Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1104 Shocked Friends And Businessmen

It's been three days.

It has been three days since Pinnacle 4 went on sale.


There are still long queues outside Dingfeng Mobile offline stores.

This all shows how popular the sales of Pinnacle 4 are.


The industry is also eager to see the first-day sales data of Pinnacle 4 and is looking forward to it.

Friends and businessmen are discussing this a lot.

Rice Company.


Rebus is gathering with his entrepreneurial team to chat.

Of course we were talking about things in the industry.

Although Dami Technology Co., Ltd. was established only one or two years ago.

But today’s rice phones have a fairly high reputation in the industry.

As soon as he debuted.

The rice mobile phone became an instant hit thanks to the high performance-price ratio of the M1 with its high configuration and low price.

As a result, he has gained countless die-hard rice fans in China.

“I estimate that Peak 4’s first-day sales will exceed 300,000 units.

"300,000 units? Isn't this too exaggerated? After all, it is only a single domestic market, and the price is not cheap..."

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, the queuing up to buy at Dingfeng Mobile offline stores is really enviable to others.

"Yeah! It didn't matter that there was a long queue when it was released on the first day. It's been three days now and it's still 'everlasting', which is a bit scary."

"After all, it is the benchmark in the industry. To be honest, this does not destroy its prestige. Blue Star Electronics is the benchmark in the field of smartphones and is the biggest mountain."

"I agree with this. Lu Yi said that it is conservative to be five years ahead of the world. It is possible to be eight or even ten years ahead.

"With Blue Star Electronics at the front, we can cross the river by feeling the stones behind us, and we can make fewer mistakes."

“Actually, what amazes me most is not the mobile phone, but the smart voice assistant Xiaoying. I didn’t expect that Blue Star Electronics’ technology in artificial intelligence [China Economic Cooperation] is so powerful.


"Yes! I think this voice assistant function should be the hidden easter egg that Lu Yi said at the end of the press conference, and it is not perfect yet. Imperfect voice assistants are so powerful. If it is perfect, then... ..."

"There is no doubt that in next year's Pinnacle 5, the voice assistant will probably become the main feature, and it will definitely be another epoch-making explosive model. I can't help but accept it."


Yinmi is convinced by Blue Star Electronics' terrifying innovation capabilities.

Of course.

Not just rice, the entire industry is on its knees.

Both envy and jealousy, both numerous.

At this moment.

Rebus held a Peak 4 in his hand and kept playing with it.

Basically, every friend and businessman experiences this phone and conducts research on it for the first time.

It's okay if you don't do research. Once you do some research and experience, friends and businessmen will be extremely disappointed.

Especially this hidden easter egg function - intelligent voice assistant, is really amazing.

You don’t know how to surpass such a god-level product.

It is no exaggeration to say that today, not only domestic but also overseas manufacturers are still unable to achieve the first-generation products released by Blue Star Electronics in 2006.

at present.

Most people in the industry believe that Turing may be the one that can compete with Blue Star Electronics in its top series products.

This is the result of a taller person out of a short person.

At the Pinnacle 4 press conference, Turing, a short man, seemed even shorter.

As for the traditional major mobile phone manufacturers, there is currently no one that can compete in the field of large-screen smartphones.

The only one that can handle it even slightly is HTC, and even Sanxing is a little bit worse.

At this time.

exclaimed an executive who was reading the news.

"Hey, Mr. Lei, everyone, Blue Star Electronics' official blog has released the first-day sales data of Peak 4. Can you guess what it is?"


Everyone looked at the executive.

"How many?"

"250,000 units?"

"300,000 units?"

"Or 350,000 units?"

"It can't be 400,000 units, right?"

Everyone speculated.

Especially the executive who said 400,000 units shook his head like a rattle.

I don't believe the number I said.

Although Pinnacle 4 is indeed very popular in China [even scalpers started queuing up 20 days in advance.


Sales of 400,000 units on the first day are too exaggerated.


Absolutely impossible!


The exclaimed executive looked at the man, gave a thumbs up, and said: "You guessed it! The sales volume on the first day was as high as 420,000 units, and the daily profit was 1.9 billion yuan. I am such a good boy.

Everyone who heard this immediately fell silent.

When they heard that this number actually exceeded 400,000 units and reached 420,000 units, they were immediately dumbfounded.

Even Rebus looked stunned.


flower factory.

Mr. Ren and the executives in charge of the mobile phone business are playing with Pinnacle 4.

can be heard.

Everyone was amazed.

"It is worthy of being an industry benchmark. This industrial design is so beautiful and will surely lead the future design trend.

"What I care about most is not the industrial design, nor the chip software inside, but the smart voice assistant function. Everyone, this is the truly amazing and even creepy function."

"In the fourth industrial revolution that Lu Yi mentioned, artificial intelligence seems to be involved, right? It seems that he is not fooling everyone into investing large sums of research and development funds, but is really going deep into it. Let's look at it now , has achieved outstanding results, and this intelligent voice assistant is the best proof.”

"Although this voice assistant is not perfect yet, we can get a glimpse of how powerful Blue Star Electronics' technology in artificial intelligence is."

"There is no doubt that artificial intelligence will be the mainstream of future development. Should our flower factory follow suit immediately?"

We must follow up! Let me tell you something that people don’t like to hear. In the past few years, we have followed the Future Group and Blue Star Electronics and reaped a lot of dividends. Everything proves one thing. Follow Lu Yi. That’s right, there is meat to eat. "

A senior executive's words caused everyone in the audience to fall silent for a while.

Although some people have torn off the fig leaf, I have to say that this is the fact.

Huachang’s smartphone business, Huachang’s cloud computing business, W

The current development momentum is very rapid and has become several pillar businesses of the flower factory.

And all of this was developed closely following Future Group and Blue Star Electronics.


It's time to make a decision again.

In the field of artificial intelligence, do you want to continue to follow?

after all.

The field of artificial intelligence is very difficult and requires a lot of human, material and financial resources.

Everyone looked at Mr. Ren.


Ren is always the one who makes the final decision!

Facing everyone's gaze, Mr. Ren said with a smile: "Since following Director Lu is the right thing to do, don't doubt it!"

"There is no doubt that artificial intelligence will become one of the mainstreams in the future."

"Today's flower factories also have the strength to enter this field, so what are they afraid of?"

After hearing Mr. Ren's words, everyone's expressions lightened.


The flower factory now walks on several legs, with profound technology and foundation.

What else is there to be afraid of?


Must enter!

At this time.

Guo Pindao: "It's out! The official blog of Blue Star Electronics released the first-day sales data of Peak 4... This sales volume is a bit amazing!"

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