Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1087 Didn’T Chat On The Same Channel

Case solved!

It was really because of its mass that Blue Star Electronics changed its mind.

At this moment, Wang Chuanfu wanted to drag the vice president of the OEM business over and beat him up.


This is all for later.

Now that the problem has arisen.


Jia Weiping, the third person in charge of Blue Star Electronics, went directly to their BYD headquarters to investigate.


There is only one road in front of Wang Chuanfu.

Stand firm when being beaten.

When you should admit your mistakes, admit them.

Since the problem is indeed your own, there is nothing to quibble about.

At least if you admit your mistake, you can gain a good impression.

You must not admit it, otherwise you may lose a large order from Blue Star Electronics.


Wang Chuanfu immediately said: "Mr. Jia, I am very sorry to your company for this matter..."

Wang Chuanfu chattered a lot.

To sum up, if we admit our mistakes, we will definitely change them and we will definitely not make them again next time.

This operation immediately confused Jia Weiping.

What's happening?

Why did Wang Chuanfu suddenly admit his mistake?

Good luck, why did Wang Chuanfu apologize and admit his mistake?

Jia Weiping, Monk Zhang Er, was confused.

When Wang Chuanfu finished speaking, Jia Weiping took a long time to come back to his senses and looked at Wang Chuanfu inexplicably.

Seeing Jia Weiping's expression.

Wang Chuanfu's heart condensed.

Is this...still not satisfied?


Wang Chuanfu added: "Mr. Jia, don't worry. I will not tolerate employees who make mistakes, whether they are ordinary employees or senior executives, and I will definitely give your company a satisfactory explanation."

Jia Weiping was even more stunned.

What the hell?

I didn’t say anything and you’re going to fire your employees?

So willful?


How does this have anything to do with Blue Star Electronics again?

Seeing Jia Weiping, he still didn't speak.

Wang Chuanfu was anxious.

Not satisfied with this?

Can not be done.

Blue Star Electronics is our own financial backer, so please hold on tight.

If the golden rooster that lays eggs flies away, who will you cry to?

If Blue Star Electronics takes the bucket from BYD and runs away, the follow-up effect will probably directly hit the company's foundry business and affect the company's overall performance.

Think of this.

Wang Chuanfu took a deep breath and said: "Mr. Jia, please rest assured that we will bear full responsibility for the losses we have caused to your company and will never cause unnecessary losses to your company."

Jia Weiping's mind was immediately confused.

What's going on?

Did Wang Chuanfu take the wrong medicine?

Or is he dreaming?

What did Blue Star Electronics lose?

As the executive vice president and the direct person in charge of Pinnacle Mobile, how come he doesn’t know anything?

This shouldn't be the case.

He is responsible for the pinnacle mobile phone, and nothing can be hidden from his eyes and ears.

But now.

What does Wang Chuanfu mean by this?

Let’s look at the other party’s sincere attitude.

It seems that something really went wrong on BYD's side, causing great losses to Blue Star Electronics.

Could it be that.

Did Biati have a problem with Pinnacle 4's OEM?

Can't deliver on time?

Or is there a quality problem with the product?

Liu Hong had given him many warnings before, telling him to pay attention to product quality issues and never make mistakes.


Now, something really went wrong?

Think of this.

Jia Weiping suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

In one week, Pinnacle 4 will be on sale in 30 directly-operated stores in China.

As far as he knows.

So far.

Outside these 30 stores, there are no less than 30,000 scalpers and ordinary consumers waiting in line to buy Pinnacle 4.

There really is something wrong with BYAT's OEM for Pinnacle 4.

That would be big trouble!

This will directly lead to Pinnacle 4 not being able to be sold in China as scheduled.

By then, Blue Star Electronics may be scolded by domestic consumers.

As for Futukang.

Blue Star Electronics has just placed the order.

It will take at least half a year for Futukang to produce products.

At that time, the dayflowers were already cold.

this moment.

Jia Weiping immediately regretted it.

If I had known that this kind of problem would arise, I shouldn't have put all my eggs in the BYD family's basket.

it's good now.

Something is terribly wrong.


It is still a big problem that cannot be solved in a short time.

Jia Weiping stared at Wang Chuanfu and said with trembling lips: "Wang...Mr. Wang, don't scare me. Is there something wrong with the Peak 4 production line?"

It was about to go on sale, and now Wang Chuanfu directly told him such shocking news.

Even though Jia Weiping had a strong psychological quality, he still said he couldn't bear it.

Hearing Jia Weiping's words, Wang Chuanfu instinctively felt that something was wrong.

But he couldn't think of anything wrong, and said: "Mr. Jia, please rest assured that although there are some problems with quality control, I believe they are minor problems. I have confidence in our BYAT employees."

Jia Weiping felt even worse after hearing this.

His whole body tensed up, and he sat up straight in an instant, leaned forward, and asked very seriously: "Mr. Wang, please explain to me, what's wrong with the Peak 4 you made for us? Is there something wrong with the quality, or is it unable to be delivered as scheduled?"

"This matter is very important to us at Blue Star Electronics. In another week, it will be available for sale in the domestic market.

This time.

It was Wang Chuanfu's turn to be confused.

What question are you asking me?

Didn’t you, Jia Weiping, come here specifically to question you today?

Didn't you come here because of quality issues?

Aren’t I just following what you said?

Wang Chuanfu said with strange eyes: "..." Mr. Jia, you are here today... aren't you here to ask questions?"


Jia Weiping was stunned.


What crime did he ask?

I came to BYAT today just to see how the Peak 4 OEM is doing and how its quality is. How come you, Wang Chuanfu, are here to ask for guilt?

"Mr. Wang, you have completely confused me."

"I'm asking about guilt? What crime am I asking about?"

"I came here today just to see the production situation of Apex 4. After all, it will go on sale in China soon. I have to keep an eye on it to avoid any mistakes at this juncture.

Jia Weiping said.


Wang Chuanfu was speechless.

In co-authorship, he admits his mistakes and expresses his willingness to take responsibility.

result. (Okay Zhao)

Am I the only one enjoying myself here?

Am I overthinking it?

He was so frightened here that he ended up feeling lonely?!

Wang Chuanfu stared at Jia Weiping for a long time, and finally realized that he seemed to have been thinking wrong from the beginning.

But he still asked tentatively: "Mr. Jia, didn't you come to ask for an explanation today because of the quality issues of Apex 4?"

"Where is the quality problem of Apex 4?"

"Mr. Jia, you really confused me!"

"The batch of 500,000 Pinnacle 4 units you have delivered, is there no problem with the quality?"

"Why do you think there is something wrong with Peak 4?"

Jia Weiping looked at Wang Chuanfu suspiciously, he was really numb.

Doesn’t Blue Star Electronics know if there is any problem with the already delivered Pinnacle 4?

Why did you get to Wang Chuanfu's place and say there was a problem?

Could it be that they didn't check it out?


Jia Weiping hurriedly asked: "Mr. Wang, have you discovered any hidden quality problems in Pinnacle 4? I would be very grateful if you could tell me!".

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