In Mr. Fu's office.

The three discussed a rough plan to catch the mole.

at the same time.

It was also to verify the authenticity of the mysterious email that suddenly appeared in Ling Zhanshu's mailbox.

If verified.

Then the other conspiracies and conspiracies about the Dragon Kingdom in the email can basically be confirmed.


After grasping America's plan against the Dragon Kingdom, the Dragon Kingdom can deal with it easily.

Of course.

Naturally, it is impossible for Long Guo to take the contents of this anonymous email and go to America to ask for an explanation.

That's what fools do.

After discussing it.

With Ling Zhanshu as the executor, Mr. Fu and Mr. Wen sat in the back and commanded, supporting Ling Zhanshu.

no way.

Among the names mentioned in the email, there were one or two that even Mr. Fu and Mr. Wen were surprised to see.

These two people are truly high and powerful.

His status is half a level higher than those of provincial leaders.

Such a high-ranking boss-level figure has actually been bribed by America and has become a national worm.

all of a sudden.

Mr. Fu and Mr. Wen figured out why America had reacted in advance to some of the country's strategic moves several times before.

I thought it was America who predicted it in advance.

Now it seems.

Maybe the answer lies here.

Return to the National Security Bureau.

Ling Zhanshu only felt Alexander on his shoulders.

He must come up with a complete plan as soon as possible.

This matter is very important and serious.

It must be kept secret and kept secret.

Once those two people get wind of it, they are likely to flee.

If these two men were allowed to escape successfully, it would cause extremely serious losses to the country.

Because these two people know too many secrets of the country.

Once exposed, it will cause unimaginable disaster to the country.

at the same time.

Ling Zhanshu was also thinking about who this ghost god was.

Among the hackers in China who have names with the National Security Bureau, Ling Zhanshu can be sure that absolutely no one's technology can reach this level.


A name appeared in Ling Zhanshu's mind——Lu Yi.

Although Lu Yi is not a hacker.


When Lu Yi started from scratch, he was a real technical master.

In the Internet industry at home and abroad, there are various titles.


Lu Yi's strength in technology is beyond doubt.

Now Future Group has developed into a private aircraft carrier.

And Lu Yi, the founder, no longer needs to type the code line by line by himself as he did at the beginning.

This makes everyone subconsciously ignore that Lu Yi once had the title of technical master.


Could the ghost hacker really be Lu Yi?

The possibility is very low, Ling Zhan thought.


At present, Lu Yi is already famous. If he is caught because of this matter, it will definitely be a big trouble.

Would Lu Yi take such a big risk to do something like this?

If Ling Zhanshu were Lu Yi, he thought he would never do this.


Lu Yi probably hasn't touched a keyboard in many years.

The development of Internet technology is changing rapidly every day.

If you don't keep up with the times, you may be left behind in an instant.

Three to five years ago, Lu Yi's technology became famous and he was named a great god.

But now?

Can Lu Yi's technology still keep up with the development of the times?

Ling Zhanshu expressed strong doubts.

But if not Lu Yi, who would it be?

After thinking for a long time, Ling Zhanshu shook his head,

It's better to put this matter aside for now and let the Internet Supervision Office investigate.

His most important job now is to ensure the smooth progress of the 'Insect Catching Operation'.


The people in the country don’t know yet.

In the near future, a terrifying storm will erupt in domestic officialdom and shock the world.

At this moment, many Chinese people are eagerly looking forward to the launch of Peak 4 in three days.


Blue Star Electronics has settled in Tianmiao Mall and will participate in the Tianmiao Mall Double Eleven Half Price Shopping Festival.

At that time, it only cost 2,049 yuan to buy Pinnacle 4 at Tianmiao Mall.

But some top fans who are not short of money can't wait.


Whether you can grab the half-price sale at Tianmiao Mall or not is one thing.

after all.

The hottest news in China right now is the news that Blue Star Electronics has settled in Tianmiao Mall and participated in the Double Eleven Shopping Festival.

Countless netizens are already gearing up and hungry.

100,000 units, I'm afraid more than 10 million people will grab it.

The probability of grabbing it is less than one percent.

The odds are too small.


Top fans who are not short of money are looking forward to arriving as soon as possible on the 24th.

In this way, you can buy the pinnacle 4 that you have longed for.

"Comrades, there are still three days left. Peak 4 will be officially released in three days, 々!"

"Please, go to Tianmiao Mall and grab it. For half the price, you can take Pinnacle 4 home. Don't follow me to the store to grab it."

"Shout~ I'll give you the two or three thousand yuan?"

"Don't stop me, my sword is already thirsty!"

"The countdown has begun."

Domestic netizens are talking a lot.

It has been over 10 days since the Pinnacle 4 press conference, but the popularity remains unabated.

Foreign netizens are also talking about it.

"Damn it, there are still three days left, and we have to endure the show-off from netizens from the Dragon Kingdom. Damn it!"

"I hate that I am not from the Dragon Kingdom!"

"I'm already on the land of Dragon Kingdom. Guess what I saw? Outside Dragon Kingdom's Shanghai Dingfeng direct-operated store, I saw a long queue of more than a kilometer. Mamma Mia, I can really buy it on the 24th. To Peak 4? God bless me with good luck!"

"It's really crazy! I heard that people from Longguo lined up outside the Dingfeng Direct Store half a month in advance because it's unbelievable.

"This is the magic from Peak 4, the magic from Dragon Kingdom.

"I'm already part of the queue."

Foreign netizens expressed envy, jealousy and hatred. (Wang Zhao Zhao) They also want to have Pinnacle 4 as soon as possible.

But it's a pity.

In their country, Pinnacle 4 will not be officially released until December 24th.

to this end.

They still have to wait for two months.

This feeling is really terrible.

To this.

There are ardent Pinnacle fans who even petitioned online, demanding that Blue Star Electronics treat global consumers equally.

This petition website attracted hundreds of thousands of foreign netizens to vote.

Naturally, Blue Star Electronics cannot remain indifferent to petitions from overseas netizens.

Hence the official announcement.

Blue Star Electronics expressed its gratitude to overseas netizens for their love. With everyone's support, Blue Star Electronics can reach this point.

at the same time.

Since the release plan has already been determined and there is no way to change it, I can only express my most sincere apology to the fans who love Pinnacle mobile phones.

To sum it up in one sentence.

Thanks for the love, but the plan remains unchanged.

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