Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1099 Future Group’S Third Quarter Performance Forecast


Netizens are hotly discussing the fact that scalpers made huge profits by reselling Pinnacle 4.

Countless netizens expressed strong envy.


Scalpers are really making a lot of money.

Individual scalpers have limited funds, but they can easily earn three to five thousand in a day, which is two or three months' salary.

Who wouldn't be envious of this?

In one day, I earned two or three months' wages.

If it keeps going like this, wouldn't it be...


Many netizens who were so stimulated that they couldn't bear it resigned from their jobs and were ready to work as scalpers, hoping to catch this wave of making money.

Money moves people's hearts.

Especially this kind of job where you can easily earn thousands or tens of thousands.

Although queuing is a bit hard.

But this hard work is really nothing compared to making thousands of dollars at once.

Isn't the best quality of the people of the Dragon Kingdom that they are hardworking and hardworking?

Of course.

Some sensible netizens also called on those who are planning to become scalpers to be cautious.

Because the scalpers who make money are basically the ones who queue up to reserve seats more than half a month in advance.

Now everyone is rushing in, it's a bit late.


The appeals of these people did not attract the attention of those who were already red-eyed.


Others suspect that these people have impure motives and are trying to prevent them from getting rich.

no doubt.

On October 24th, the domestic news focus belongs to Pinnacle 4 and Blue Star Electronics.

All major news network platforms reprinted and reported on the grand scene in front of the Pinnacle mobile phone flagship store.

This also shocked the Chinese people.

Shouting that these people are really crazy, just to buy a mobile phone, right?

They can't understand why so many people would queue for hours just for a mobile phone without any regrets.

What kind of magic does Peak 4 have that makes everyone so obsessed with it?

When the overseas corporate giants saw this scene, their eyes shone with light.


Dragon Kingdom is synonymous with poverty.

Even in the 21st century, the GDP of the Dragon Kingdom has ranked third in the world, and it will soon surpass the island country and rise to the second position.

However, in the impression of Western people, the Dragon Kingdom is still a very poor country where the people do not have enough to eat.

But now.

The grand sales of Summit 4 on the first day made them a little confused.

Are all the people of Dragon Kingdom so rich now?

Don’t the mainstream media organizations in the country often report that the people of Long Kingdom are hungry and impoverished?

Shouldn't this kind of scene be exclusive to Western developed countries?

Ordinary overseas netizens expressed shock and thought this was all P's fault.

There is absolutely no way the people of the Dragon Kingdom are so rich.

And those shrewd businessmen, looking at the essence through the phenomenon, have realized what a huge blue ocean the Longguo market is.

Now that the people of the Dragon Kingdom have money, how terrible will their spending power be?

If our own products can enter the Dragon Country market, wouldn’t they be able to make huge profits?

At a time when netizens at home and abroad are discussing it.

Tai Chi Galaxy.

Future Group Headquarters, CED Office.

Lan Lan came to the office with the Q3 quarter financial report.

"Director Lu, this is the group's Q3 quarter performance forecast."

Lan Lan handed the materials in his hand to Lu Yi.

Lu Yi picked up the financial report and took a look at it.

According to internal statistics from the group's finance department, the group's total revenue in the third quarter reached 8.87 to 9.39 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 38% to 46.7%, but a month-on-month decrease of 15.3% to 20%.

The reason for the year-on-year decline is that the online translation business in the third quarter fell a lot compared to Q2.

The main reason why Q2 performance exploded was that after Future Group launched its online translation business in March, the business exploded instantly, and many companies around the world purchased Future Group's service.

In a conversation between Lu Yi and Lu Qi in July, Lu Qi also said that the performance of the online translation business in Q3 will inevitably decline.


Some companies that want to purchase this service have already purchased it.


Naturally, fewer companies purchased this business service in the third quarter than in the second quarter, and it is normal for performance to decline.

In terms of net profit, it is estimated that net profit is 1.94 to 2.4 billion meters, a year-on-year increase of 43.7% to 77.8%, and a month-on-month decrease of 22.6% to 37.4%₂

From the perspective of revenue composition, revenue from Future Group's own website is 5.5 to 6 billion US dollars, accounting for about 67% of the total revenue, and revenue from partner websites is 2.4 to 2.7 billion US dollars, accounting for 30% about.

Judging from the performance forecast data, in the Q3 quarter, the various businesses of the Future Group are still moving forward steadily.


………Please give me flowers…

Both revenue and net profit are better than those predicted by well-known analysts on Wall Street.

If you compare Guge, which released its Q3 results on the 15th, you can see that the former Internet twin stars shine in the East and the West.

But now.

Future Group has begun to widen the gap with Gu Ge.

According to the Q3 performance data disclosed by Guge on the 15th, Guge’s revenue in the third quarter was 4.24 billion yuan, which is about half of the Future Group.


In terms of net profit, Guge’s Q3 net profit reached 1.29 billion yuan, and its net profit margin reached 30.4%, which is much higher than that of Future Group.

This is also normal.

Future Group has many business sectors, and until now, many sectors are in a state of loss.


In addition, the number of employees of Future Group far exceeds that of Guge, and its cost expenditure is also much higher than that of Guge.

As of September 30, Guge’s total number of employees worldwide was 23,331, compared with 21,805 employees in the previous quarter.

The total number of employees of Future Group worldwide has exceeded 50,000, which is more than twice that of Gu.

"Not bad!"

"Although revenue and performance have declined compared to the second quarter, this is within expectations."

"Moreover, the magnitude of the decline is smaller than previously expected.

Lu Yi said with a smile.

Lu Yi is still very satisfied with the group's second quarter performance.

Based on the performance of the first three quarters, the performance of Q4 will not be bad.

So this year.

Based on the total annual revenue of Blue Star Electronics, it can definitely enter the world's top 500 companies, and it will not be far behind in the ranking, and can reach the mid-range position.

Lan Lan said with a smile: "From the statistical data analysis, the reason for the decline compared with the second quarter is because the online translation business has declined, while other business sectors have made steady progress.

"Yeah." Lu Yi nodded, what is expected to come out in the formal audit?"

"In the middle of next month." Lan Lan replied.

Lu Yi nodded and said: "Then let's disclose this performance forecast first and make everyone happy."

Although it has declined compared with the second quarter, the performance is better than the data predicted by Wall Street analysts. This is beyond expectations.

I believe that once this performance forecast is disclosed, the group's share price will rise steadily.

Those investors who lurked in advance to bet that the group's third-quarter performance would exceed expectations should be in for a big deal. .

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