Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1088 Jia Weiping Was Almost Taken Into The Ditch


It was Jia Weiping's turn to panic.

I originally planned to come to BYAT to see the production situation of Pinnacle 4.

As a result, Wang Chuanfu's operation made him a little confused.


I also learned some shocking news from Wang Chuanfu.

Pinnacle 4 is likely to have hidden quality issues that Blue Star Electronics has not discovered.

This problem is too big.

Once Dingfeng 4 with quality defects is sold on the market and discovered by users, it will have a great negative impact on the brand reputation of Dingfeng mobile phones.

It takes more than ten years or even decades to establish a brand.

But it only takes a moment to destroy a brand.

Although Pinnacle Mobile has only made its debut three or four years ago.

But in terms of brand reputation, it is definitely no worse than those century-old brands.

The reason why Pinnacle Mobile has been able to establish its brand in such a short period of time.

One is because of the advanced nature of Pinnacle mobile phones.

The second is because Blue Star Electronics attaches great importance to product quality.

It seems that Pinnacle 4 is about to be sold in the country.

As a result, such a big problem suddenly appeared.

Unfortunately, he hasn't discovered it yet, but Biati did.

If this matter reaches Lu Yi's ears, then his position as the person in charge of Peak Mobile will probably have to be replaced.

This is not only related to his own interests and future.

at the same time.

It is also related to the interests of Blue Star Electronics as a whole.

Jia Weiping couldn't help but not panic.

I hope what Wang Chuanfu said is just a minor flaw and can be rectified in time.


Jia Weiping no longer dared to think further.

People on Wang Chuanfu's side were also numb.

what's the situation?

He was completely confused now.

Jia Weiping came to Biadi to question him, which made them panic.

He admitted his mistake and apologized, and vowed to severely punish employees who made mistakes.

Results come to an end.

Jia Weiping asked the question in turn, what quality problems did Pinnacle 4 have?

you ask me?

Do you think...we still need Biati to find out the mistakes?

This is too much!

Although you, Blue Star Electronics, are the father of the sponsor, you are not such a bully.

"Mr. Jia, let me confirm again."

"Didn't you come to me today to question me about quality issues?"

Wang Chuanfu said cautiously.

He seemed to understand somewhat what the problem was.

Maybe... He was overthinking things in the first place, so he led Jia Weiping astray.

Jia Weiping said anxiously: "Mr. Wang, where do you start talking about this?"

"I came to your company today simply because Pinnacle 4 will be launched in China soon, so I came here specifically to see the production situation."

"We didn't find any problems with the first batch of products you delivered to us?"

"But you just said that our Pinnacle 4 has quality problems. Your brother would like to tell me what the problem is? Is it major?"

Wang Chuanfu, who heard this, confirmed it.

He immediately slapped his thigh.


It's really your own fault.

It's him who thinks too much.

As a result, I preconceived the idea that Jia Weiping was here to investigate today.

And then.

Jia Weiping was also led astray.

His pot!

It's entirely his fault!

He, Wang Chuanfu, is a little too sensitive, and he is like rain when he hears the wind.

Since Jia Weiping is not here to investigate and accuse, it means that there is no problem at all with the Pinnacle 4 produced by BYAT.

He almost wronged a senior executive of the company.

"Uh~ Mr. Jia, I want to apologize to you here."

"I was mistaken. I thought you were here to punish me.

Wang Chuanfu said with a smile.

He was quite embarrassed at the moment.

Jia Weiping looked at Wang Chuanfu with wide eyes.

What the hell.

How did you, Wang Chuanfu, come to the conclusion that he was here to investigate?

"So, Mr. Wang, you haven't found any quality problems with Peak 4?" Jia Weiping said still a little worried.


He made up his mind (cibj) that he would have to let the company's quality inspection department conduct an in-depth inspection of the delivered Pinnacle 4 later.

Wang Chuanfu smiled and said: "No problem, no problem at all. We all produce standardized products according to your company's requirements, so there is definitely no problem, haha.

Seeing Wang Chuanfu like this, Jia Weiping nodded.

Wang Chuanfu added: "Since Mr. Jia is here to inspect the production line today, there is no problem. Let's go to the production line now to see the specific situation."

"Okay, then it's Mr. Lao Wang's turn." Jia Weiping nodded.

"Wherever, it should be." Wang Chuanfu said with a smile.


Under the leadership of Wang Chuanfu, the group came to the production workshop of the OEM Peak 4.

I can tell.

BYD indeed attaches great importance to Blue Star Electronics, a major customer.

The employees on the production line work very seriously.

Looking along the way, Jia Weiping didn't find any problems.

I even personally inspected a newly assembled Pinnacle 4, and found no problems at all.

after an hour.

The two returned to the VIP room.

Now both Jia Weiping and Wang Chuanfu felt a lot more relaxed.

Chatting and chatting.

Wang Chuanfu brought the topic to Fu Tukang.

"Mr. Jia, I heard that your company gave Futukang an order for 15 million units. Is it true or false?" Wang Chuanfu asked seemingly without trace.

This is his biggest concern.

at the same time.

Since Jia Weiping happened to come to their company today, he also wanted to have a look and ask for a clear explanation, so that he had a good idea.

Jia Weiping is certainly not a fool.

When I heard Wang Chuanfu's question, I thought of the incident where I was led astray by the other party before.

He reacted immediately.

Wang Chuanfu should have known that Blue Star Electronics had given an order of 15 million units to Futukang, which made Wang Chuanfu a little surprised. He even thought that there was some problem with their OEM, which made Blue Star Electronics dissatisfied and gave rise to various problems. Kind of thinking.


Only after he came to Biati did Wang Chuanfu think that he was here to ask questions.

The result is.

She opened her mouth to admit her mistakes and apologize to him, which confused him and even led him into a ditch.

Jia Weiping drank tea, nodded calmly and said: "There is such a thing. But this matter was decided jointly by Director Lu and Mr. Liu, and I am just the executor.

The meaning of the words is very clear.

Don't even think about asking me why.

If you want to know the reason, just ask Director Lu or Liu Hong.

Wang Chuanfu was naturally a human being, so he couldn't understand the meaning and immediately changed the subject with a smile.

Half an hour later.

Jia Weiping stood up and left.

After seeing Jia Weiping off, Wang Chuanfu returned to his office, smoking a cigarette and looking out the window, his eyes twinkling.

Unable to get any inside information from Jia Weiping, he still felt unsure.

He was thinking.

Should I call Lu Yi or Liu Hong and ask?


It’s not easy to ask directly why. .

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