Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1090 If You Can’T Catch The Real Culprit, You Can Only Find A Scapegoat.

More than half a month has passed since America's hacker attacked Longguo's website, causing Longguo's hackers to counterattack, triggering the third cyber war between Longguo's hackers, and eventually leading to a global hacker melee.

And in the meantime.

It also grabbed the attention and headlines because of the press conference of Apex 4.


The aftermath of this global hacker melee is not over yet.

Especially the incident of the invasion of America's NSA National Security Bureau. Without a satisfactory explanation, America's government will never let it go easily.

Although the public's attention was all attracted by Pinnacle 4.

But the matter is not over yet.

America, in particular, has been putting pressure on the Japanese government to hand over the mastermind of the NSA invasion.

The NSA National Security Bureau and the officials of America's Black Palace have suspected that the island country was framed.

Even the person who put the blame was a hacker from the Dragon Kingdom.

But "193" is.

They have no evidence.

The NSA spent a lot of effort to track down various clues, and the final finger did point to the island country, and the evidence was conclusive.

You can't just say that it was the Dragon Kingdom hackers who did it without evidence, and ask the Dragon Kingdom to hand over the murderer.

This is completely unrealistic.

Dragon Kingdom is not an island country.

Without conclusive evidence, Longguo will definitely not tolerate them.


The NSA even invited America's legendary hacker Kevin Mitnick to assist in tracking.

The result was ultimately located in the island country.

This is Kevin Mitnick.

America's most legendary hacker.

He is also the first hacker to appear on America's FBI bounty poster.

Some comments even called him the world's "number one computer hacker", and his legendary hacking experience is enough to shock the world.

Kevin Mitnick's technical strength is beyond doubt and he is the idol of countless hackers around the world.

With the assistance of this legendary hacker master, the final results pointed to the island country.

The hackers who invaded the NSA should be the island nation's hackers.

There is no way to put the blame on Long Guo, although they also hope that Long Guo will bear the blame, so as to blackmail Long Guo severely.

But if you don’t have a handle, you can’t do these things.

Faced with the pressure from America's government, the island nation's government is also suffering.

Faced with the conclusive evidence on America's side, the official officials of the island country hated the ghost hacker who had invaded the NSA.

Originally, America regarded the island country as a leek garden. If anything happened, the island country would come forward to do some dirty work, or cut the stubble of the leek to restore blood.

it's good now.

The evidence is conclusive that he was caught.

Then America had to suck a few mouthfuls of blood from their island nation.

Faced with the pressure from America's father, the island country's government was naturally unable to resist, and could only do its best to track down the ghost hacker and give her father a satisfactory explanation.

It only took half a month to track it down.

Still haven't found the ghost hacker.

It is as if the person is like a ghost, as the name suggests, and does not exist in the world.

The government of the island country is really troubled.


America is applying too much pressure.

Can it be less tight?

NSA is America's largest intelligence agency, the National Security Agency.


In this chaos, the NSA, which is known as an iron-walled organization, was actually invaded without making any noise.

Even if it hadn't been for the outbreak of the Ghost Warrior virus, they wouldn't have known that their home had been stolen.

By now, this matter has spread around the world.

People all over the world already know that the National Security Bureau of the most powerful Liumang country on Blue Star has been silently invaded.

What a shame.

If America cannot punish the real culprit severely, where will America put her face?

Where can America put her majesty?

Faced with America's aggressiveness, the officials of the island country really wanted to take off their scalps.

If you can't even find half of the ghost's hair, where can I catch him for you?


The government of the island country is holding a relevant meeting.

The content of the discussion was how to report to America's father.


The result of the discussion was that if the ghost could not be found, and America had to give an explanation, the only choice was to find a scapegoat.

Who to look for?

After discussions among a group of officials, it was decided to push Fujiwara, the island country's top hacker, out as a scapegoat.


Hackers, destabilizing elements of the country, will not lose much to the island country if they are handed over.

On the contrary.

If Fujiwara is left alone, who knows whether the other party will go crazy and attack his own country's Internet in the future?

after all.

This is a time bomb.

After making a decision.

The Japanese Metropolitan Police acted very quickly.

The place where Fujiwara was hiding was quickly locked, a large number of police were dispatched, and Fujiwara was arrested directly.

After capturing Fujiwara.

The island country did not extradite him to America immediately, and had to make a deal with Fujiwara...


Their search for scapegoats easily exposed their secrets.

How does this make America feel?

Wouldn't it be considered that the son was perfunctory with his father?

Then dad's iron fist of love will not be merciful.

A high-ranking official of the government saw Fujiwara after he was arrested. He was moved by his feelings and understood him rationally, and promised him various benefits on the grounds of national justice.

Fujiwara finally agreed to take the blame that did not belong to him.

no way.

People under the eaves have to bow their heads.

Now that he has been arrested, he has no qualifications to negotiate terms with the government departments.

If it weren't for the fear that after he was extradited to America, he would directly cry out for injustice, exposing the island country's official government to looking for a scapegoat.

The official government of the island country will not give him good advice.

Fujiwara, who understood that he could not escape this disaster, accepted his fate after facing the benefits promised by the island country's government.

There is nothing you can do if you don’t accept your fate.

If he doesn't accept his fate, not only will he not get any benefits, he may even disappear from this world silently.

After negotiating with Fujiwara.

The island country immediately notified America's government that they had captured Fujiwara, the mastermind of the NSA invasion, and were willing to extradite Fujiwara to America and hand him over to America for trial.

As soon as the news came out.

Global uproar.


Relevant news directly appeared on the front pages of major news media around the world.

The people in America and the island countries reacted the most fiercely.

"Fake! Damn the 4.8 pigs of the island country. They actually dare to invade our National Security Agency. We, America, are their fathers. This Fujiwara must be sent to the gallows to scare the monkeys!"

"As expected of the great America, the island country caught the real culprit so quickly and extradited him to America for trial. This is a manifestation of America's great influence in the world."

"The hackers who hacked into the NSA must pay the price!"

"This is a great victory for America!"

at the same time.

There is also a lot of discussion in the hacker circle.

Especially in the island country's hacker circle, people immediately went numb after seeing this news.

Fujiwara hacked the NSA?

Oh, Xiu'er?

As people in the same circle, although Fujiwara is the top hacker in the island country, they all know how much Fujiwara has.

Is Fujiwara capable of hacking the NSA?

Just kidding!

Are you sure Fujiwara is the real murderer and not the scapegoat?

A group of island country hackers were immediately confused. .

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