Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1128. Lu Yi’S True Identity Is Actually A Black-Hearted Boss?


on all major social media platforms.

Countless melon-eating netizens are also discussing this.


The focus of their discussion is not the so-called small goal of breaking 100 million.

But the bonus for that small goal.

"Damn it! Working at Blue Star Electronics is such a blessing. Look at this handiwork! A bonus of 100 million is given to motivate employees!"

"I regret it! I regret it! In the early years, if I had studied hard in college, maybe I would be a member of Blue Star Electronics now. I regret that I did not study knowledge seriously."

"It has to be Blue Star Electronics that is willing to spend money. As soon as this news came out, as far as I know, all the employees in the entire Peak Division were like chicken-blooded, vowing to achieve the goal and share the 100 million grand prize.

“Former goose factory employees express real name envy.”

"Everyone is wrong about one thing. You are not happy working at Blue Star Electronics, but you are happy working under the richest man in China. Look at Blue Star Electronics and the Future Group. Both companies are willing to pay their employees."

"The brother upstairs is right. Why everyone wants to join the Future Group or Blue Star Electronics? It's because the richest man Lu doesn't squeeze employees like 577 in other companies. Working in Blue Star Electronics and Future Group, As long as you dare to show results, the richest man Lu will really dare to give you money."

"I learned from a friend who works at Blue Star Electronics that it is said that the year-end bonuses for the team that develops Pinnacle 4 this year will start at least 500,000 yuan, and more can give out one million bonuses.

"I'm so jealous! I'm so jealous!"

"It's someone else's company~"

"Now you know the benefits of reading!"

"Haha, I just said it! Is it necessary for you to lick Blue Star Electronics like this? I really thought Lu Yi was a philanthropist! The reason why he gave out 100 million as a bonus was because if someone under him really sold a Yitai Peak 4, he can make tens of billions more, and a small favor will make you kneel down, but I am laughing at it anyway!"

"That's right! If Lu Yi was really so generous, he would just use 1 billion as a bonus! In this case, I will obey him!"

"Haha, these people are used to licking Lu Yi all the time, it's normal."

When countless people praised Blue Star Electronics as a good company and Lu Yi as a good boss.

Nothing unexpected.

Soon a large number of keyboard warriors appeared on the Internet to smear and attack Lu Yi's remarks.


A blogger named [Little Pink Chunliang] on Weibo even published a long article to smear Lu Yi.

"I have nothing to say!"

"It can be said that Lu Yi is the boss who is the best at squeezing employees today. Why do I say this? Please listen to me.

"Think about it, why did he set an annual shipment target of 100 million?"

"Can Blue Star Electronics really achieve this goal?"

"Obviously, it's impossible!"

"This is not what I said, but what the industry leaders abroad said."

"These industry leaders regard Blue Star Electronics' goal of 100 million units as a joke [and were laughed at overseas."

"As for why those domestic friends didn't ridicule, it's not that they don't want to ridicule, but with Lu Yi's current influence in the country, if they really want to ridicule, the future will be difficult."

"Ahem, let's talk about why Lu Yi is the boss who is the best at exploiting his employees."

"Think about it, the goal of 100 million units will definitely not be achieved, but why do we raise it? And we also directly use 100 million as a bonus to stimulate the fighting spirit of the people below?" (cibd) "It's very simple, that's it. He wants everyone to be in high spirits and sell more Peak 4 units. The more he sells, the more he will naturally make."

"For example, the annual shipment volume of Peak 4 under normal circumstances is 30 million units. However, when the people under my command worked hard to sell, 20 million more units were sold. Then the money earned from these 20 million Peak mobile phones will be It’s like extra.”

"You see, if the shipment target of 100 million units is not achieved, the 100 million bonus will naturally be out of the question."

"On the other hand, Lu Yi made a profit of 20 million Peak 4 units in vain. I have to say that Lu Yi's method is really high."

"Now, do you still think Lu Yi is a philanthropist?"

"Obviously, he is just a philanthropist who wears the appearance of a philanthropist and does the most oppressive things for employees."

This [Little Pink Pure and Virtuous] blogger has a lot of fans on Weibo, with 100,000 fans, which is quite big.

As soon as her long article was published, it was quickly forwarded by some of her fans and spread rapidly.

Under this blog post, many keyboard warriors liked it to express their agreement.

"The blogger finally understands this."

"Haha, those who boast about Lu Yi and Blue Star Electronics, I wonder what their expressions will be like after reading the blogger's article."

"Needless to say, I must be very angry and asking bloggers why they want to smear their richest man in Lu.

Except there are many keyboard warriors who agree with [Little Pink’s pure and good words].

Of course, there are also many sensible netizens who angrily scolded [Little Pink Pure and Virtuous] below for talking nonsense.

There is even a netizen with great power who directly exposed the true face of [Little Pink Pure and Liang] - this person is a shameless Japanese devil. He directly revealed the remarks that [Little Pink Pure and Liang] had made on the Internet to discredit and insult netizens. .

All of a sudden.

[Little Pink is pure and kind] was directly criticized by the majority of netizens.


[Little pink innocent and kind] obviously has rough skin and thick flesh.

Facing the verbal and written criticism from the majority of netizens, [Little Pink Pure and Good] is completely unmoved.

He even directly confronted the netizens in the comment area and madly insulted the netizens, looking like a dead pig who is not afraid of being scalded by boiling water.

This made countless patriotic netizens very angry. .

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