island country.

An unknown chat software.

Hikawa Steel Plate: "The ghost is Fujiwara???"

Umekawa Uchiku: "What's going on? Is Fujiwara the real culprit who invaded the NSA?"

Tian Kazuichi: "Shame! This is the shame of the island country!"

Kato Futoshi: "When did Fujiwara's skills become so powerful?"

Nagato Yuki: "I contacted Fujiwara's wife. It is said that Fujiwara reached an agreement with the island nation's government, so he was willing to be a scapegoat."

Hikawa Steel Board: "Damn it, they used Fujiwara as a scapegoat. Our government is too weak and incompetent!"

in chat software.

Hackers in the island country are very angry about this.

But they sadly found that there was nothing they could do.

no way.

It was America who put the pressure on them.

The government of the island country cannot catch the real culprit, so naturally they can only find a scapegoat to calm America's anger.


There is no good fruit to eat in the island country.

If the government didn't find them and asked them to be scapegoats, it would be time to burn incense.

Dragon Kingdom.

Sioux City.

In the villa.

Lu Yi looked at the hot news on the Internet, and the corner of his mouth curled up.

As the 'real murderer', he naturally knew very well that Fujiwara was a scapegoat.

It’s sad enough to think about an island country.

If we can't catch the real culprit, we can only find a scapegoat to take his place, tsk tsk.


It's none of his business.

After glancing at the relevant news, Lu Yi closed the webpage directly.

He stood up, walked to the window, and looked outside.

After a while.

He returned to his seat and began to fuck like a fly.

Ling Zhanshu is the top leader of the National Security Bureau.


In the lower right corner of his computer, a reminder box popped up.

He was reminded that he had received an anonymous email.

Ling Zhanshu suddenly narrowed his eyes.

As the head of the National Security Bureau, my instinctive professional reaction was that this was probably a phishing software containing a virus.

Once he clicks on it, the virus in the email will automatically run and monitor his every move.

I didn't dare to act rashly.

Ling Zhanshu immediately opened the anti-virus software and killed the famous email.

After some anti-virus, no virus program was found inside.


He carefully opened the anonymous email.

And just after he opened the email, he froze on the spot.


His chest heaved violently, he was breathing heavily, and his eyes were even bigger than his fists.


Looking at the contents of the email, Ling Zhanshu's heart was filled with huge waves, and he could not calm down for a long time.


The content in the email was shocking.

Once the content inside this spreads out, it will immediately cause a global earthquake.

A torrent instantly rushed straight to Ling Zhanshu's Tianling Cap.

Even though he is the top leader of the National Security Bureau, he still feels that the matter is very important at this moment, and his scalp is numb. It is not something he can handle at his level, and it must be sent to Mr. Fu's desk in the Red Mansion.

The stakes are high.

Ling Zhanshu didn't dare to delay.

He took out an encrypted USB flash drive, copied the email content into it, and then deleted the email completely.

After doing all this.

He first called Mr. Fu's secretary and said that he had something very urgent and needed to meet with Mr. Fu.

no way.

Mr. Fu was so busy all day that if he didn't say hello in advance, he wouldn't be able to see him at all, even at his level.

After getting the answer from the other side.

Ling Zhanshu took the USB flash drive and hurried towards the red building.

After going all the way, we arrived at Mr. Fu's office.

The situation is very serious.

Ling Zhanshu told Mr. Fu the whole story without any reservation.

After listening to Ling Zhanshu's words, Mr. Fu's eyes narrowed, he stood up from his chair and pressed one hand on a red phone on the table.

After a while.

Mr. Fu picked up the red phone receiver and said: "Pick up Mr. Wen and ask him to come to my place.

Less than half an hour.

Mr. Wen came to Mr. Fu's office.

Seeing Ling Zhanshu, Mr. Wen asked: "What happened?"

Mr. Fu motioned to Ling Zhanshu.

Ling Zhanshu immediately said it again.

Mr. Wen pondered for a moment and said in a deep voice: "The relevant content must not be leaked. Apart from Lao Fu and you, who else knows this news?"

Ling Zhan wrote: "At present, only the three of us know."

Mr. Wen nodded, looked at Mr. Fu, and said, "Let's find a safer place first and look at the relevant documents?"

"Okay." Mr. Fu nodded.


Under one pass arrangement.

An absolutely safe computer was delivered, and Ling Zhanshu immediately took out the USB flash drive and plugged it in, entered the correct password, and opened the top-secret file inside.

Mr. Fu and Mr. Wen carefully looked at the contents of the documents. The more they looked, the more frightened they became.


When they reach this stage, they can remain calm even if Mount Tai collapses in front of them.

But after seeing the information inside, his expression kept changing, and he was obviously feeling quite uneasy inside.

After reading it.

Mr. Fu and Mr. Wen looked at each other, and both saw the shock in the other's eyes.

The content here is too shocking.

About America's Prism Project that monitors the world.

America plans to research a new virus and plans to spread it in the Dragon Kingdom, Plan Z.

There is the TAO plan of America's NSA Special Invasion Operations Office, which plans to invade a number of national defense academies such as Longguo Northwestern Polytechnical University.

Every plan in this, if leaked, would cause a global sensation.

In particular, there were many vicious plans against the Dragon Kingdom, which made Mr. Fu and Mr. Wen's hair stand on end.

For example, the poisoned Plan Z.

Once America really succeeds, it will be a huge threat to the people of the whole country.


In order to implement this plan, America actually collected the blood genetic information of the Dragon Kingdom.


This is preparation for the development of a virus specifically targeting the people of the Dragon Kingdom. The viciousness of 987's heart is evident.

"Old Wen, what do you think? Mr. Fu asked.

Mr. Wen said: "It's better to believe that it exists than to believe that it doesn't exist."

Mr. Fu nodded, then looked at Ling Zhanshu and asked, "Director Ling, what do you think of this matter?"

Ling Zhanshu replied: "Mr. Fu, Mr. Wen, obviously, the anonymous person who sent me this email should be the hacker ghost.

"At the same time, it can also be determined that this ghost should be a hacker from our Dragon Kingdom."

Mr. Wen asked: "Can this ghost hacker be tracked?"

Although judging from the ghost's behavior, he seems to be a hacker with a righteous mind.


Who can guarantee that?

Ling Zhan wrote: "I can't guarantee it, I can only do my best."

Mr. Wen nodded: "If you need any assistance in tracking down this ghost hacker, you can contact me directly.


Mr. Wen looked at Mr. Fu and said, "Lao Fu, to verify the authenticity of these information, we can use the list above to find out all the spies who have infiltrated the organization."

"I agree with you. Mr. Fu nodded in agreement.

This document not only contains America's various conspiracies and poisonous plans against the Dragon Kingdom, but also contains many spies that America has infiltrated or bribed.

The names of some of them surprised both Mr. Fu and Mr. Wen.

These pustular tumors must be eradicated as soon as possible, otherwise they will be too harmful. .

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