October 24, afternoon.

In a room in an apartment building in Pengcheng City.

Living here is a man named Xiang Yi.

Xiang Yi is a technology blogger and one of the earliest self-media practitioners. He mainly produces personal review videos of various newly launched electronic consumer products.

at present.

Xiang Yi has accumulated many fans in the video space.

As an electronic product reviewer, it is natural to keep up with the trends of the times.

Which electronic products are popular, then buy them for review, so as to attract traffic.


The most popular electronic product in the current industry is naturally the new sales peak 4 released by Blue Star Electronics.

As a UP owner who makes a living from this, Shi Yi will naturally not let it go.

in particular.

He watched the Pinnacle 4 press conference online.

I was very interested in the hidden easter egg that Lu Yi mentioned at the end of the press conference.

If he can find the hidden easter egg immediately and make a special video about it, it will definitely become a hit and attract countless traffic.


On the first day of sale of Pinnacle 4 today, Xiang Yi got up early and prepared to go to the direct store to buy one.

Although it has been known for a long time, many scalper teams start queuing up to 20 days in advance.

28 But when he arrived at the entrance of the directly-operated store and saw the endless queue, Xiang Yi still felt extremely shocked and his scalp was numb.

See this.

He originally planned to go home.

But when I think of it.

He is not the only UP owner who reviews electronic products.

Peers like him will probably buy Pinnacle 4 as soon as possible to get the first wave of traffic in the evaluation circle.

If he returns home now, he will be a step slower than others.

His own reputation in the evaluation circle is above average, and he is not a top leader.

If you don’t work hard to seize the opportunity at this time, when will you be promoted to the top ranks?

Figure this out.

Xiang Yi gave up the idea of ​​returning home and silently walked to the end of the team.

When he stood at the end of the team and looked at the winding team ahead, he felt a sense of despair in his heart.

How long does it take to get into the store and buy Pinnacle 4?

I'm afraid I won't have to wait until night, right?

Queuing was so torturous that he couldn't imagine how those scalpers managed to get through it when they queued up 20 days in advance.

It had been him.

He definitely doesn't have the perseverance.


In his name, there is a word for perseverance.

Just when he was feeling a little desperate, he looked back and was shocked to find out.

After a while, there were twenty or thirty more people behind him.

This shocked him again.

I have to sigh in my heart, Peak is really too hot.

Time passes slowly.

Half an hour passed.

An hour passed.

Xiang Yi's mentality became a little irritable.


The progress was too slow.

An hour later, he felt like he was still where he was.

This made him, who had no patience, become irritable.

Other people in line came together in twos and threes, so they could have someone to talk to to ease their uncomfortable mood.

It was too painful for him to be alone.

Two hours later.

The team moved forward for a distance like ants.

Xiang Yi's patience has reached its limit.

At this time.

The angel has arrived.

A scalper approached Xiang Yi.

"Brother, do you want it?" Huang Niu asked, winking at Xiang Yi.

Xiang Yi was confused by the question for the first time, and said, "What do you want?"

Without saying anything, scalper took out a Peak 4 from his pocket and said: "Of course it's Peak 4."

"Brother, aren't you a copycat from Huaqiangbei?"

Xiang Yi looked at the scalper in front of him with suspicion, suspecting that the Pinnacle 4 in his hand was a knockoff assembled by Huaqiangbei.

Huang Newton was not happy for a moment and said dissatisfiedly: "What are you talking about? I just bought this, it is absolutely authentic, and I still have the invoice in hand."

Hearing this, Xiang Yi felt a little moved in his heart.

If it's really genuine, you can buy it.


For a UP owner like him, time is really money.

At this time.

A young man standing in line next to him came over and asked, "Brother, are you sure it's true?"

Seeing that other people were interested, the scalper didn't look impatient and said with a smile, "Of course, here, here is the invoice. I'm not afraid of your jokes, I am a scalper, I can make hard money by flipping my hands."

The young man looked at the scalper's invoice, and after making sure there was no problem, he asked: "Brother, tell me a honest price. If it's suitable, I'll take it. The queue is too long."

"This is the 32GB version. The market price is 4,999 yuan. Seeing that you really want it, I will give you a real price. The original price increase was 2,000 yuan, but now I only increase the price by 1,800 yuan. You can take it away." The scalper said with a smile.

When the young man heard the price, the smile on his face immediately disappeared.

"Okay, you can keep it for yourself."

The young man turned around and continued to line up.

What the hell.

These scalpers now have too dark hearts.

If he changed hands, the price would be increased by 1,800. I really thought he was being taken advantage of.

Originally, he was thinking that if he could get an extra three to five hundred yuan, he would just bite the bullet and buy it. It was really hard to queue up here.

As a result, the other party didn't speak, and when he did, he almost frightened him to death.

When other people lining up around heard this, they also started whispering.

"Hiss, this is too dark. You can make 1,800 yuan just by changing hands. Is it so easy to make money now?"

"If this sells, I'll rip off the head and play it as a ball."

"Just now I saw that he asked a lot of people in front of him, but no one was willing to take it."

"It's understandable to increase the price by three to five hundred, but it's normal that no one wants to increase the price by 1,800."

"This young man looks quite young, but why is his heart so dark at such a young age?"

When the scalper heard the discussion, his expression did not change, and he no longer had any intention of selling, and was ready to ask the people behind him.

Scalpers, what kind of face do you want?

Can face be used as food?

"Wait a moment!"

350 Just as he was about to leave, Xiang Yi stopped him.

The scalper looked at Xiang Yi suspiciously and said, "The price is 1,800 more. No bargaining. If you want it, you can just take it."

These words directly dispelled Xiang Yi's intention to haggle the price, and he nodded and said: "Okay, 1800 is 1800."

When the scalper heard this, he immediately smiled and said: "Brother, my increase of 1800 is not much. I came to queue 20 days in advance to earn hard money...

"Okay, okay, don't be miserable."

Xiang Yi interrupted Scalper's words, and the two walked aside to start trading.

Everyone in the queue was stunned when they saw that someone actually wanted the 1800 increase in price, and then there was an uproar.

"Oh, someone really took advantage of me!"

"You prodigal, I could have bought it for 4999 just by standing in line, but in the end I had to spend that unjust amount of money."

"Today's young people really can't endure hardship at all."

Although most of them complain.

But you can still hear the envy and jealousy in these people's words.

Who would be willing to wait in line for hours if it wasn’t allowed in their pocket?

Xiang Yi ignored these people's complaints, paid the money with one hand, and delivered the goods with the other.

After activating it in person and confirming that it was indeed genuine, I left with satisfaction.

for him.

1800 is indeed a lot, but if the review video you create becomes a hit, you can make back this wasted money in minutes.

This wave is not a loss!

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