Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1118 Found It! There Is A Way To Make Money!

Blue Star Electronics' heavy attack on scalpers has been unanimously praised by consumers.


This is a pain for those scalpers.

Especially for individual scalpers, this would directly destroy their jobs.

To this.

Many individual scalpers have complained on the Internet.

*Gan~ How could Blue Star Electronics do this? Isn’t this ruining my job? "

"Hey~ stop talking, I just quit my job and started to work as a scalper, but I got hit hard by Blue Star Electronics. Now, my job is gone, and the scalpers can't work anymore. I'm going to drink the northwest wind. .

"Blue Star Electronics, please give us scalpers a way to survive."

"Haha, I'm laughing so hard. I warned you before not to be dazzled by the huge profits in front of you. It's only temporary. Now, no matter how you say it, one or two of them will make your intestines green with regret."

"Good news, good news, XX company is looking for people to arrange and purchase Peak 4, the salary is 300 a day, and it is paid daily. If you are interested, please contact 123654XXX...

"Brothers, our company is recruiting people, 250 per day, food included. Anyone who is interested can contact me."

"I'm going, what's going on? What kind of company is so arrogant? The salary is as high as 300 a day, and it's paid daily. In one month, it's only 9,000 yuan. It makes me want to leave."

"Haha, brothers, don't be fooled by these outer packaging. What kind of company groups are all fake, in fact, they are scalpers. 063"

"I understand, it seems that the scalper gang has found a countermeasure, recruiting people to queue up to buy Peak 4 on their behalf, they really figured it out.

"Doesn't it mean that, in this case, Blue Star Electronics' measures to restrict scalpers are ineffective???"

"Sure enough, the Tao is as high as the devil."

"Don't panic, this is a helpless move for the scalper gang. After all, if they don't find someone to arrange for them, a gang of more than ten or twenty people can only get 60 Apex 4 movies in three days. How many can they earn? Money? But now it costs 300 yuan per person to do the scheduling. This is a lot of money. How much money does the scalper have? How many people can we find?"

"That's true. Since Blue Star Electronics introduced restrictions, the number of people queuing up to buy Pinnacle 4 has dropped sharply."

"The scalper gangs also work hard to make money."

"Brothers, what are you waiting for? This is a good opportunity to make quick money. The salary is 200 a day, and it's paid daily, so don't act quickly.

"I'll sign up for one."

"I'll sign up for one too."

Although the scalpers are also taking advantage of every opportunity.

But the impact is still huge.

First, there are fewer individual scalpers, so the number of people lining up has been reduced by more than half.

Second, although the scalper gangs are recruiting people to arrange for them, they can't find many people.

Third, the price at which scalpers resold Peak 4 was directly reduced.

From the previous maximum premium of 3,000 yuan, to now the premium of 1,500 yuan is not necessarily wanted by anyone.


Nowadays, scalpers are being attacked hard. Ordinary consumers can buy it online without queuing for too long, so why waste money on it?

This makes the scalper gang very hurt.

The premium price has come down, which naturally means that their profit margins have been reduced a lot.


Now we have to spend extra money to hire people to line up to buy it, so that the price of a Pinnacle 4 has reduced the profit from the previous one or two thousand to the level of fifty acres.


According to this trend, the premium will have to fall.

By the time.

The premium for a Peak 4 movie may only be six to seven hundred yuan.

Excluding the cost of hiring people and other expenses, you will probably lose money.


Not two days.

The scalper gang has reduced the salary of the agent from the previous 300 yuan to 200 or even 150 yuan.

This also makes many people who were originally lining up for high wages lose interest in queuing up.

In the past, there were many college students who would rather skip class and wait in line just for the sake of 300 yuan a day.


They stopped coming.

after all.

Wages have dropped so much, and they are committing crimes against the wind.

If you fail a class at the end of the semester, or even fail many classes, and are expelled from the school, how can you pay back?

The gain outweighs the loss!

Mountain city.

A certain high school.

Class 1, Grade 2, Senior High School.

at present.

Sun Changan is no longer the most handsome boy in the class.


During these few days.

One after another in the class, other students bought Pinnacle 4. (ciag) This made Sun Changan a little unhappy.

Before, when he was the only one in the class with Peak 4, he was the undisputed focus.


Even students from other classes like to go to their class after class if they have nothing to do.

The reason is to see him at his peak.

Of course.

These are not the fundamental reasons for Sun Changan's dissatisfaction.

The biggest reason is.

Since Banhua also bought Pinnacle 4, she no longer borrows his mobile phone to play.

This made Sun Changan feel lost.

What boy doesn’t like the class beauty and the school beauty?

Facing the pretty and charming class beauty, Sun Changan naturally had some thoughts.

If you can catch the class beauty, that is something worth showing off.

Originally, I thought that with my Peak 4, I could get closer to the class beauty and then catch the class beauty.

As a result... I woke up from the dream.

The class beauty now has her own Peak 4, and no longer needs to be shy about borrowing Peak 4 from him.

As for the other female classmate Sun Changan, she said that she could not be judged by him.

Wang Gang, who was sitting in the back row and had been secretly in love with the class beauty, expressed his happiness that the class beauty no longer asked Sun Changan to borrow his mobile phone to play with.


After seeing the class beauty and several other classmates, they all clicked on Picture 4 one after another.

And as soon as get out of class is over, they take it out to show off to each other.

Wang Gang saw it in his eyes and was envious in his heart.

Two days ago, after he got home, he told his parents that he wanted to buy a Peak 4.

The result is no doubt.

This idea was ruthlessly rejected by my parents.

The reason is also very simple.

His parents were just ordinary vegetable sellers, and their family's financial resources were limited, so they thought there was no need to buy him an expensive Pinnacle 4 mobile phone.


Now he is a student.

The student's responsibility is to study hard and make progress every day.

As for things that have nothing to do with learning, they are not important.

To this.

Wang Gang gave up and continued to pester his parents to buy Pinnacle 4 for him.

But in his heart, his thoughts are on Pinnacle 4 mobile phone these days.

He is now absent-minded in class and his grades have plummeted.

Looking at the numbers in the textbook, all he was thinking about was how to buy a Pinnacle 4 mobile phone.

Especially when I see other students in the class using the latest pinnacle mobile phones one after another, this desire is infinitely amplified.


After school.

Wang Gang was walking in the alley, and all he could think about was how to get money to buy a movie called Apex 4.



Will not work!

Without paying attention, Wang Gang hit the telephone pole directly.

The pain made Wang Gang come back to his senses in an instant. He couldn't help but rub his forehead and kicked the pole hard, as if this could vent his anger from being hit just now.

But this time.

He looked up and saw a small advertisement taped to the telephone pole.

The advertisement said - if you sell your kidneys to buy a mobile phone, you can get the latest top-notch mobile phone for one kidney.

The moment he saw this advertisement, Wang Gang was stunned for a moment, and then he was ecstatic.

He seems to have found a way to make money to buy Apex 4!

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