Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1110 The Video Became Popular, And Up Hosts And Network Anchors Took Action

An apartment building in Pengcheng.

The residence of Xiang Yi, the director of UP.

After the video was released, Director Xiang kept refreshing the background of the web page with uneasiness in his heart.

He was very excited inside.

Because for now, there are no other videos about the voice assistant Xiaoying on the entire Internet.

That is to say.

He is the first UP owner to discover the hidden easter egg in Peak 4!

If this video can become popular.

Then he told the factory director that in the UP circle, he would jump from a second- or third-rate small UP owner to a top-tier UP owner.


It is very possible to become the top UP master in the evaluation circle.

Just like Bei Sima before.

From a not-so-famous UP host, with his viral videos, he suddenly swept the entire internet and became a top streamer.

This top trend not only represents a surge in the number of fans.

It also represents a surge in income.

It is possible to achieve financial freedom overnight.

"Six zero zero" so.

Director Xiang was very nervous at the moment.

He thinks his video will go viral.

But that's just what he thinks.

As for whether it will be popular, no one can guarantee it.

Two hours after the video was released.

There are signs of fire.

With the help of his fans, more and more people are watching the video.

The likes, coins, favorites, and play times below the video are all worth it.

Five hours after the video was posted.

With the rhythm of fire.

His original number of fans was 100,000+.


When he posts a video, it gets up to 10,000 views, 1,000 or 2,000 likes, and hundreds of comments every day within 5 hours.

But this time.

In five hours, the video has exceeded 100,000 views, 50,000 likes, and more than 3,000 comments.

at the same time.

On Weibo, relevant topic posts have appeared.


At this time, the topic popularity has not yet reached the hot search list.


Although it hasn't been on the hot search list yet, its popularity is rising quickly.

Many users who browse Weibo and find relevant posts will immediately go to the video space and look at the director's original video.


More and more people watch the video, and in turn they post on related topics on Weibo to participate in the discussion, making the topic more and more popular.

The hotter the topic, the more attention it will attract from netizens.

This creates a positive feedback.

It can be said.

This video of Director Xiang was destroyed.

Follow this trend.

The number of views must be at least one million, and the number of likes must be at least 200,000.

After half a day.

The video has been viewed more than 300,000 times, with 100,000 likes and 10,000 comments.

And the number of fans to the director.

Also in this half day, the number increased from 100,000 to 320,000.

The number of fans increased by 220,000!

Factory Director Xiang, who kept scrolling through the background data, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the data. At the same time, he was extremely excited and his blood was rushing.

I think he has been the leader of UP for two years.

In the past two years, he has accumulated fans to the point of breaking the 100,000 mark.

In the past six months, the number of fans seems to have reached a bottleneck period and has basically not increased much.

But now.

It only took half a day.

His number of fans increased by as much as 220,000.

It is more than twice the number of fans he accumulated in two years.

Who wouldn’t be excited about such results!!!


This was only half a day.

According to the current popularity of videos, this is just the beginning.

The video can only be regarded as a preliminary fire, not an explosion.

but now.

Director Xiang is confident that his video will definitely become a hit.

And once the video goes viral.




This is just the beginning!

After the video becomes popular all over the Internet, it will not be a problem for his number of fans to exceed one million.

With over a million views, that’s just the beginning!!

Looking at the various data in the background, they are growing rapidly every second.

Director Xiang's eyes flashed and he said to himself: "I, Xiang Yi, am the next Bei Sima!"

Back then, wasn't Bei Sima the representative who became popular all over the Internet overnight by exposing Lian Xiang's true face, and whose number of fans exceeded one million overnight?

He, Director Xiang, can do the same!!


Xiang Yi's video has completely gone viral on the Internet.

More and more people are paying attention to this topic and watching related videos.

on Weibo.

The topic has already reached the hot search list on Weibo.

Although ranked at the bottom.

But according to this trend, it is very possible for the popularity to reach the top ten or even the first place on the list.

Except on Weibo.

Tianya Forum, Tieba, BBS, Sohu News, Xinlang News, Wangyi News and other news social platforms.

A lot of related information and posts also appeared, further increasing the popularity of the topic.

The quickest response……………………

It must be the fellow UP hosts and online live broadcast anchors.

These people were the first to see signs of a fire in the factory director's video.

I am keenly aware that this is a material that can become popular on the entire Internet.

If caught, they can make a lot of money.


They all left immediately.

Get ready to take advantage of this wave of traffic dividends.

One by one, they are all scrambling.

after all.

Now the whole network only has one video from the factory director.

The sooner they publish their videos, the more traffic they can attract.

In this business, the competition is speed.

If you move too slowly, you won’t even be able to keep up with the hot shit you eat.


If you want to take advantage of this wave of traffic dividends, you need to have the upper hand.


UP owners and network anchors definitely don’t have the time to queue up to buy Peak 4.

When I had time to queue up, they made all the videos.


One or two of them found scalpers.

Not to mention the price increase of 2,000, even if the price increase is 5,000, don’t worry, buy it!

The wool comes from the sheep.

Even if the price is increased by 5,000 yuan, as long as you can catch up with this wave of popularity, you can easily earn back several times, or even ten or twenty times.

5,000 yuan, small money!

This way.

The scalpers will be happy.

In the morning, the premium was still 1,500, but in the afternoon it rose to 2,000. In the evening, 2,500 was no longer available.

Too high?

Like to buy or not!

I have plenty of people who want it!

This makes some ordinary consumers very distressed.

Damn it.

In the morning, the price was only increased by 1,500.

As a result, by night, the price had risen to 3,000.

You can't even rob a bank so fast!


Ordinary consumers have spoken online to denounce scalpers as unworthy of human rights and crazy about money.

And no surprise.

Those netizens who are envious of scalpers and are crazy about making money.

I just couldn't sit still.

Damn it.

Who said that only the first wave of scalpers can eat meat, and advises us not to end at this time?

On the day Peak 4 went on sale, the highest premium was only around 1,800.

As a result, it took two or three days.

Not only did the premium not fall, it actually rose to over 2,500, hitting the 3,000 mark.

Netizens who were dazzled by the high profits couldn't sit still.

One or two of them said nothing and went straight to the sea to work... Oh, no, they went to the sea to work as scalpers. .

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