, Mr. Ren, and Zhang Rujin shook hands and exchanged greetings at the gate of Loongson International was also captured by the paparazzi stationed outside.

This made the paparazzi excited.

Big news.

At the beginning of October, the news that Lu Yi suddenly appeared at the headquarters of Loongson International caused a stir in the industry.

Everyone even speculated that Lu Yi appeared at Loongson International at that time, and Zhang Rujin was smiling when he sent Lu Yi out. This should mean that the two parties had reached an intention to cooperate.

after all.

Loongson International is currently facing a lawsuit against Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., and America is about to make a ruling.

And the result.

Everyone thinks that Loongson International will lose the lawsuit and face sky-high compensation.

In the past few years, Loongson International has been frantically targeted and suppressed by the pro-Jinan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., and its performance has been losing money every year. How can it still come up with a compensation of 1 billion yuan?

But if Lu Yi comes to help, it will be different.

Who doesn’t know that Lu Yi is the richest man in the world and has no shortage of money?


After the relevant news spread.

There was no movement from either Loongson International or Lu Yi.

Everyone thought that the news that circulated at that time was probably false.

but now.....…

This paparazzi was so excited that he was trembling all over.

It’s just that Lu Yi showed up at Loongson International...

Today, even Mr. Ren from the flower factory showed up.

Something big is definitely happening here!

A meeting between three well-known tycoons is very likely to change the pattern of the chip industry!


A VIP room at the Loongson International headquarters.

Lu Yi, Zhang Rujin and Mr. Ren were sitting on the sofa chatting.

The topic of conversation is the newly released Pinnacle 4 by Blue Star Electronics.

Zhang Rujin said with emotion: "Director Lu, your autumn new product launch conference this year was really eye-opening! I have to say that Pinnacle 4 makes me, an old man, very excited."

Lu Yi said with a smile: "If Dr. Zhang likes it, I'll have someone send you ten sets and eight sets of Peak 4 tomorrow."

Zhang Rujin smiled and said: "That's a good gift, it's definitely a good gift for visiting relatives.

Mr. Ren also interjected from the side: "Director Lu, the listener has a share."

The three of them chatted for a while and then got down to business.

The purpose of this tripartite meeting was for Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory to invest in Loongson International.

Mr. Ren first looked at Lu Yi and said with a somewhat serious expression: "Director Lu, you told me before that our domestic lithography machine has made a major technological breakthrough and broke ASML's technology monopoly. You are not lying to me. Bar?"

The reason why Mr. Ren agreed to this tripartite meeting.

It was in early October that Lu Yi called him and revealed the news that domestic lithography machines had made major technological breakthroughs.

The most important reason currently restricting the development of domestic chip semiconductors is the lack of high-end photolithography equipment.

After hanging up the phone, he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Guo Pin, who came to report to work, also regarded the call from Lu Yi as a scam call.

Lu Yi said seriously: "Mr. Ren, I don't dare to joke with you about this! To be honest, domestic lithography machines are currently being debugged at Loongson International. If you are worried, you can go and see with your own eyes."

Mr. Ren immediately said: "That's good, but I don't know if it's convenient for Dr. Zhang.

Ever since Lu Yi told him the news, Mr. Ren has been thinking about it these days.

It was finally time for the three-party meeting today.

Whatever he said, you must see it with your own eyes. Seeing is believing, and it should give yourself reassurance.

Zhang Rujin nodded and said: "Of course there is no problem with this.


Zhang Rujin took Lu Yi and Mr. Ren towards the production workshop. .

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