Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1084: Incompetent And Furious Lifting Of Semiconductor

After everyone pays close attention to it for a week.

Finally, news came out in the market.

Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory have formed a negotiation team, which undoubtedly confirms the rumors that the two have invested in Loongson International.

Although this news was revealed by Uncle Dang.

But there is no smoke without fire.

Then contact the news that Lu Yi and Ren Zhengfei both appeared at the headquarters of Loongson International.

Nine times out of ten.

You can't.

The two big guys, Lu Yi and Ren Zhengfei, have nothing to do, so they went to the Loongson International Headquarters for a trip.


Insiders at Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory were asked about this matter during interviews with media reporters.

The two relevant people did not answer in a very affirmative tone, but just said that there seemed to be such a thing, and it was inconvenient to disclose the specific circumstances.


First, it seems, indicating uncertainty.

Then he said it was inconvenient to disclose, saying that it was indeed true.


If there was no such thing, why would I say it was inconvenient to disclose it?

Really hammered!

It’s official!

For a while.

The market is agitated.

The news also directly hit the hot searches.

"I have to say that these two insiders who were interviewed by the media are indeed masters of the game. They seem to be inconvenient to disclose and are inconsistent. However, these inconsistent words have really hit the two companies. Matters regarding the investment in Loongson International.”

"The correct answer upstairs. In fact, there is no need to waste your brains to guess this matter. The richest man Lu and Mr. Ren both appeared at Loongson International. It is impossible for the two of them to lose their fun."

"We ordinary people's day is home, company, home, two o'clock and one line. The big boss's day is either in meetings or on the way to meetings. How can we have so much time to play? If we really think that people can succeed, it's It’s just for fun.”

"As soon as the news came out, Hong Kong stocks, Loongson International's stocks were really irritable. Friends who bought the bottom of the Hong Kong paper at 0.38 a week ago are now making a lot of money."

"I am a poor person who stood guard on the top of the Hong Kong paper on February 5, 2004. Now I finally see hope of getting out of my trap!"

“I don’t know what Wanwan’s reaction will be to Li Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. This news is not good news for Li Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. w

Domestic netizens are discussing this a lot.

Not just domestically.

The news also spread abroad, attracting many netizens and industry insiders to discuss.

after all.

This involves Blue Star Electronics, Huachang, and Loongson Semiconductor Manufacturing.

The four companies are all internationally renowned companies and have huge influence in the industry.


Elevate the Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. headquarters building.

In the conference room.

The senior executives attending the meeting were sitting upright.

The atmosphere in the conference room seemed very solemn.

can be seen.

Most people's eyes were filled with anger.

The reason why they were angry was not because of anything else, but because Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory wanted to invest in Loongson International.

The fish that was clearly placed on his chopping board was about to go into his mouth, but it suddenly flew away.

from a week ago.

News came out from the mainland that Lu Yi and Ren Zhengfei appeared at the headquarters of Loongson International, and they paid great attention to Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Whether it is Blue Star Electronics or Flower Factory, they are all their major customers for Semiconductor Manufacturing Company.

Results now.

Your own big customers should support your competitors.


Extremely angry!

They really wanted to call Lu Yi and Ren Zhengfei directly to ask them what they wanted to do.

Zhang Zhongmou's eyes also kept flashing with irrepressible anger.

He looked around at the crowd and said coldly: "Everyone, let's talk."

Immediately, a senior executive slammed the table and said: "It's too much to bully people! Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory are bullying people..."


Before he could finish his words, Zhang Zhongmou looked over with cold eyes, which made the furious high-ranking official speechless, and then a bean-sized cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

The atmosphere of the entire conference room instantly felt like falling into an ice cellar.

Zhang Zhongmou then said coldly: "You are fired. Now, please leave the conference room!"

When the executive heard this, he seemed to have been drained of all his strength. He almost fell to the ground with his legs weak. He looked at Zhang Zhongmou with a pale face, biting his lip with his teeth, not knowing what to say.

"Get out!"

Zhang Zhongmou gave a cold shout.

The senior official who was fired on the spot was so excited that he finally walked out of the conference room as if he were mourning.

He had no idea where he had offended Zhang Zhongmou, so he fired him directly?

Could it be that his slap on the table scared Zhang Zhongmou?

Everyone in the conference room was silent, and many people's faces were pale.

They also didn't know why Zhang Zhongmou fired that person suddenly without any warning.

Zhang Zhongmou said coldly: "I hired you with a high salary, not to let you talk nonsense in meetings where seconds are at stake!"


Everyone will understand.

So that's it.


Just now Zhang Zhongmou asked everyone to express their opinions, but the man didn't say anything and slapped the table on the spot to show that he was going too far.

…………Please give me flowers…………

What is the difference between saying this and not saying it?

It's all nonsense.

In addition, the news was very unfavorable to promote Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., so Zhang Zhongmou was at the peak of his anger.

As a result, this guy was so indifferent that he slammed the table and talked a lot of nonsense.

No wonder Zhang Zhongmou fired the other party directly.

"I think the reason why Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory support Loongson International is probably to find a way out for themselves."

After a long moment of silence, someone finally spoke again.

This man only spoke half of what he said, but everyone knew the second half.

Although Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is a Dragon State company, it listens to America's orders.

after all.

The technologies used to build Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. all come from America.

If America makes a statement, it will stop Semiconductor Manufacturing Company from manufacturing chips for Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory.

Even if the leaders of Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. are unwilling to do so, they have to implement it.

Because if he disobeys orders, America will not be polite to him.

Although everyone here knew it well, it immediately attracted their opposition and criticism.

"There is no way out. I think Blue Star Electronics and the flower factory are purely trying to pick our peaches."

"What Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory do is detrimental to our positive behavior, and we must react."

"Reaction? How to react? Don't we give chips to Blue Star Electronics and Huachang? Isn't this killing eight hundred and losing a thousand to ourselves?"

"I think to prevent Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory from investing in Loongson International, we have to ask America for help. As long as Loongson International and the foreign institutions oppose it, their attempt to invest in Loongson International will not be successful."

"It's difficult! Judging from the equity structure of Loongson International, Yinlu's capital accounts for the vast majority.

Everyone was talking about it.

But after talking about it, I haven't found a good solution.

Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory are not controlled by them at all.

They can't stop Blue Star Electronics from doing what the factory does.

Although it is possible to threaten Blue Star Electronics and flower factories by cutting off the supply of chips.

But if you do this, you will completely break up with Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory.

Semiconductor Manufacturing Company will also lose its two most important customers in mainland China and will suffer heavy losses.

For a while.

Whether it is Zhang Zhongmou or others, they seem very powerless in this regard.

It seems that they can only watch as their home-made peaches are picked by Blue Star Electronics and the flower factory.

They were very angry about the behavior of Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory, but they could only be furious because of their incompetence. .

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