Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1083 Investing In Loongson International? I Will Never Agree To It!

Following the news from the Shanghai Stock Exchange Securities Journal, it has been fermenting in the country.

More and more news media organizations have reprinted reports from the Shanghai Securities News.

This also directly leads to the Hong Kong stock market.

The stock price of Loongson International, which had been going down all the way, stopped falling and went up in an instant.

Before the leeks could react, they were directly in the sky.

On the other side of the market, there are even large funds frantically buying goods.

When the leeks were watching the stock price of Loongson International skyrocketing.


Well-informed retail investors have learned the latest news about Loongson International.

"Lu Yi and Ren Zhengfei appeared at Loongson International Headquarters?"

"Are the rumors at the beginning of the month true? Not only is Blue Star Electronics going to invest in Loongson International, but also the flower factory?"

"Extraordinary good news! Absolutely huge good news! Not only Blue Star Electronics, but also flower factories. No wonder Loongson International suddenly and violently rose!"

"Damn it! The sudden violent rise of Loongson International shocked me. I just handed over my chips, Xie Te!"

"Charge, charge, charge quickly!"

"This time it is definitely not false news! The source of the news is the Shanghai Securities News, which is a well-known securities newspaper in China. The news is absolutely true!"

For a while.

Leek retail investors, forgetting the severe beatings they had received, ran into the market one after another, frantically grabbing Loongson International's chips.

Close for the day. 790

Loongson International rose 35% and closed at HKD 0.69.

no doubt.

Today's domestic focus is that Lu Yi and Ren Zhengfei appeared at the Loongson International headquarters at the same time, covering up Blue Star Electronics' entry into Tianmiao Mall.

the following few days.

Everyone's focus is on this.

Expressed strong concern about whether Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory will invest in Loongson International.

Industry insiders with well-connected channels also contacted insiders from Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory, hoping to get some tidbits of news from these people.

at the same time.

On the other side of the strait, Chip Semiconductor also learned about the news immediately and expressed strong concern.

Everyone is waiting for the follow-up trend.

at the same time.

Hong Kong stocks here.

On October 16, Loongson International’s share price surged 35%.

The next day, Loongson International's stock price surged higher.

After the stock price touched the Hong Kong paper price of 0.83, it began to fall.


The day ended with a negative two points.

The third day.

Loongson International's stock price continues to fall.


The sharp rise of 35 points on October 16 was caused by short-term hot money operations, and they ran away after one hit.

On the next day, that is, when ciba hit the high point on October 17, short-term hot money had already been cashed out and left the market.


Loongson International's stock price fell back to 0.55 Hong Kong paper, swallowing up the gains on the 16th.

This made the retail investors of Liaocai who rushed in crazily on the 16th but did not rush to reduce their positions on the 17th to cry.


Whether it is hot money or institutions, they are all waiting for exact news.

If no definite news comes out, we can only speculate on short-term sentiment and dare not buy the bottom on a large scale.

no way.

Loongson International's performance is too ugly.

The first three quarters of this year were still in a state of substantial losses.

Analysts from capital institutions predict that Loongson International's losses today will exceed 1 billion yuan, more than twice last year's loss.

With such poor performance, not to mention capital institutions, even retail investors would not dare to rush in.

Who knows how long it will take to get out of the trap?

I didn’t see the peak of Loongson International’s listing in 2004.

The heroes who rushed in during the 2.55 Hong Kong paper are still standing on the top of the mountain blowing the cold wind.


a week later.

There was a rumor going around.

An uncle party source revealed that two companies, Blue Star Electronics and Huachang, are forming negotiation teams.

at the same time.

Loongson International also held a board meeting and voted.

In the end, the minority obeys the majority.

Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory's investment in Loongson International was approved.

As soon as the news came out.

The industry was in an uproar.

at the same time.

Hong Kong stocks here.

Capital institutions seemed to be sharks that smelled blood and began to frantically sweep away chips.

This week comes down.

SMIC's stock price was directly suppressed to the lowest level of 0.38 Hong Kong paper.

This is simply the floor price.

The retail investors who had rushed in before were vomiting blood due to losses, and couldn't bear it any longer, so they all handed over their bloody chips.

Now that these well-informed capital institutions have received the exact information, they are no longer silent and have begun to take action.

Although the news came from my uncle's party.

But capital institutions have their own news channels.

They have confirmed that Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory have indeed formed relevant negotiation teams.

Once the three parties have reached an agreement on this.

Then, with the support of Blue Star Electronics and Huachang, Loongson International will inevitably turn around and play a reversal of the dilemma.

If Loongson International really wants to follow a script of reversing its predicament, then the current stock price, which is less than a Hong Kong paper, will be really good.

No matter what.

Chip semiconductors will be the mainstream track in the next few years.

As the leader of mainland China's wafer foundry, Loongson International has a very bright future, and the pie is big enough and attractive enough.

The agency also believes that Loongson International can definitely get out of the predicament with the help of Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory.

There is no reason not to be optimistic about the future development prospects of Loongson International.


Even if the negotiations between the three parties were not successful in the end, the share purchase fell through.

But at least the news is out now.

These institutions have already entered the market in advance and obtained the cheapest chips.


Before the news comes to light, all that is needed is to continue to stimulate retail investors in Leeks to come in and carry the sedan chair.

Even if the final investment fails, it will be a black swan.

With enough profits, they can also make a lot of money.

If everyone ends happily, then the short-term can be used as the long-term.


It is impossible for these major institutions to lose money.

at the same time.

Lift up this side of Semiconductor.

After hearing the news, I felt very unhappy.

Loongson International is a strong competitor of Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Although Loongson International is limited by its photolithography machines and process technology, its overall strength lags far behind that of China Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.


Zhang Rujin alone cannot be ignored by them.


Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory got involved again.

These people, who regard Loongson International as a piece of fish on the chopping board, are very unhappy and a little scared at the same time.


What should we do if Loongson International, with the support of Bluestar Electronics and Huachang, threatens Semiconductor Manufacturing Company’s position in the industry?

Why do they think that Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. has repeatedly suppressed Loongson International?

Isn't it because before 2005, Loongson International, under the leadership of Zhang Rujin, developed too fast and stole many of their customers, which threatened them, so they took action to rectify Loongson International.

The purpose is to completely defeat Loongson International and make it subject to itself.

but now.

The script seemed to have changed and started to deviate from the planned track.

This is something they and SEMC absolutely cannot agree to!

If it weren't for Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory, they wouldn't be so nervous.

But Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory are among his top five major customers of Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

I don’t even feel nervous now!

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