Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1109 The Internet Is Extremely Popular


UP's director immediately gave a series of demonstrations in the video to the factory director.

"Xiaoying, help me open WeChat."

"Xiaoying received...the WeChat message has been opened.

"Xiaoying, I want to send a message to XX to say hello."

Xiang Yi first demonstrated how to open the WeChat application through voice input.

Before voice input, you need to say the prefix, which is the wake-up word 'Xiaoying'.

Following Xiang Yi's instructions.

Xiaoying opened WeChat and opened the chat box of XX. After typing 'Hello', she sent it.

Immediately afterwards.

Xiang Yi also used Xiaoying to perform voice input and use Jisou search.

"Xiaoying, help me open the official website of Blue Star Electronics."

"Okay, Master... the official website of Blue Star Electronics has been opened."

After a delay of about one second, the mobile phone desktop automatically jumped to Jisou search and entered the Blue Star Electronics official website page.

at this time.

The viewers who watched the video were completely shocked by Yi's operation.

Barrage appeared like crazy.

For example:


Very cool!

want to!


All were amazed.

But it's not over yet.


Xiang Yi also uses Xiaoying to make calls, send text messages, send emails, etc. The required content can be directly inputted by voice.

These operations made the audience in front of the video dazzled and excited.

In their eyes, this is just black technology.

For a while.

【Love it, love it】

[Li Ke’s mother opens the door for Li Ke, Wei Wu is home

[My mother asked me why I was kneeling to watch the video]

[I think I want a Peak 4]

[Awesome! This technology is too awesome!]

[Black technology! Does this pure black technology exist?]

[I feel like the plots in science fiction movies are reflected in reality]

[I’m ready to buy Pinnacle 4. Is there anyone who can do it together? 】

One barrage after another directly filled up the computer screen.

Everyone who watched the video was extremely shocked and fell in love instantly.


The epoch-making industrial design of Pinnacle 4 alone can make people willing to pay for it.

But now after seeing the voice assistant.

Everyone feels that the industrial design of Peak 4 is really nothing in front of voice assistants.

Voice assistants are truly an epoch-making innovation.


It is such an epoch-making program that Lu Yi did not demonstrate it in public at the press conference.


If Lu Yi demonstrated the voice assistant live at the Pinnacle 4 press conference, what kind of sensation would it cause?

Xiang Yi’s video is less than 10 minutes long.


The progress bar has reached the end.

"For friends who often forget where their phones are, Pinnacle 4 is worth owning."

"You only need to shout 'Xiaoying, where are you' within a few meters, and it will respond to your call, just like a caring girlfriend."

“No matter where it is hidden, you can easily find it.

“For those who have watched this video, if you haven’t bought Pinnacle 4 yet, I advise you to hurry up.

“Because I believe that with the popularity of voice assistants, Peak 4 will definitely be in short supply.

“At that time, I don’t think you could buy a Peak 4 with an additional price of 1,500 or 1,800.

"Okay, that's it for this episode's video. Thank you everyone for watching. See you in the next episode."

"For those of you who like Lao Xiang's video, after watching it, remember to use your little fingers to hit the three-click button."

"Your support is Lao Xiang's greatest motivation. Goodbye!"


As more and more people repost it.

This video of Xiang Yi is getting more and more popular, and more and more people are watching it.

There are thousands of barrages in the video.

There are also more and more comments under the video.

Xiang Yi is also reading these comments and messages, and occasionally leaves messages from Ji Shi.

Interacting with fans is also a necessary means to retain fans and increase fan stickiness.

after all.

He is in this line of work and relies on this line of work to make a living.

Fans are his bread and butter.

No surprises.

A few hours after Xiang Yi posted this video, it completely exploded on the Internet.

The number of people who have watched this video has exceeded 100,000, the number of likes, favorites, and reposts has exceeded 10,000, and the number of people who have contributed coins is as high as several thousand.

This video of Xiang Yi went viral.

The fellow UP owners also took action quickly.

This is the traffic password.


For a while.

There are more and more people looking for scalpers to buy Pinnacle 4.

This makes the scalpers who resell Pinnacle 4 extremely happy.

What's going on?

Why didn’t everyone stop queuing up and come to buy Apex 4 at a higher price with you?!!

In the morning, the price increase for a Peak 4 was only 1,500. By the afternoon, it had become 2,000, and a little later it had soared to 2,300.

.........Please give me flowers...

Except for the UP owners who are taking action and want to take advantage of this wave of traffic dividends.

Network anchors also smelled it.

The anchor who had already bought Pinnacle 4 immediately switched the live broadcast content and demonstrated how to use the voice assistant on the spot.

For a while.

The entire Internet is a hot topic about voice assistants.

on Weibo.

# Summit 4 Hidden Easter Egg#





A series of related hot search terms have become the top trending searches on Weibo.

The most popular posts on Tianya Forum, Tieba, BBS and other platforms have also become the voice assistant Xiaoying.

"I'll go! Is it true? In other words, the hidden ones are the worst?!"


"There is no doubt that the hidden Easter egg mentioned by the richest man at the end of the press conference is the voice assistant Xiaoying!"

"After watching Factory Director Xiang's video, I have to say that it's really awesome. It's almost like the plot of a science fiction movie has been brought into reality, right?"

"A perfect piece of black technology!"

"I immediately knelt down to Blue Star Electronics!"

"The richest man Lu didn't mention the voice assistant Xiaoying at the press conference. It's probably not because the function is not perfect yet, but because he was afraid that people at the scene would be so shocked that they would lift the roof of the press conference hall after seeing it."

"Is Blue Star Electronics the most awesome technology company?"

"Love it, love it!"

“After watching Director Xiang’s video, I couldn’t help myself and spent an extra 2,000 yuan to buy a Peak 4. I’m going to have to live with it for a few months.

"You only spent an extra 2,000 yuan, and I spent an extra 2,200 yuan."

"Damn~ The price of scalpers has increased too fast! When I asked in the morning, the price was only increased by 1,500. In the afternoon, I asked about the increase in price by 1,800. As a result, I watched the video of the factory director, and asked in the evening when I was planning to buy one. , the price has risen to 2200, if I had known I would have saved 700 yuan by buying it in the morning.

"Before, there was the Turing 1, the mobile phone with the fastest price drop in history, and now there is the Turing 4, the mobile phone with the fastest price premium in history. What a stark contrast."

"Turing1 has been shot dead on the beach by Pinnacle 4."

"At noon, I went to our offline store to buy a Peak 4. I saw three to five hundred people queuing up. I thought there were too many people, so I came back in the evening. But I waited until I had eaten. I went to see it, thinking I could buy Pinnacle 4 without queuing, but I found that there were more people queuing than at noon, which is very embarrassing~"

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