Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1106 I, Steve Jobs, Will Never Be Weaker Than Anyone Else In My Life

The Internet at home and abroad is in a commotion because of the first-day sales data of Pinnacle 4.

The first reaction of ordinary people who see this data is that the sales of Pinnacle 4 are too hot.

After seeing this data, people in the industry were silent for a while, and then looked towards the distant east with a flash of light in their eyes.

People who eat melons can only see the surface of this sales data.

And they, professionals in the industry, saw more information contained in it through the surface.

They saw the huge consumption potential in the Longguo market.

They saw the rapid economic development of the Dragon Kingdom.

They saw that the Dragon Kingdom was reviving and rising step by step at its own pace.

They saw the Dragon Kingdom....

A country capable of challenging America's global hegemony is awakening and recovering.

Both in the industry and outside the industry, everyone is talking about this sales data.

What they discussed more was the huge consumption potential of Longguo, an emerging market.

Those companies that have already entered the Dragon Kingdom market are thinking about whether they should increase their investment in Dragon Kingdom.

And those companies that have not entered the Dragon Kingdom market are thinking about whether it is time to enter the Dragon Kingdom.

For a while.

The whole world is in a frenzy because of Peak 4’s first-day sales figure of 28.

America, California, Cupertino.

Fruit company headquarters.

When Jobs saw the sales data of Peak 4, his face turned purple.

The first-day sales of 420,000 units far exceeded outside expectations.

The consumption potential of the Dragon Kingdom market is too terrifying.

Is this really the poor and backward country that has been widely reported by the Associated Press, BBC, ABC, Reuters and other European and American media?

How can a poor and backward country achieve first-day sales of 420,000 units?

Although Jobs was not one of those ordinary people who were blinded and brainwashed by the unscrupulous media, he was very aware of how fast Longguo, which had been smeared by the unscrupulous Western media over the years, was developing.

But after seeing this data, he felt that his situation was still small.

The development speed of Long Kingdom far exceeded his imagination.

The market's forecast for Peak 4's first-day sales is 200,000 units, which is calculated based on the current development of Dragon Kingdom.


Not only Steve Jobs, but also the entire Western world, underestimated the development speed of Dragon Kingdom.

Seeing the dazzling number of 420,000 units, Inbus felt extremely stinging.


This huge market should belong to the fruit company, if there is no Blue Star Electronics.


Without Blue Star Electronics, the iPhone led by him would have been successfully born, thus sweeping the Dragon Country and attracting countless Dragon Country consumers to spend their money to buy iPhones.

But all this.

It all failed because Blue Star Electronics came out of nowhere, and it was able to get multi-touch before their fruit company, and released the first-generation peak mobile phone in advance.


The huge consumer market of Long Country has no chance of being connected to their fruit company.

This will cause their fruit company to lose at least trillions of dollars in profits in the next ten to twenty years.

Thinking of this, Yinbusi's heart was as sharp as a knife.

What suffocated Jobs even more.

After being "sooner" by Blue Star Electronics, he did not give up.

It is about saving the country through various curves.

I want to rely on the Turing brand to block the top brand that replaces Blue Star Electronics.

Before Apex 4 was officially released, everything he did seemed to be following his script.

The talks between Gao Tong and Blue Star Electronics collapsed, and Blue Star Electronics was stuck in the baseband chip.

Pulling Gao Tong onto Turing's big ship, with the three giants supporting Turing behind his back, is a huge win.

Sparing no effort to build momentum for Turing1, a lot of advertising expenses were spent.


All of this is to shape Turing's brand image and pave the way for challenging the top brands.

I thought.

If you can give Blue Star Electronics a try when Pinnacle 4 is released.

In the end, Blue Star Electronics slapped Turing with a backhand, leaving Turing unable to resist.

On the second day after it went on sale, Turing 1 created the title of the mobile phone with the fastest price drop in history. This simply rubbed the Turing brand to the ground.

Not only that.

Previously, Gao Tong announced that Gao Tong would invest in Turing Company, but the leader of Gao Tong stopped during the signing ceremony.

After the Pinnacle 4 press conference, there was news that Gao Tong would send people to Sioux City, the Dragon Kingdom, to contact Blue Star Electronics’ senior executives.

All kinds of unfavorable news almost gave Jobs a heart attack.

Before, he controlled Turing from behind to dance happily and loudly, but now he felt so uncomfortable.

The naughty netizens on the Internet have already pulled Turing1 out and whipped his corpse.

Turing 1 was officially released in America and Hanguo on October 9, but the sales volume on the first day was only a dismal 100,000 units.

Compare this to the current first-day sales of Peak 4, which is 420,000 units.

Turing1 has become the object of ridicule among netizens.

Those sarcastic words on the Internet are as unpleasant as they sound.

For example, Turing needs to recognize reality and stop daydreaming.

For example, the slogan that Turing surpasses Blue Star Electronics is a joke.


These sarcastic remarks made Jobs furious.

However, after getting angry, Jobs felt a strong sense of powerlessness.

He did everything he could and needed to do.

In order to snipe Blue Star Electronics, how many things did he do behind the scenes against Blue Star Electronics?

But what’s the result?

In the end it was all unsatisfactory.


The more he does in the early stage, the more he looks like a clown when compared with the results.

This feeling of powerlessness really made him uncomfortable.


Steve Jobs was even thinking about it.

If he had traveled east to Sioux City in the Long Kingdom to visit Lu Yi.

If I had agreed to Lu Yi’s multi-touch control, it would definitely not look like this 913 now, right?

The iPhone he worked so hard to build should also go through the interview smoothly.

Even if the results achieved are not as good as the top mobile phones, they are definitely better than Turing, right?


There is no going back to all this.

There is no regret medicine in the world.

Of course.

If he could turn back time, let him choose again.

Maybe he will still not give in to Lu Yi as he made the decision back then.

Because he is Steve Jobs.

If he had given in and agreed to Lu Yi, he would no longer be Steve Jobs.

In the office.

A lot went through Steve Jobs' mind in that moment.

All kinds of emotions came one after another.

But instantly.

He cut off these complicated thoughts and refocused his attention on the Peak 4 in his hand.

This Pinnacle 4 was specially bought by him from the Dragon Kingdom, and he added one to two thousand yuan from scalpers.

As soon as I bought it, I flew back to America and had it delivered to him as soon as possible.

There is an old saying in the Dragon Kingdom that only by knowing yourself and your skin can you survive a hundred battles.

He quite agrees with this.

Although in front of Peak 4, everything he did before seemed like a joke.


He, Steve Jobs, was never weak in his life.

He would never give in so easily.

He will continue to challenge Lu Yi and Huifeng Mobile!.

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