Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1082 When The News Came Out, Everyone Inside And Outside The Industry Was In An Uproar.

Outside the headquarters of Loongson International.

The paparazzi who photographed the meeting of the three big guys, Lu Yi, Zhang Rujin, and Ren Zhengfei.


I'm asking the newspaper for credit.

"Boss, big news, big news!"

"Do you know who I squatted outside Loongson International?"

"Even if you try hard, you will never guess it!"

The paparazzi looked excited and danced with their hands and feet while talking.

On the phone.

"Did Lu Yi appear at the Loongson International headquarters again?"

Paparazzi: "Only half correct."


Paparazzi: "In addition to the richest man in Lu, this time there is also Mr. Ren Zhengfei from the flower factory!"

Boss: "Hey~ what are you talking about? Mr. Ren from the flower factory also appeared at the Loongson International headquarters? Are you sure you are not joking?"

Paparazzi: "I'm sure and sure!"

Boss: "Okay, okay, Xiao Yu, you have done a great job for our newspaper this time! Have the photos been taken? Don't say you just looked at them, and you didn't even come to take the photos."

Paparazzi: "How can this be possible! Boss, you know me, I am a professional."

Boss: "Okay, okay, please send the photos you took quickly."

After hanging up the phone.

Paparazzi Xiaoyu quickly sent the photo.

Shanghai Stock Exchange.

No. 1100, Yanggao South Road, Pudong New Area.

This is the office of Shanghai Securities News.


Editor Yang Zhengwen received a photo from paparazzi Xiaoyu.

Open it and take a look.

Yang Zhengwen was also very excited inside.

Xiao Yu really didn’t lie to him.

Due to the reporter's keen sense of smell, Yang Zhengwen can be sure that Lu Yi, Ren Zhengfei and Zhang Rujin are definitely planning a big event this time when they meet at the Loongson International headquarters.

In early October, Lu Yi suddenly appeared at the headquarters of Loongson International, attracting widespread attention within and outside the industry.

Due to the current situation of Loongson International, Lu Yi appeared at Loongson International at that time, probably to send warmth.

Just after.

There is no news.


Another wave.

And the most surprising thing is.

This time, it was not just Lu Yi who appeared at Loongson International, but also an unexpected boss - Ren Zhengfei from the flower factory.

This is interesting.

Why did Ren Zhengfei appear at Loongson International?

It’s worth digging into it carefully.

For a moment.

Countless possibilities flashed through Yang Zhengwen's mind.

It would not be too surprising for Lu Yi to appear again at the Loongson International headquarters.

What is surprising is Ren Zhengfei.


Yang Zhengwen relied on his sophisticated writing skills that he had developed over many years to write a relevant report.

There are some specious speculations in it, which are enough to attract the public's curiosity.


It didn't take long.

This report by Yang Zhengwen appeared on the Internet.

One stone stirs up a thousand waves.

The Shanghai Securities News is not a tabloid. It is very well-known in the securities industry.

As soon as the news came out.

It immediately attracted the attention of countless netizens.

"Watt? This time not only the richest man in Lu appeared at the headquarters of Loongson International, but also Mr. Ren from the flower factory. What's going on?"

"Are you sure this picture is not of P?"

"I can understand the appearance of the richest man Lu at the Loongson International headquarters. After all, he went there at the beginning of the month and caused a stir on the Internet. But Ren Zhengfei also appeared at the Loongson International headquarters today. I don't understand why?"

"It's scary to think about it! It's scary to think about it, comrades! Lu Yi, the head of Future Group and Blue Star Electronics, the richest man in the world; Ren Zhengfei, the head of the flower factory. These two people are in the technology industry Well-known boss-level figures, but now they both appear in the troubled and lawsuit-ridden Loongson International, it seems that there is a big move that no one knows about!"

"Actually, it's easy to understand, and there's nothing shocking! Whether it's Blue Star Electronics or Flower Factory, they both need a lot of chips! And the companies that OEM chips for Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory are just like Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. !Although AMC is a Dragon State enterprise, there is a saying that everyone knows who SMC listens to! Therefore, for Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory, those who are truly reliable will not stab you in the back. Apart from Loongson International, there is no other company that can do it by itself! Loongson International is the backstop for Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory, so the two companies must ensure that Loongson International can survive stably and not be suppressed by Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. They can't live anymore. If this really happens, the necks of Blue Star Electronics and Huachang will be pinched in the hands of the leader, which is indirectly equivalent to being pinched in America's hands. "

"What you said above makes sense! In fact, there is no need to read too much into this matter."

"Anyway, the heads of Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory appeared at the headquarters of Loongson International at the same time, so I'm afraid that Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. on the other side of the strait will be unable to sit still.

News spread quickly.

On Weibo, Tianya Forum, Tieba and other major online social platforms, netizens are all discussing this matter.

Both Lu Yi and Ren Zhengfei are well-known big shots in China.


These two big guys are one of the few people in the country who not only don't dislike them, but also like them very much.


Now that Lu Yi and Ren Zhengfei have appeared at Loongson International, which is deeply involved in lawsuits, they have attracted such attention from the Chinese people.

Of course.

It’s not just ordinary netizens who pay attention.

People in the industry also looked over at the first opportunity.

Ordinary people who eat melons really move a small bench to eat melons.


They are different.

Two industry tycoons made a low-key appearance at Loongson International, which is unusual no matter how you look at it.

For a while.

These industry leaders have mobilized their personal connections and resources to find out the inside story.

I think at the beginning of the month, there was news that Blue Star Electronics had invested in Loongson International.

Now it seems.

This news does not seem to be groundless.

Not only that.

It seems that the flower factory also has this meaning.

The noses of capital institutions are more sensitive than the noses of dogs.

Hong Kong stocks.

Loongson International stock.

At the beginning of the month.

Because (Qian's) Lu Yi appeared at the headquarters of Loongson International, stimulated by the news, the stock price of Loongson International was locked up in a small black room several times for reflection.

But they couldn't hold back the enthusiasm of the leeks, and they kept rising and rising.


After that, there is no more.


Loongson International's stock price began to fall like a waterfall.

After all, Yuan.

In the past few years, Loongson International has suffered losses every year.

If the performance is not good, then naturally no investors will be optimistic about it.

The stock price has also been falling from the highest level of 2.55 Hong Kong paper in 2004.

At its lowest point, in November 2008, the stock price fell to 0.11 Hong Kong paper.

At the beginning of the month.

Stimulated by the news, Loongson International's stock price rebounded all the way to 1.01 Hong Kong paper.

but now.

It fell back to the price of 0.55 Hong Kong paper.

If there is no great good news from Loongson International, then the stock price will probably continue to fall. .

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