Ended in the third quarter of 2009.

Future Group's cloud computing service business still dominates the industry with a market share of more than 60%.

As far as Lu Yi knows so far.

Due to the impact of the hacking incident in October.

Recently, many companies around the world are consulting Future Group about the company's cloud service business.

Many companies have already signed contracts with Future Group.

This is a very positive sign.


In the fourth quarter of this year, the cloud computing business is likely to exceed expectations.

The reason is also very simple.

In the hacking incident, both the business sectors of the Future Group and the companies that purchased the cloud services of the Future Group were affected.

In this global network melee, no one has been greatly affected.

On the other hand, some of its competitors suffered heavy losses in this incident.

The news spreads to ten, and it spreads to hundreds.

The smart cloud service under Future Group has once again become the focus of attention in the industry and has become famous.

at the same time.

In this hacking incident, Future Group and its partner "190" were not affected, which also reflects the security of Future Group's cloud services.

no doubt.

In the circle of cloud services, it is the future group that is unparalleled.

With this incident, its cloud service business once again became popular.

And companies that have suffered heavy losses in hacking incidents are also afraid.

Who knows if such an online melee will break out in the future and hurt me?

Just in case, buy yourself insurance.

I haven't seen any of my competitors. After using Future Group's cloud services, not only can I increase revenue and reduce expenditures, but my profits can also be greatly increased, and my security is fully guaranteed.

This is how reputation is established.


Companies that suffered heavy losses in this hacking incident have come to seek cooperation with Future Group.

As for why not find other companies with cloud service businesses, such as Guge, Microsoft, IBM, Ali Group, etc., to cooperate?

The reason is also very simple.

Although these companies have cloud service businesses.

But in this hacking incident, compared to the Future Group, it performed very badly.

Not to mention failing to ensure the security of existing users, even their own website was not protected.

In this case, the reputation will naturally be greatly reduced.

Originally, its competitiveness was not as good as that of Future Group. Now that this incident has happened, it has become even worse, and its reputation has plummeted.

It is said.

Vendors who purchased the cloud service business provided by these companies demanded compensation.

The reason is that their website security was not guaranteed and they suffered heavy losses.

The reasons are also very strong.

Why is it that Future Group is fine, but yours is not?

Must compensate!

Otherwise, the Future Group will cooperate.


during this time.

Enterprises such as Gu Ge and Microsoft are quite troubled.

If you agree to the compensation request, you will have to pay a large sum of money.

after all.

There are not a few customers who buy their cloud service business.

But if there is no compensation.

If these users really want to switch to Future Group, the cloud service business they have spent huge sums of money to establish will be in decline.

Now the industry has reached a consensus.

That is that cloud computing will be the mainstream in the future.

Major manufacturers are also seizing the time and investing huge sums of money in this track in order to occupy the pit and have a place in the future.

If the cloud computing business that has invested huge amounts of money to establish is not successful, it will undoubtedly cast a shadow on the company's future prospects.

What's even more unacceptable to America's major giants is this.

This technology will be dominated by the East in the future.

This is not only unacceptable to giant companies like them, but also to the officials of America.

Once the cloud computing alliance they formed is shattered, there will really be no power to compete with the Future Group.

But users don't care about you.

Your skills are not good enough and you cannot guarantee my safety, causing me heavy losses.

If I don’t ask you for compensation, who can I ask for compensation?

Do you have to bear it yourself?

That works!

Then I won’t need your service in the future, and I’ll go find Future Group.

As for the future cloud computing technology being dominated by the East and being very detrimental to the West, then I can’t control that much.

My company is going to go bankrupt because of this loss, why should I care about you?


For this performance financial report, Lu Yi focused on content related to cloud computing.

Although Future Group started with social software.


no doubt.

Today's strategic core has shifted from social platforms to cloud computing.

Because this is the core of Future Group’s future success.

Of course.

Although the strategic position of the social network sector is under cloud computing.

But it is also the second largest core business segment of the group.

Lu Yi took a look at the relevant data.

Ends September 30th.

The domestic version of Xiaonei.com has more than 400 million users.

The number of users of the international version of Face has reached 600 million.

The total number of users of domestic and international versions exceeds 1 billion, including more than 350 million members.

no doubt.

Xiaonei.com (face) is one of the largest social networking platforms in the world.

As for MySpace, which was supported by a number of capital institutions on Wall Street and launched to compete with Face, it is completely a little brother, with an appallingly low sense of existence.


Twitter, the social platform, has also shown explosive growth this year.

From 40 million users last year, Ci has risen to 220 million this year.

As for the domestic version of the Weibo platform, the number of users has exceeded the 300 million mark.

As for the Reddit website, its global users have exceeded 500 million...

As for domestic Tieba, it currently has more than 50 million registered users, with daily active users reaching 300,000, and monthly active users exceeding 20 million. It is currently the largest community forum in China, surpassing Tianya Forum and Hupu, and is the largest Chinese forum in the world. Community.

In the audio and video sector, the number of users of Music Space has exceeded 300 million.

The international version of MusicSpace has a cumulative global user base of about 300 million, which is somewhat unsatisfactory.

The reason.

The favorite music player for overseas users is iTunes by Fruit Company.

Although the Fruit Company’s iPhone was aborted by Blue Star Electronics.

But before the iPhone, Fruit Company was a world-renowned technology giant, relying on its electronic products such as Fruit computers, iPods, and iPads.

Consumers also like these products of the fruit company very much.

As one of the supporting software, iTunes has naturally been deeply rooted in people's hearts.

MusicSpace, a subsidiary of Future Group, is worthy of recognition for being able to capture more than 300 million users in this area.

As for Video Space, the number of domestic users has exceeded 350 million, and the number of global users of the international version of MusicSpace has reached as high as 500 million.

In the search engine area.

Although Jisou Search, a subsidiary of Future Group, is a latecomer, it has now become the leading player in the domestic search engine field [with a market share of 44.5%.

Followed by Qiandu 25.4%, Guge Search 22.8%, Sogou 2.5%, Sosou 2.3%, and other search engines 2.5%.

no doubt.

In this domestic search engine battle, it was Jisou, a subsidiary of Future Group, that finally broke out of the siege and reached the top spot.

But the position of the second brother has not been completely determined.

Qiandu and Gu Ge are the second brothers, and they are fighting fiercely.

As for the international version of Jisou Search, facing pressure from competitors such as Guge and Yahu, its current global market share is only about 4%.

To know.

Guge is the absolutely unshakable dominant player in the global search engine market, with a market share of 85%.

Followed closely by Yahu Search, but its market share is only about 5.1%.

The biggest reason why Jisou International Edition has a market share of 4% is that “this is the search engine that comes with Pinnacle mobile phones.

if not.

Jisou's share in the international market is probably only about 1 point at most.

As for the chat application WeChat and the international version of Wechat, the cumulative number of users is less than 100 million.

As for the online literature section, the number of registered users of XH Literature Society exceeded 50 million in June this year, with up to 5 million people online every day, and the number of daily page views generated exceeded 100 million.

The international website of the XH Literary Society is also booming recently, with registered users exceeding 2 million.

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