October 24, Sioux City.

Pinnacle mobile phone flagship store in Sioux City Center.


The number of consumers waiting in line to buy Pinnacle 4 has exceeded a thousand.

These people work hard.

It came after the Pinnacle 4 press conference on October 10th.

Especially the hundreds of people in the front row area, they are the hardest working.

In order to be able to snap up the Pinnacle 4 mobile phone as soon as possible, I have been queuing here for more than 20 days.

For the past 20 days, they have been eating and lodging here.

If you want to sleep at night, set up a tent on the spot and spend the night.

If this is not true love... then what is true love?

Such a grand occasion really made friends and businessmen so envious that tears flowed from the corners of their mouths.

Why is it that every time Dingfeng Mobile releases a new product, there are always people willing to line up outside the store several days in advance?

And when they launch new products, they can't replicate this grand occasion?

Although they are self-aware, they are still envious!

How they wish that one day their new products would have such treatment.

Of course.

While envious and jealous, the friends and businessmen were also very excited.


This scene just shows that the prospects of the smartphone market are far greater than they previously imagined.

After all, there are only a few consumers who can afford expensive pinnacle mobile phones.

Most of the market is still in the mid-to-low end.

This is their cake.

However, 123 Blue Star Electronics will not intervene in this area.

This scene at the Dingfeng mobile phone flagship store in Suzhou is not an exception.

This is the scene outside the 30 flagship stores across the country.

And online.

Related news has already been overwhelming.

after all.

After the press conference, many people started queuing up.

And such a scene also caused Wall Street to marvel.

Because this kind of thing actually happens in the Dragon Kingdom!

To know.

The price of pinnacle mobile phones is not cheap, and the per capita income of Long Country is not too high.

A 4,099 yuan Pinnacle 4 mobile phone is two or even ten dollars’ worth of salary for most Longguo people.

But now.

The scene was so crazy.

The team has lined up thousands of meters away, like a long dragon, twisting and turning, which is very spectacular.


Are consumers in Dragon Kingdom so crazy?

Or is it that the consumption potential of this market is crazy?

Or is it the result of Blue Star Electronics' new products being too competitive?

It seems...it all makes sense.

The Dragon Kingdom has the largest population in the world, more than 1.3 billion.

Even if only 1% of people can afford a high-end mobile phone, that's still 13 million people.

Looking at this long queue scene, it seems that there is no need to be shocked.


Many of the people in line were scalpers.


Doesn’t the reason why scalpers are so crazy also reflect the popularity of Apex 4?

If Peak 4 cannot be sold, will scalpers be so crazy and queue up 20 days in advance?

It is precisely because the scalpers know that Pinnacle 4 can be sold at a higher price, will not fall into their hands, and can make them a lot of money, so they are so crazy.

This no longer confirms the consumption potential of the Longguo market?

Such a scene.

For HTC, the smartphone leader in the Wanwan region, the impact is huge.

HTC is the first smartphone manufacturer to ship with Android system.

The first Android phone G1 launched by HTC, with its excellent hardware, stunning appearance and user-friendly operating system, G1 sold 1.5 million units during the pre-sale period, becoming an instant hit and starting its take-off. Road, sold well in the global market, and directly made HTC a representative manufacturer in the Android camp.


Although it is very close to the mainland, HTC has no intention of entering the mainland market.

Even if.

Domestic consumers have long been looking forward to HTC, and even petitioned HTC to enter the mainland market.

But HTC remains unmoved.


HTC looks down on the mainland market at all.

But now.

HTC executives were shaken when they saw how crazy mainland consumers were about Apex 4.

Is there really no development prospect for the mainland market?

Can people in mainland China really not be able to afford smartphones costing RMB 2,000 to 3,000?


They have sat in a well and watched the sky for so long that they thought the mainland was the mainland of the 1960s and 1970s.


Pinnacle mobile phone flagship stores across the country opened almost at the same time.

Each directly-operated store has 50 employees, mainly sales staff, followed by six or seven security personnel.

Because there are so many people queuing up on site, these staff must maintain order on site and prevent duplicates from becoming serious.

Otherwise, once a stampede occurs, Blue Star Electronics will be left with nothing to eat.

Consumers who originally queued for a week or more are already desperate.

It was as if a weak skill had been applied to him, his whole body was rattling and he couldn't lift his spirits.

no way.

Anyone who queues here for more than a week will have this kind of mentality.


As soon as the store door opened, everyone was immediately resurrected with full health.

The person at the front of the queue squeezed in through the gap before the door was fully opened, and laughed loudly at the same time: "I'm in, I'm in, I'm the first, haha~"

The people at the back were also agitated when they saw this scene.

Some people just want to jump in line and enter the store early.


He was immediately pulled back by the people in front of him, and at the same time he was yelling curses.

Everyone felt uncomfortable and irritated after waiting in line for such a long time, but now you actually want to jump in my queue.

It was like a powder keg being lit immediately.

Those who are cut in line are unwilling to do so, and those who are cut in line are unwilling to be scolded.

Let the fight begin!

Destroy it!

So you can see it.

Outside the store, there were several fights.

If the police officers at the scene had not stopped the situation in time, there would have been bloodshed.

no way.

The nearby police station had to send personnel to maintain order.

The six or seven security personnel in the store are completely insufficient.

This is also an arrangement made by the city to avoid conflicts and bloodshed.


Consumers who have entered the store.

Go straight to the counter.

"Bring me two 32GB versions, one black and white."

"Okay sir, would you like to pay by card or cash?"

“Swipe your card!”

"Okay, a total of 9,998 yuan."

There is no need to go to the experience station to experience it in person, you can just pack it up and take it away, it’s so simple and convenient.

no way.

If you act a little slowly, you may not be able to buy it today.

"Oh, I'm so confused, which one is the 16GB version or the 32GB version..."

"Madam, if you like to take selfies or take photos, it is recommended that you choose the 32GB version with larger memory, which can save more photos for you.

"That makes sense, then give me a 32GB version. By the way, I want the white one."

"How long is the warranty on your mobile phone?"

"Three years."

"Give me a 16GB black version, 4099, right? Here, you count."

"Give me two 16GB white versions, thank you.

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