Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1094: It’S Expensive, You Can’T Go Wrong Buying A Pinnacle Mobile Phone

October 24th.

The pinnacle single flagship store in Sioux City Center immediately showed a hot sales scene as soon as it opened the door.

Consumers who had been waiting in line outside the store for more than 20 days couldn't wait to squeeze in through the gap before the door was fully opened.

To describe the scene in one word, it was hot.

If you want to add an adjective.

That’s super hot!

Not only are the sales in the store super hot, but the customers queuing up are also very angry.


Because someone jumped in line, conflicts and bloodshed broke out at the scene.

If the police officers who maintained order at the scene had not immediately pulled the two parties away from each other, at least no one would have been admitted to the hospital.

And this scene.

It was also captured by a reporter from Sioux City TV station who was interviewing on the spot.


Inside the store.

Dozens of employees are divided into multiple links, and their division of labor is very clear, which can be called an assembly line.

Queue up here to place an order and confirm the model you want to purchase.

The customer then takes the opened order to the next counter to pay.

After payment is completed, go to the next counter to pick up the goods with the order.

Although the division of labor and cooperation is clear, the employees in the store are a little busy because the scene is so popular.

The store, which can accommodate hundreds of people, is already packed with people.

Consumers who have not yet entered the store are trying their best to squeeze in.

Originally, a reporter from Sioux City TV station wanted to enter the store for an interview.


No one squeezed in at all.

Now we don’t care if you are a Sioux City TV reporter or a CCAV reporter.

No matter who you are.

If you want to enter the store, just queue up!

The Sioux City TV reporter who couldn't squeeze in had to wait outside to interview customers coming out of the store.

Not only the clerks at the Pinnacle flagship store in Sioux City Center felt that they were crazy busy.

The clerks at the 29 pinnacle flagship stores in other parts of the country feel the same way at this moment.

The average investment cost of an offline flagship store is as high as 50 million yuan. All services are very thoughtful and extremely efficient.

But now is the first day of new product sales.

Although the store has five counter windows open at the same time, each window can complete the shipment of four units per minute on average.

But consumers are just crazy.

There are too many people buying Peak.

The employees in the store still feel like they are in a hurry.

Offline stores open on time from nine in the morning and close at ten in the evening.

The staff will take turns to rest in the middle, otherwise, the staff may be exhausted and fall down on the spot.

Take the Pinnacle flagship store in Sioux City Center as an example. In theory, this flagship store can complete the shipment of more than 15,000 Pinnacle mobile phones in a day.

For flagship stores in the four first-tier cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, theoretically, the maximum daily shipment volume can exceed Fangtai.

Don't look at it. There seem to be only a thousand people queuing up outside the store.

But in fact.

The length of the queue did not change from morning to afternoon.


Consumers are constantly adding in.

Before the official launch of Pinnacle 4, there were over a thousand people queuing up outside the Sioux City flagship store.

But it is already afternoon.

However, the number of people queuing up has not decreased.

A lot of people.

They all came to queue up to buy on the day of sale.

after all.

Not everyone is a scalper and they start queuing up 20 days in advance.

Ordinary consumers don’t have the perseverance to wait in line for such a long time.

after all.

If you queue on the same day, you can also buy Pinnacle 4.


Outside the entrance of the Pinnacle flagship store.

A reporter from Sioux City TV station stopped an excited middle-aged man and asked for an interview.

The other party agreed with a smile on his face.

Reporter: "Sir, what do you do?"

Man: "I'm just an ordinary worker."

Reporter: "Sir, how much is your monthly salary?"

Man: "Well, I'm not afraid of your jokes. My monthly salary is about 2,000 yuan."

Reporter: "Sir, as far as I know, the cheapest Peak 4 is 4,099 yuan, which is equivalent to two months of your salary. This price is not cheap. Why did you choose to use two months' salary to buy a Peak 4? ?"

The man smiled honestly: "I didn't buy it for myself, I bought it for my son. I can't use such a high-end mobile phone myself."

The reporter asked in surprise: "Oh? Bought for your son?"

Man: "Yes, I bought it for my son! My son was admitted to a key university this year. For other children, their parents buy laptops and high-end mobile phones when they go to college. My son is more sensible and knows the situation at home, so He didn’t make any demands from us, and even went to work on the construction site during the summer vacation to earn tuition. My son is so sensible, so I thought that my son would be admitted to a good university and earn face for us. As a father, even if I am frugal, It will take half a year to buy him a high-end mobile phone as a reward."

The reporter nodded and said: "Sir, why don't you buy a cheap smartphone as a reward for your son? I think even if you buy a smartphone worth hundreds or a thousand yuan, your son will definitely be very happy. .”

…………Please give me flowers……

Man: "Hey, I heard a lot of reports praising Pinnacle mobile phone before, so I think it is expensive. It must be better than those mobile phones that cost hundreds to two thousand yuan. You get what you pay for. Reporter Comrade, do you think this is true?"

Reporter: "Well, that seems to be the case.'

Man: "That's right. Even well-informed people like you, comrade reporter, say it's right, so it can't be wrong. Although these four thousand yuan are expensive, they are definitely worth it.

The reporter smiled and said: "That's true. Thank you, sir, for accepting the interview with our Suzhou TV station. I wish you a faster life and smooth work."

For example, the scene interviewed by a reporter from Sioux City TV Station also appeared outside other pinnacle flagship stores in China.


This is a hot topic and will naturally attract many domestic media reports.


The Shanghai Stock Exchange is next door to Sioux City.

As a first-tier domestic metropolis, Blue Star Electronics currently has three offline stores in Shanghai.

The addresses are respectively at Henderson Celebrity Shopping Center on Nanjing East Road, Pudong International Financial Center IFC Mall and Xiangjiang Plaza.

Liu Jia is a junior student at Shanghai International Studies University.

at the same time.

She also has another identity - a member of the translation team of the XH Literary Society (part-time).

In 2008.

The XH Literary Society found the leaders of Shanghai International Studies University and proposed a work-study program.

The XH Literary Society needs people to translate some excellent works on the website so that they can be published on international sites for foreign netizens to see.

Naturally, the leaders of Shanghai International Studies University welcomed the work-study program of the XH Literary Society with both hands.

At that time, there were 30 students in the first batch of part-time translation students, and Liu Jia was one of them.

Liu Jia received a translation remuneration of 802.65 yuan in the first month.

Even though a year has passed, Liu Jia still remembers the first month's remuneration as fresh as ever.

And because the quality of Liu Jia's translation has always been very high, the XH Literary Society increased his translation remuneration from 5 per thousand words to 7 per thousand words.

It is precisely because of this part-time job that Liu Jia, who has a difficult family, can have enough food and clothing to complete her study career stably.

You can even save a lot of money and send it back to your hometown to improve your family's life.

To this.

Liu Jia has always been very grateful to the XH Literary Society and has always taken her part-time job as a translator very seriously.


Liu Jia had already made a decision in her heart.

That is, after graduation, I will enter the XH Literary Society and become one of the ten official translators of the XH Literary Society. .

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