Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1102 The Annual Revenue Will Definitely Exceed 30 Billion Meters.

The third-quarter performance forecast released by Future Group has attracted widespread attention and heated discussions in the industry.

After seeing this performance forecast data, everyone had to sigh that Future Group is really very profitable.

In the first half of this year, Future Group’s revenue reached 14 billion yuan.

Revenue in the third quarter was nearly 9 billion yuan.

The total revenue in the first three quarters exceeded 20 billion yuan.

The revenue in the three quarters is twice the total revenue of Future Group last year.

have to say.

During this year, Future Group's earning power has skyrocketed.


Many people in the industry know this.

After the hacker incident broke out, Future Group's cloud computing business performed so well that many companies that had suffered heavy losses during this period came to seek cooperation.

no doubt.

In the upcoming fourth quarter, the future group's cloud computing business will experience explosive growth.

As a result, the group's future revenue in the fourth quarter will inevitably rise beyond expectations just like in the second quarter.

That is to say.

It is certain that Future Group's annual revenue in 2009 will exceed 30 billion yuan.

It depends on whether it can break through 30 billion meters of gold, or can reach 32 billion or 35 billion meters of gold, or even higher.


Originally, Future Group's cloud computing services accounted for 60% of the global market.

Nowadays, more companies have given up cooperation with giants such as Microsoft, Gu Ge, IBM, etc. and switched to Future Group.

This will surely lead to a large-scale increase in the market share of the group's cloud computing services in the future.

This way.

Other major manufacturers really do not have the ability to compete with Future Group in the field of cloud computing.

Even if the giants in Silicon Valley join forces, they are not a match for Future Group at all.

This is a huge blow to the Western Internet technology community.

As for the West, there is no way to compete with Future Group in the field of cloud computing. Those companies that choose Future Group's smart cloud services will not care so much.

after all.

They had previously chosen cloud computing services from giants such as Microsoft, GuGe, IBM, and Amazon out of patriotism.

But what’s the result?

The security of these giants' cloud computing services was completely exposed in this Internet melee, causing them heavy losses.

Western businessmen all put profits first.

You caused me heavy losses. On the other hand, my competitors who chose Future Group’s smart cloud service had nothing to do with it. Instead, they took advantage of their website being messed up by hackers to snatch away their own users and grow stronger. Squeeze your own living space.

Am I crazy to put my treasure on you just because you are about to go bankrupt?

To this.

The giants in Silicon Valley have been having a lot of headaches recently because of this matter.

One by one they shouted to them to compensate for their losses, otherwise they would be taken to court.

at the same time.

They also threatened them that if their compensation requirements were not met, they would immediately seek cooperation with Future Group.

As for the giants like the Silicon Valley Alliance, they have completely failed to compete with Future Group in the field of cloud computing, which is none of their business.

I'm going to go bankrupt, why should I care about the flood behind me!

Future Group's third-quarter performance forecast data exceeded market expectations, which also stimulated countless investors to buy shares of Future Group crazily.

On the first trading day after the news came out, Future Group's share price surged 11.2%, with its market value reaching 353.8 billion yuan.

Among the listed Internet technology companies, this market value is unparalleled.

Even before the 2008 financial crisis, Microsoft, which had the highest market value among Internet technology companies, only earned 320 billion yuan.

After being hit by the financial crisis, the market value of Internet technology companies around the world has been severely slashed.


Microsoft is closely following Future Group and is still working hard to climb towards the 320 billion gold market value at its peak in 2007.

I don’t know how long it will take to surpass the peak in 2007.

The stock price of Future Group surged due to its performance forecast, which also allowed investors who had lurked in in advance and bet on Future Group's performance to exceed expectations to make a fortune.

"Nais! This time we bet, all-in Future Group, we made a lot of money."

"It is expected that in this wave of future groups, with the stimulation of good performance, the stock price will reach the 500 million gold mark, and the market value will exceed 400 billion gold!"

"The current stock price of Future Group is 442.3 meters gold, which is still at least 10 points higher than 500 meters gold. We will never get off the car until we are full!"

"I heard that many companies are currently looking for cooperation with Future Group in cloud computing business. It can be expected that Future Group's performance will explode in the fourth quarter. This ticket can be held for a long time.

"Yes! Looking back now at those peaks, they were all excellent buying points."

"According to the development prospects of Future Group, it is possible that the market value will exceed one trillion meters of gold in the future, so cherish the Future Group with 400 meters of gold. Now everyone can afford to buy one, but if it really has a market value of one trillion meters of gold At this level, you really can’t afford half of it.”

"It makes sense! So I decided to hold Future Group stocks for a long time!"

"Compared with Future Group, Guge has now been left behind."

"Yes, Guge announced its results on the 15th, and its revenue was only half of that of Future Group. Once the twin stars of the East and West in the Internet industry, Future Group still shined, but Guge began to become less dazzling under the light of Future Group. "

America's netizens are talking a lot.

Many people even pulled Gu Ge out and were angry with Gu Ge, complaining that the gap between Gu Ge and Future Group had been widened.

Many retail investors who had been cut off by major institutions on the stock of Future Group suffered heavy losses.

Seeing the current stock price of 440 meters gold of Future Group, tears of regret flowed down.

At first.

They buy at the peak of 150 meters gold, 200 meters gold, and 300 meters gold.

As a result, as soon as they bought it, Future Group's share price plummeted, causing them heavy losses.

Fearing that Future Group's stock price would plummet, they had no choice but to cut their losses and delete the stock that made them sad, Future Group, from their selection.

Look again now.

They once bought at 200 meters gold and 300 meters gold, which was a reasonable floor price.


Future Group's stock price will reach the 500-meter gold mark.

If they get what they have now, it will be a double profit.

If you had bought Future Group when it first went public and got it now, you would have achieved wealth freedom by a long shot.

Overseas netizens are discussing this a lot, as are domestic netizens.

no doubt.

Future Group is now regarded as the pride of domestic melon-eating netizens. (Good Zhao)

Future Group's position in the country is like Sanxing to the cold country, Soni to the island country, Alstom to the Gaul country, and General Electric to America.


Whenever domestic netizens mention technology companies and the IT industry, it is no surprise that they will talk about companies such as Microsoft, Google, IBM, and Amazon.


In everyone's eyes, if you can work in these giant companies, it will add luster to your life. In the eyes of outsiders, you will be a winner in life and a true elite.

But after the emergence of Future Group, it broke the Chinese people's mentality of "worshiping foreigners and favoring foreigners".

Companies such as Microsoft and Guge are great, and they are also America's companies.

The Future Group is a truly established Dragon State enterprise.


Our country finally has a top Internet company that can compare with these familiar world-class companies.

And what makes the Chinese people most proud is dust.

Future Group is now even better than companies such as Microsoft, Guge, and IBM. .

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