Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1095 I Can’T Afford To Be Your Friend, So Leave!

Because today is Saturday, there are no classes.

After completing today's translation task, Liu Jia was dragged by several roommates to Nanjing East Road Pedestrian Street.

When passing by the Dingfeng flagship store on Nanjing East Road, Liu Jia and Lin Mengya were stunned by the grand scene.

Lin Mengya said: "I'm going. Although I saw news on the Internet that there were many people queuing up as early as 20 days ago, I didn't expect that the situation on the scene would be so crazy.

"Yes, there must be hundreds of people in line." Another roommate named Li Xinxin said.

"It's already afternoon. Many people should have already bought Pinnacle 4, but there are still so many people queuing up. "It's crazy." said a roommate named Wang Xiaoyu.

Liu Jia looked at the long queue and said nothing.

She is naturally no stranger to the pinnacle mobile phone.

Know that this is the most high-end smartphone in China and even the world.

It is said.

The "330" mobile phone is still a powerful tool for showing off.

At their foreign language university, there are many students with good family conditions who use Pinnacle mobile phones, which can often attract everyone's attention.

Liu Jia even heard someone say that a male classmate used a pinnacle mobile phone to pick up many girls and was caught and raped in bed. She didn't know whether it was true or not.

Regarding the pinnacle mobile phone, Liu Jia naturally wants to own one.

Because she has experienced the pinnacle mobile phone.

Roommate Lin Mengya has a good family situation and is currently using Peak 2.

She once borrowed Lin Mengya's Pinnacle 2 to call home, which was indeed very impressive.


Liu Jia also knows the conditions at home.

The starting price of a pinnacle mobile phone is around 4,000 yuan, which is not affordable for a poor family like her.

Even if.

Nowadays, her economic conditions have been greatly improved because she works part-time as a translator for the XH Literary Society.

But if she is asked to spend 4,000 yuan to buy a pinnacle mobile phone, she can afford it, but she will not buy it.


Wait until she graduates from college and finds a satisfactory job.

She must buy a pinnacle mobile phone.

Not to show off.

But because she knew that the boss behind the XH Literary Society was Lu Yi.

And Lu Yi is also the boss of Blue Star Electronics.

In her opinion.

XH Literary Society helped her in the most difficult time.

It is equivalent to Lu Yi helping her.

When her financial conditions permit, she will definitely buy a pinnacle mobile phone to express her support and gratitude to Lu Yi.

At this time.

Lin Mengya said: "Since I am here just in time, I will change to Peak 4 today. Sisters, can you line up with me?"

Li Xinxin nodded and said: "Just in time, this year's scholarship has arrived, and I will also switch to a Peak 4. 11

"Me too, I have long wanted to replace this Nokia phone. Compared with the Pinnacle mobile phone, it is just like a brick." Wang Xiaoyu also expressed that he wanted to replace his mobile phone.

Although the Peak 4 is expensive, although their families are not as good as Lin Mengya, they are not short of money, so buying a Peak 4 is still no problem.


The key is.

The appearance of Pinnacle 4 is so exquisite that it fascinates them.

Liu Jiadao: "I won't change my phone, but I can queue up with you."

Lin Mengya hugged Liu Jia and said with a smile, "Jia Jia is the best."


The four girls walked towards the end of the line.

And just then.

A man who looked a bit cunning came up.

When Lin Mengya saw this, she immediately became vigilant and said, "What are you going to do? Let me tell you, if you dare to act like a fool in broad daylight, you will never be able to escape. There are so many people, so you'd better not have any bad intentions. "

When the man heard this, his face immediately turned green.

What the hell, do I look like Liu Mang?


The man smiled and said: "Beauty, you misunderstood, I am not a Liumang."


The man glanced around with a stern look, as if he was afraid of being discovered, opened his zipper, and said to Lin Mengya: "Beauty, do you want Peak 4? The goods just arrived, brand new, authentic."

Hearing this and seeing Pinnacle 4 in the man's arms, Lin Mengya and the others reacted.

It turns out that the other party is a scalper who resells Dingfeng mobile phones.

Lin Mengya was very moved by this.

The main reason is that there are hundreds of people queuing in front, and they don't know when they will be able to enter the store.


Lin Mengya asked: "How much does your Peak 4 cost?"

The man smiled and said: "5099 yuan."

Lin Mengya said: "32GB?"

The man's smile suddenly stopped, and he laughed dryly and said: "Beauty, you are joking, it's 16GB."

Lin Mengya immediately exclaimed: "You sold me 16GB for 5,099 yuan, which is 1,000 yuan more expensive. Why don't you go and grab it?"

Li Xinxin also nodded and said: "That's right, the market price of Pinnacle 4 is only 4,099 yuan. If you change hands, the price will be increased by 1,000 yuan. This is treating us like fat sheep."

Wang Xiaoyu said matter-of-factly: "Handsome guy, it's okay for you to increase the price by two to three hundred, but it's a bit too shady to increase the price by 1,000.

The man suddenly became anxious and said, "Beauty, you can't say that. Do you know how long I have been waiting in line to buy Pinnacle 4? It's been half a month."

"Think about it, is half a month of my time worth this thousand yuan?"

"Besides, if you don't look like college students, and I only have this one product left in my hand, I would like to sell it as soon as possible and go home early. Otherwise, if I add 1,800 yuan, there will be people rushing to buy it."

When Lin Mengya and her four daughters heard this, they were also speechless.

There are people who want to increase the price by 1800 yuan. This is too huge a profit.

No wonder these scalpers start queuing up 20 days in advance.

The man winked and said: "How about it, beauty? It's 5,099 yuan, no need to queue, you can have the latest Peak 4 right away."

"Look at this queue. There are at least five to six hundred people. How long will you wait in line?"

"There is a saying that goes well, time is money. Even if you buy it from me, you will spend an extra 1,000 yuan, but buying it early and enjoying it early is not the same.

have to say.

This scalper man is very eloquent and speaks clearly and logically.


Lin Mengya shook her head firmly and said: "Forget it, it's too expensive! For 5,099 yuan, I can buy a 32GB version of Pinnacle 4. Let's wait in line here. We have plenty of time anyway."

"That's right." Li Xinxin nodded with deep understanding.

"Handsome guy, 5.6, 4199 yuan, we want it." Wang Xiaoyu said with a smile, "You also said, we will buy it early and enjoy it [you are also selling electricity, but you are not selling it.

When the scalper man heard Wang Xiaoyu's words, his eyes widened in horror.

What the hell.

You are the devil!

I've been waiting in line for more than half a month, but you want to take it just because you increased the price by 100 yuan?

Get rid of it early!

The scalper man looked at Wang Xiaoyu as if he were a fool and said, "You'd better line up, excuse me."


The scalper man is ready to leave and find other targets.

Wang Xiaoyu quickly shouted: "Handsome guy, don't leave. At worst, I'll add another 100 yuan and we'll just make a friend."

The scalper man said without looking back: "I can't afford to be friends with you, so I'll say goodbye!"

Seeing the scalper man's embarrassed appearance as if he was escaping from a spider hole, Lin Mengya and Wang Xiaoyu laughed regardless of their appearance. .

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