Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1119 Wang Gang Is In Action (Part 1)

Wang Gang looked at the small advertisement on the telephone pole and forgot about his headache.

Sell ​​your kidneys to buy a mobile phone, and for one kidney you can get the latest pinnacle mobile phone??

Ah, is this... real or fake?

For a moment.

Wang Gang's heart was filled with enthusiasm and he was very excited.

Peak 4 seems to be waving to him!


Wang Gang tore off the small advertisement from the telephone pole and carefully put it into his pocket.

Although he was very excited.


Selling kidneys is no small matter.

He must check online before making a final decision.


Wang Gang did not go home directly as usual.

Instead, he turned a corner and entered a dark Internet cafe.

As for why you don’t go to a regular Internet cafe, of course, it is cheaper to surf the Internet in black Internet cafes, which costs one yuan an hour, and you don’t need an ID card.

I took out a dollar and asked the network administrator to turn on a machine.

Wang Gang sat in the corner, opened Jisou, and started searching online.

It didn't take long for him to search for the content he wanted and read it carefully.

"There are two kidneys in the human body, and missing one kidney will not have much impact on the body..."

When he saw these contents, Wang Gang's eyes suddenly brightened.

"Very good!"

"In this way, if I sell one of the kidneys, I can get the money from selling the kidneys to buy Peak 4."

“Not only will it fulfill my dream of reaching Peak 4, it will also not affect my health. There is no harm in it at all.

"You can do it!"

Wang Gang thought to himself.

He felt confident.

I was worried before that if I lost a waist, it would be bad for my health.

Now I have checked a lot of information on the Internet, and now I know that losing one kidney will not have much impact on myself.

Then it's no problem.

One kidney, exchange for a Peak 4, worth it!


He took out the small piece of advertising paper from his pocket, looked at it carefully, and memorized the phone numbers below again and again, and then he felt relieved.

after an hour.

Wang Gang came out of the dark Internet cafe and returned home.

His parents haven't come back yet.


Wang Gang used his home landline phone to dial the number on the advertisement.


The phone was connected, and a man's voice came from inside.

"Hello, who's there? I'm He Wei"

"Hello...Hello, I am Wang...Wang Gang."

"Wang Gang? I don't know you! Do you have anything to do with me?"

"I...I...saw the little advertisement you posted on the telephone pole..."

Before Wang Gang finished speaking, He Wei's tone on the other end of the phone suddenly became very enthusiastic.

"Yes, yes, I posted it. What, do you want to sell your kidneys?"

He Wei on the other end of the phone was so happy.

The little ads he posted have been up for several days, but no one has called him yet.


There is actually a big fat, it's a human, coming to the door.

That's great.

To know.

He owed a lot of debt and had been hiding from it for a long time.

He didn't want to hide anymore.


We have to pay off the foreign debt we owe.

But he has no money in his hand.

If you have money, you don't have to hide everywhere.

Think about it.

He Wei thought of a way to make quick money.

That is to participate in the illegal trading of live kidneys and earn the price difference for profit.


He directly targeted those who wanted to buy Pinnacle 4 but had no money to buy it.


Then the net was cast widely and many small advertisements were posted.


There is a fish in the net.

On the phone.

Wang Gang and He Wei chatted for a while.


The two parties set a time to meet.

By the time.

He Wei will ask Wang Gang's basic information in detail.

after all.

He Wei knew very well that what he was doing was illegal and criminal.

It's better to be more cautious.

To this.

Wang Gang naturally had no objection and made an appointment for the day after tomorrow.

The day after tomorrow happens to be Saturday, so he doesn't have to go to school and has time to meet.


Half past eight in the evening.

The royal father and queen mother dragged their exhausted bodies back home.

At this moment.

Wang Gang has already prepared dinner.

It is said that children of poor people become masters early, and this is true.

The royal father and queen mother who returned home were a little surprised.

Because Wang Gang seemed very happy today.

To know.

Two days ago.

Wang Gang proposed to them that he wanted to buy a Peak 4.

After learning that the cheapest Peak 4 was priced at 4,099 yuan, the two of them were shocked by the price and refused on the spot.

After being rejected, Wang Gang didn't make any fuss with them and returned to the room silently.

But after that.

Wang Gang became unhappy and had many hidden thoughts.

On weekdays, I don’t smile and say hello to them as often as before.

The royal father and queen mother were very surprised.

So Wang Fu asked: "Gangzi, do you know that your parents are going to give you a surprise today?"

As soon as these words came out.

Wang Gang was stunned.


What surprise?

He subconsciously asked: "Surprise? Did you promise to buy Pinnacle 4 for me?"

If his parents agreed, then he wouldn't have to sell his kidneys.

Wang's father directly took out a mobile phone box and said with a smile: "It's not Pinnacle 4, it's Nokia E63."

…Please give me flowers…

"Didn't you keep pestering me and your mother last year, asking us to buy you a Nokia E63?"

"At that time, your mother and I were afraid that having a mobile phone would delay your studies, so we didn't agree."

"But now that your mother and I have thought about it, you are 17 years old and will soon be an adult. Your parents believe in your self-control.

"The price of Pinnacle 4 is too expensive. You also know the conditions of our family."

"So, I won't buy you Pinnacle 4. Nokia E63 is not bad either."

"Look, this phone is so beautiful and beautiful, and it's a world-famous brand..."

The royal father said a lot.

But after Wang Gang heard that it was not Pinnacle 4, but Nomagia E63, the disappointment on his face was still clearly visible.

Although the E63 was the king of machines launched by Nokia last year, it became very popular.


Compared with Pinnacle 4, Nokia E63 is really too bad and there is no comparison at all.

Last year, he was able to show off in school with a Nokia E63, which aroused the envy and jealousy of his classmates.

but now.…….…


He is a sensible child.

He quickly put on a smile and said, "Thank you, Dad, thank you, Mom. Don't worry, I will definitely not delay my studies."

Even so.

But that was what Wang Gang was thinking about.

Anyway, I am planning to sell my money to buy Pinnacle 4. Now I have a Nokia E63, which makes it more convenient to contact He Wei.

The royal father and queen mother also showed a satisfied smile.

My son is still sensible.

It's not easy to understand the two of them.

He knew that the son of a friend at the market was crying, making trouble and trying to hang himself at home in order to buy a Peak 4, which made that friend very helpless.

My son is not so generous.

Although they rejected Wang Gang's request to buy Pinnacle 4, Wang Gang didn't cry or make trouble and was very sensible.

Think of this.

Wang's father added: "Gangzi, your mother and I put our words here. If you can be admitted to a key university in two years, your mother and I will buy you the latest pinnacle mobile phone. As a reward, you have to study hard and try to get into a good university. Our Shancheng University is very good, it is 985 or 211. You can become a high official after graduation."

Wang Gang didn't feel much heartbeat after hearing this.

Two years later?

The day lilies are cold.

But he still said: "In two years, I will definitely be admitted to our mountain city university and make you and mom look good."

"Hahaha, good, good, good, my son can definitely go to Shancheng University."

The Queen Mother, with a loving face on her face, put vegetables in Wang Gang's bowl as she spoke.

"Come on, Yao'er, let's eat some more food."

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