Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1101 The Peak Of The Past, Looking Back, Is Still A Buying Point

All business sectors under the Future Group, except WeChat, which was recently launched, and the online literature sector.

The number of users of other products has exceeded 300 million across the board.

No matter which perspective you look at this data from, Future Group has such a powerful set of Family Bucket applications and is the undisputed super social overlord in the world today.

Any product that comes out will be at the unicorn level.

If you study it in depth.

You will find out.

Whether at home or abroad, the Future Group's family bucket products have penetrated into people's daily lives.

You can even see some Western media reporting on this.

Some Western users said that they can no longer live without the products of Future Group.

It can be seen from this.

What is the purpose of this big net cast by the Future Group?

Future group meeting room.

A group of senior executives were sitting at attention.

"I'm convening this meeting today because I want to have a few words with everyone here."

"You can take a look at the information in your hand. This is user data for each of the group's products.

"Except for the cross-platform chat application, online text section, and online live broadcast business, the number of users of other products under the group has exceeded 300 million."

"This data is very eye-catching."

After hearing Lu Yi's words, everyone present picked up the data report in front of them and read it carefully.

Because they are in charge of each business segment, they usually know the situation of the stall they are in charge of. They really don't know what the situation is like in other business segments.


After reading this data, everyone had a smile on their face.

no doubt.

This report card is really eye-catching.

This is why Future Group has become the largest market value among current Internet technology companies.

Even in the online literature business segment, which has only about 50 million registered users, it is definitely worthy of recognition.

after all.

Internet writing is not mainstream.

Among the major businesses of the Future Group, it can be said that it is ranked at the bottom and the one that is least valued.

The reason why Future Group has online writing business is just because Lu Yi did it casually.

50 million registered users are too few for a niche online writing business.

"This report card can be so outstanding, it is inseparable from your contribution."

"However, we cannot rest on our past glories.

"Our goal is not a mere 300 million, but 500 million or 1 billion, a sea of ​​stars."

"Nowadays, smartphones are becoming more and more popular and their functions are becoming more and more powerful."

“It can be expected that in the future, people will be able to buy, drink, live and travel with just one mobile phone.

"Therefore, mobile Internet will be the mainstream in the future, not PC."

"Therefore, the group's next strategy will begin to tilt towards the mobile Internet."

"Like Tieba, it can be turned into an APP."

"In this way, as long as you have a smartphone that can connect to the Internet, you can log in to Tieba through the APP anytime and anywhere.

“Therefore, my suggestion is that in the next period of time, all the Group’s FamilyMart products will be turned into APPs...

This meeting.

The main purpose is to set the tone for the future group's tilt towards the mobile Internet and start preparing for the upcoming mobile Internet era.

To this.

No one at the meeting objected.

Because they all know that this will be the trend of the times.

Just talk about themselves.

They also use the latest pinnacle mobile phones.

Before the pinnacle mobile phone was released, they never thought that a mobile phone could do so many things.

But now.

They are used to it.

As Lu Yi said.

In the future, it may not be long before people can handle their daily needs of food, drink, housing and transportation with just one mobile phone.

This trend has become increasingly obvious.

As a leader in the Internet industry, Future Group will not be able to notice changes in the industry in a timely manner and keep up with the development of the times, or even be ahead of the trend.

It is very likely that a big wave will hit, and the Future Group aircraft carrier, although it will not sink, may be stranded.

Why was the Future Group able to grow from a small workshop to a giant with a market value of 200 to 300 billion yuan in just five or six years?

Aren’t you always at the forefront of the times and leading the development of the times?

How can this unique skill be thrown away just because it has become bigger and stronger?

In that case, wouldn’t it become the second Yahu!

Why was Yahu the first to become synonymous with the Internet?

It is because Yahu is ahead of the times and leads the development of the Internet.


After the success of Yahu, it attracted many followers to follow suit and imitate.

But after becoming successful, Yahu lost herself in the glory.

If you don't think about making progress and fail to grasp the trend of the times, you will eventually be abandoned by the times.

After experiencing a short period of glory, Yahu fell from the clouds into the quagmire, and was surpassed by subsequent waves, becoming a lament in the history of the Internet.


the next day.

That is October 26th.

Future Group has released its performance forecast for the third quarter.

Foreign media organizations immediately reported on the signing.

After everyone saw this performance forecast, they immediately started talking about it, causing an uproar in the industry.

Because judging from the disclosed data, both the revenue and profit of the future group in the third quarter will exceed market expectations.

Wall Street analysts predict that the group's future revenue in the third quarter will be around 8.3 billion yuan.

This forecast now exceeds 6.9% to 13.1%.

If it's just one or two percentage points higher, it doesn't matter.

It can exceed expectations by five, six or even ten points, which is enough to show the terrifying revenue capability of the future group.

For a giant with a market value of more than 300 billion yuan, it is not easy to increase revenue growth by one or two points.

most of the time.

For technology companies, if performance exceeds expectations by one or two points, the stock price will skyrocket; if performance falls short of expectations by one or two points, the stock price will likely plummet.

These four words, super giant, are well deserved.

As this dazzling report card traveled across the ocean, the American stock market opened the next day, and Future Group's stock rose sharply at the opening.

The increase that day was as high as 11.2%, the market value increased by 35.6 billion meters, and the group's total market value reached 353.84 billion meters.

Of course.

This is also expected.

after all.

Future Group's third-quarter performance exceeded expectations. It's so eye-catching and such a good quality stock. There's no reason why no one would buy it.


The current stock price of Future Group exceeds 400 meters gold, and one lot costs 40,000 meters gold. Not everyone can afford it.


Faced with this kind of blue chip stocks, everyone still flocks to them.

Even if you want to borrow money and use money from a lending company, you still have to buy shares of Future Group.

Because you don’t have to worry about losing money when you buy Mirae Group stocks.

Look at the previous 100-meter gold, 200-meter gold, 380-meter gold, etc., the so-called peaks.

Let’s look at the current stock price of 442.3 meters gold.

The original peak, no matter how you look at it, was the floor price.

Don’t be afraid of being cheated when buying shares of Future Group.


Extending time and making friends with time, the group's stocks can bring generous returns to investors in the future. .

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