Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1105 A Supermarket Is Waving To Everyone


Everyone looked at Guo Pin.

How amazing was it that Guo Pin was so surprised.

"It's incredible."

"Everyone in the industry underestimates Blue Star Electronics."

“The first-day sales of Pinnacle 4 were as high as 420,000 units, wow.

Guo Pin's words also directly let everyone sit on the wax.

how many?

420,000 units?!

Are you sure it's not a random number compiled by Blue Star Electronics?

Even Mr. Ren shrank his eyes.

"On the first day, 420,000 units were sold, which is still the single domestic market."

"I remember last year, when Pinnacle 3 was released globally, the first-day sales were only one million units, right?"

"In other words, the first-day sales volume of Pinnacle 4 in our domestic market this year is comparable to half of the first-day sales volume of Pinnacle 4 in the global market last year."

"If it were the first-day sales in the global market, I'm afraid it would exceed 1.5 million units, or even 2 million units!"

Mr. Ren's words "zero seven three" made everyone take a breath of cold air.

Sales of 2 million units on the first day?

is it possible?

It’s really possible!

Let’s just say last year’s first-day sales of Pinnacle 3 exceeded one million units.

Before that.

There is no record of daily sales exceeding one million.


The daily sales exceed one million, which is absolutely impossible from the perspective of the industry.

But Blue Star Electronics makes the impossible possible.

Blue Star Electronics' Pinnacle 3 has set a record of daily sales exceeding one million.

It seems like now.

The record set by Blue Star Electronics last year will be broken by Blue Star Electronics itself this year.

Guo Pinwei squinted his eyes and said: "The daily sales volume in a single domestic market reaches 420,000 units. This shows that the potential of the domestic consumer market is huge and unimaginable."

"After all, our country has the largest population in the world and is definitely the largest consumer market in the world." Another person nodded.

Mr. Ren said: "With the continuous deepening of reform and opening up in recent years, the people's pockets have become more and more bulging, becoming richer and richer, and their consumption potential is constantly being released. Obviously, Lu Quan has also seen this."

"So, he began to shift his strategic focus from the European and American markets back to the domestic market. This can be seen from the fact that Pinnacle 4 was the first to go on sale in China."

"I have to admit that although Lu Yi is young, his keen vision is unparalleled."

"Today, both Future Group and Blue Star Electronics, under his leadership, have begun to shift their strategic focus to the country. Even if the global market is lost in the future, they will still be able to maintain the scale of giant groups by relying on the domestic market."

Everyone nodded in response to Mr. Ren's words.

Before, they had not seen the fundamental reason why Lu Yi was the first to launch Pinnacle 4 in China.

Now after Mr. Ren said this, they suddenly realized.

Guo Pin also lamented: "It seems that there is a reason why Lu Yi was able to create two giant companies by himself."

"Whether it is Future Group or Blue Star Electronics, at the beginning, they focused on the European and American markets because they have the strongest consumption power there."

"Now, our country's economic strength continues to increase, and it will soon be ranked the second largest economy in the world. People have money and their spending power has increased, so the strategic focus of the two companies has begun to shift back to the country."

"As the world's largest consumer market, both its scale and consumption potential will fascinate multinational companies around the world."

"And this can also make Blue Star Electronics and Future Group invincible."

“Even if we have to shrink from the global market and return to China in the future, we can eventually fight back.

Everyone nodded at this.

Owning a supermarket means that when the time comes, you can make a comeback at any time.

Lu Yi can always see further and more accurately than others, which is not unreasonable.


This point is somewhat inapplicable to the communication equipment business of the flower factory.

Almost at the same time.

All major friends are aware of the first-day sales of Peak 4.

Major media organizations are also rushing to report crazily.

It’s just a blast.

Who would have thought.

The consumption power of the Dragon Kingdom market is actually so terrifying?

Although everyone is extremely optimistic about the sales of Pinnacle 4, and the industry predicts that sales will exceed 200,000 units on the first day, almost no one would think that this product will be a hit on the market.

But now the data is out.

The industry was stunned for a while, and their jaws dropped.

They still underestimated the super market of Longguo.

In terms of consumption potential, which country in the world can compare with it?

before this.

Although everyone knows that the Dragon Kingdom has the largest population in the world, its spending power is very low due to poverty.


This was careless, in the blink of an eye.

The consumption power of the Dragon Kingdom was so strong that it exceeded their imagination.

This development is a bit too fast.

The Dragon Kingdom has the largest population, and now the people are rich.

Combining the two... I can't believe how terrifying the consumption power here will be.


The most important point is that the Dragon Kingdom's economy is still developing at a high speed and has no intention of weakening at all...

That means.

The people of Dragon Kingdom will be richer and more willing to consume in the future.

That is to say.

With Longguo, a super market, its performance is guaranteed.

Even if the performance of countries in other regions has declined, it can still make up for it in the rising market of Dragon Country.

This data from Blue Star Electronics not only caused an uproar within the industry.

In other industries outside the circle, it also caused an uproar.

Through this data, companies around the world have seen a super market that is beckoning to everyone.

Both at home and abroad, Blue Star Electronics' first-day sales data caused a stir.

All major media organizations reported on it with extremely exaggerated headlines.

Netizens from all over the world are talking about this.

"On the first day, 420,000 units were sold. Oh my God, this is too scary!"

"This is just a single Dragon Kingdom market. If it were sold globally, I can't believe how terrifying this data would be."

"If it is released globally simultaneously, it should be able to exceed 1.5 million units, right? It's even possible 2 million units! After all, Peak 3's first-day sales reached one million units last year.

"The record created by Blue Star Electronics can only be broken by Blue Star Electronics."

"I suddenly thought of a funny joke. Blue Star Electronics sold 420,000 units on its first day, while Turing1 sold 100,000 units on its first day, haha!"

"Facing Peak 4, Turing 1 was completely defeated!"

"There is no doubt that Turing Company has been exaggerated. It has no ability to challenge Blue Star Electronics' position in industry 1.5!"

"Although the truth is so unacceptable, it is the fact. The fact is so cruel. Turing Company must learn to accept the reality and admit its failure."


Netizens are talking a lot.

When marveling at the first-day sales data of Tingteng 4, I did not forget to pull out Turing 1 and beat the corpse.

One sold 420,000 units on the first day, and the other did a lot of advertising but only sold 100,000 units on the first day.

The gap is too big.

And the key is.

Turing1 is available for sale in America and Han Country at the same time.

America is currently the largest consumer market in the world.

The consumption potential of cold countries cannot be underestimated.

this moment.

From the inside out, from the outside in, everyone can really see the huge gap between Blue Star Electronics and Turing Company.

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