First is the sales data of 4 million units in the first week.

Finally, there is a small goal of annual shipments of 100 million units.

For a while.

People at home and abroad, whether in the industry or outside the industry, are all numb.


Compared with the first week sales of 4 million units.

Everyone was even more shocked by the small annual shipment target set by Blue Star Electronics.


Your Blue Star Electronics Peak 4 is selling very well.

In the single market of Longguo alone, it set a record of sales of 4 million units in the first week.


If you want annual shipments to exceed 100 million units... this is a bit overestimating your capabilities.

Even Nokia, the king of the mobile phone industry, has yet to set a record of annual sales exceeding 100 million units for any mobile phone.


Nokia has many models, with sales exceeding 100 million units.


That's not annual sales, but total sales.

Right now.

The total sales volume from the release of the model until the discontinuation of production and sales, or until now.

The pinnacle series of mobile phones of Blue Star Electronics are indeed unparalleled in the field of smartphones, and no other manufacturer dares to look down upon them.


What is your market share of Blue Star Electronics?

Pinnacle mobile phones are typically more famous than sold.


The sales of more than 4 million units in the first week of the Longguo market made Blue Star Electronics expand so much that it even shouted the slogan of exceeding 100 million units in the peak four years.

Aren't you afraid of becoming a joke?

For a while.

There was an uproar around the world.

"There is no doubt that Blue Star Electronics has expanded. I don't know where this overwhelming confidence comes from. Maybe it comes from the sales of 4 million units in the first week."

Friends and businessmen who were unhappy with Blue Star Electronics would naturally not miss this opportunity to ridicule.

Such as Noah.

A senior executive jumped out immediately and mocked Blue Star Electronics frankly.

"Annual shipments of 100 million units? Don't be kidding! I admit that Pinnacle 4 is an epoch-making model, but it is absolutely impossible to achieve annual shipments of 100 million units. This is impossible. Blue Star Electronics is destined to To be a joke.

A senior vice president of Motorola said this when being interviewed by reporters.

"Blue Star Electronics set a first-week sales record, but soon Blue Star Electronics made another hilarious joke. Yes, that was the target of shipping 100 million units that year. In my opinion , it’s just a complete joke.”

When asked by reporters what he thought of Blue Star Electronics' goal of 100 million units, Jobs said with a sarcastic expression.

Turing1, who had high hopes after failing repeatedly at the hands of Lu Yi, became a joke in front of Pinnacle 4.

How did Steve Jobs avoid being angry or resentful?

Now is the time to seize the opportunity and take revenge.

Even if...

Just talking about it has relieved the depression in my mind.

Except these friends and businessmen jumped out and started talking.

Other industry insiders also expressed their opinions on social platforms.

"Apex 4 is a great mobile phone, but it is obvious that the people at the helm of Blue Star Electronics have set a very wrong goal. In the future, when people talk about Apex 4, this epoch-making machine, they will always be confused. Avoid the joke of annual shipments of 100 million units."

"That's the best joke I've heard of the year."

"If the annual shipment volume of Peak 4 can exceed 100 million, I am willing to live broadcast the handstand and fly, and put up a post as proof."

"Perhaps, the success of Peak 4 has made many senior executives of Blue Star Electronics feel lost, and this will be the beginning of Blue Star Electronics' decline.

"One hundred million units?! This is not only a number, but also a record and a myth. Do you think Blue Star Electronics can do it?"

"What the absolute king of the mobile phone industry, Nokia, has never done, I simply don't believe that an emerging mobile phone company that has been established for just a few years can create such a myth."

The big guys in the foreign industry really didn't save any face and made crazy mockery.

As for the domestic side.

Although everyone smiled and said nothing about Blue Star Electronics' goal of 100 million, their inner thoughts were actually similar to what those foreign industry leaders said.

Blue Star Electronics Headquarters.

Jia Weiping surfed the Internet.

Looking at those mocking remarks from abroad, I feel very angry and angry.

He never expected it.

Blue Star Electronics' newly set goal of 100 million units was ridiculed by the industry after word spread.

How much do you look down on them, Blue Star Electronics?


He also admitted that the goal of annual shipments exceeding 100 million is very difficult.

But isn’t difficulty meant to be broken?

Aren’t records meant to be created?

Why do you say they Blue Star Electronics can't do it?

Think of this.

Jia Weiping was so angry that his chest was heaving.

Since these gringos are so brazen.


He will lead his people to show these foreigners that I, Blue Star Electronics, can do what you can't do!


Jia Weiping called a group of people above the supervisory level for a short meeting.

The ridiculing remarks made by foreign industry insiders were directly thrown out at the meeting.

Jia Weiping kept banging the table and yelling angrily, and frantically splashed chicken blood on everyone.

Let’s take a look.

Good guy, this is looking down on us.

Can't bear it!


You say we can't do it, but we insist on showing it to you and smashing the faces of you people.

After the meeting.

These supervisor-level and above personnel returned to their workstations, summoned their subordinates, and recounted what they had been ridiculed by the gringos.

all of a sudden.

The employees in the entire business department were aroused and their eyes were filled with fire.


Are we being underestimated?

Being teased?

Damn it!

One or two of the defeated subordinates of Blue Star Electronics actually dare to mock us with shameless words. Wait and see, I'll slap you in the face!

The blood in everyone's bodies was ignited one after another. .

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