Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1089 Whether Oem Costs Should Be Reduced Is A Question

BYAT headquarters.

In the conference room.

"Please share your thoughts on Blue Star Electronics' decision to hand over the order of 15 million Pinnacle 4 units to Futukang." Wang Chuanfu looked around the crowd and said.

This matter.

For Bi~Yati, it is a big deal.

You have to have a special meeting to study it.

After all, Wang Chuanfu didn't call to find out.

after all.

I can't say, I just want to ask, why did Blue Star Electronics hand over the order to Futukang?

Blue Star Electronics has no obligation to explain to BYD how it does things.


It's better to work together and think for yourself.

After Wang Chuanfu finished speaking, the vice president in charge of Blue Star Electronics' foundry business asked: "Mr. Wang, what did Mr. Jia of Blue Star Electronics say?"

Wang Chuanfu glanced at this person and said calmly: "What can I say? I came here specifically to see the production situation of Peak 4, and didn't say anything else.


The vice president remained silent.

After waiting for a long time, no one spoke.

Wang Chuanfu became a little angry. He knocked on the table and said in a heavier voice, "Don't you have anything to say?"

At this time.

One of the directors spoke.

"Mr. Wang, I think we are overthinking it and just treat this matter with a normal mind.

"Blue Star Electronics gave the order of 15 million units to Futukang, maybe it just didn't want to put its eggs in the same basket.

The director’s words were echoed by everyone in the congregation.

"Mr. Wang, I think Blue Star Electronics is doing this just to spread risks and does not require too much interpretation.

"If we were Blue Star Electronics, it would not be safe if we only handed over the order to one OEM company.

“First, once something goes wrong with this foundry company, it is likely that the product will not be put on the market on time.

"Secondly, this will increase the degree of dependence on the other party, increase the voice and bargaining power of the OEM, and may even lead to suspicion of raising prices in the future."

Another executive expressed similar sentiments.

Everyone else nodded in agreement.

A company veteran said: "Blue Star Electronics handed over its products to BYD for OEM from the very beginning, instead of Futukang, the industry leader. It can be seen that Lu Yi also has concerns in his heart."

"After all, compared to Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., as a local enterprise in the Mainland, we at BYD are more reliable.

"Now Blue Star Electronics has diverted the orders, but the majority is still with BYD. It is only Blue Star Electronics diversifying the risks to prevent us from becoming the dominant one and using this as a threat to raise prices in the future. It is understandable.

Wang Chuanfu also agrees with this view.

But even if

Wang Chuanfu was still very worried.

He said: "What you said makes sense and is the most reasonable explanation. But..."

"Do you know how much the price of Futukang OEM is for a peak?"

Everyone looked at Wang Chuanfu.


They don't know the price.

Wang Chuanfu said: "23 yuan! 2 yuan less than our price."

"It can be seen from here that Futukang has great ambitions."

"As a leading player in the industry, it is much better than us in terms of overall strength, but its price is 8% lower than ours."

"Obviously, Futukang is preparing to grab our orders in the future.

Wang Chuanfu's words also made everyone present feel nervous.

None of them are stupid.

Naturally, from this small price, we can see how ambitious Fu Tukang is.

Futukang is not like Biati, who walks on a few legs.

Futukang is a pure OEM company in the true sense, making hard money by OEMing consumer electronics products for customers.


If Futukang seizes the Blue Star Electronics order that belongs to BYD, its own performance will inevitably rise sharply.

Earning is hard-earned money.

But it can’t handle the large quantity.

Look at Futukang's ranking on the Fortune Global 500 last year, it was 132nd.

The annual revenue was as high as 51.828 billion yuan, equivalent to 348 billion yuan.

With this revenue performance, let alone beat BYD by a long shot.

Even the two star companies, Future Group and Blue Star Electronics, cannot compare with Futukang.

Facing such a behemoth, who among Biati's staff would not feel frightened?

Although everyone in Biati shouted to surpass Futukang, he also knew it in his heart.

If we want to surpass Futukang in the foundry business, we have at least 10 years to go.

The king of the foundry industry is not so easy to surpass and "easy to shake."


Now that Blue Star Electronics has handed over an order of 15 million units to Futukang, that's why BYAT is so nervous.

It’s okay not to be nervous.


Some senior executives asked: "Then do we need to reduce the foundry costs?"

As soon as these words came out, they immediately attracted rebuttal.

"The price of our OEM mobile phone is 25 yuan, which means there is no profit. If we lower it to 23 yuan, the profit will be even lower."

"Yes! Futukang has obvious industrial advantages. Their OEM fee of 23 yuan still makes a lot of profits, but we can't."

"Perhaps Futukang did this deliberately, and the purpose is also to let us reduce the foundry costs. Once we reduce it, will other mobile phone manufacturers also ask us to reduce the foundry costs? At that time, will we treat everyone equally or what? ?”

"This is a conspiracy. Futu Kang wants to use this to destroy our foundry business. We must not be fooled."

Of course.

Some also agreed to reduce OEM costs.


“If we don’t reduce OEM costs, we won’t have any competitive advantage facing Futukang.

"According to the shipment volume of Blue Star Electronics, if the foundry fee is reduced by 2 yuan, then the expenditure can be reduced by tens of millions or even hundreds of millions. It is self-evident how to choose."

"Yeah, let's lower it.

For a while.

The two sides argued endlessly.

This also gave Wang Chuanfu a headache.

Damn Fu Tu Kang, he is a complete turd.

Obviously Futukang does not need orders from Blue Star Electronics, and its annual revenue is tens of billions of gold.

They all have so much income, but they still have to compete with Biati for three melons and two dates, without respecting martial ethics.

Of course.

Biati is having a headache because of Futukang's entry.

Futukang on the other side was filled with joy of victory.

Their annual revenue of Futukang exceeds 50 billion yuan, which is indeed a big business.

Even if Blue Star Electronics does not accept the order of 15 million units, the impact will not be significant.

But things can’t be seen that way.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see how strong the development momentum of Blue Star Electronics' Pinnacle mobile phone is.

Blue Star Electronics' annual shipments may only be in the tens of millions now, but what about in the next three to five years?


What they value more is the influence of Blue Star Electronics.

I didn't see that BYD's foundry business, which was originally nothing in their eyes, has slowly developed and grown due to Blue Star Electronics.

Who knows if BYAT's foundry business will threaten Foxconn in the future?

This is something no one dares to guarantee!

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