Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1136: My Waist Is Saved And I Have A Mobile Phone


Following the captain's order.


A dozen police officers rushed into the small clinic.

And inside the small clinic.

At this moment, the expert was directing Wang Gang to lie on the operating table, preparing to inject Wang Gang with anesthetic.

Just hear it.

"Don't move!"

"Police, squat down!"

As a large number of police filed in.

He Wei, doctors, nurses and others were immediately stunned.

What the hell is going on?

Why did so many policemen suddenly come in?

Seeing the police rushing in, He Wei was stunned.


His face turned pale.

The same goes for doctors and nurses.

They all know that this is illegal and criminal.

But because money was tight and He Wei gave him a lot, he took a chance and boarded this pirate ship.


The surgery hasn't even started yet.

He was immediately caught by the police.

It’s over!

Completely finished!

They were all people with a bright future, and they had to pay the price for what happened today.

I definitely can't keep my job.

Even word got out.

Your own family members will be looked down upon by the people around you because of their illegal and criminal behavior.

"do not move!"

"Squat down!"

The policemen rushed in and shouted.

He quickly rushed up and controlled He Wei and others.


The moment the police rushed in, several people were so frightened that they dared to move.

After controlling He Wei and others.

The captain walked to Wang Gang, pulled Wang Gang up from the operating table, and said with a smile: "Good boy, you have the courage, you have made great achievements today."

He Wei understood immediately when he heard this.

They were 'betrayed' by Wang Gang.

I thought that Wang Gang hadn't reacted yet and was going to wash his hands after this vote.

When picking up Wang Gang, he carefully observed his surroundings.

Only showed up after making sure there was nothing unusual.


Think of this.

He Wei regretted his mistake.

You shouldn't take any chances.

This is just great.

There is no need to repay the foreign debts owed, and there is no need to be chased and hidden by creditors.


Rather than working on a sewing machine for ten or eight years, he would rather be chased by creditors and hide everywhere.

He looked at Wang Gang with a look of resentment in his eyes.

damn it.

I, He Wei, treat you with all my heart, and you actually betrayed me for a Peak 4.

I hate it!!

"Why are you staring?"

The captain yelled directly at He Wei, who was so frightened that He Wei quickly lowered his head.

He is not a vicious person.

I just want to make a quick buck.

He doesn't have the guts to ask him to kill someone in revenge.


When the captain yelled at him, he immediately stopped.

"take away!"

The captain gave the order.

A group of police officers escorted He Wei and others out of the clinic.

When the surrounding onlookers saw this scene, they immediately pointed.

"Oh, what's wrong with this?"

"Look at this battle, it's quite a big deal."

"Look at the leader. He has a sinister look on his face. He doesn't look like a good person at first glance." (ciea)

He Wei, who was being escorted into the police car, stopped working immediately when he heard people around him saying that he was being mean-spirited.

You can insult me, but you can't insult my eyes.

What's wrong with my small eyes?

Eat your rice!

He wanted to respond like this, but the police didn't give him a chance and forced him into the police car.

Wang Gang also went to the police station.

First, he needs a certificate from the railway police station to prove that he reported it and successfully eliminated a rogue intermediary, so that he can take the certificate to a Dianping offline store to receive a free Dianping 4.

Second, the railway police station also needs him to make a record.

This series of procedures goes very quickly.

It didn't take long.

Wang Gang took the certificate issued by Lincheng Railway Police Station and walked out of the police station happily.

When the police station learned that Wang Gang was coming from the mountain city, they very considerately bought him a train ticket back to the mountain city.

The captain also sent a policeman to take Wang Gang to the train station.

Five o'clock in the afternoon.

Wang Gang boarded the train back to the mountain city.

He was in high spirits when he came.

When he returned, he was equally excited.

During this trip to Lincheng, he not only saved his waist, but also got Peak 4.

Looking at the certificate issued by Lincheng Railway Police Station, Wang Gang couldn't stop smiling.

As for He Wei who said he was ‘betrayed’.

After some enlightenment from the captain of the railway police station, he had no psychological baggage at all.

The captain said.

In the medical environment of a small clinic, if he really had a kidney removal operation, he would definitely be ruined for the rest of his life.

As for saying that a person only needs one kidney to live, it is indeed true.


Missing a kidney still has a great impact on people's health.

after all.

The kidneys are an important detoxification organ in the human body.

at the same time.

The captain also severely criticized his behavior of contacting a black agent to sell kidneys, saying that he was not responsible for his own body or his parents.

The next day.

It's about nine o'clock in the evening.

Wang Gang returned to the mountain city.

Originally, he wanted to go directly to the Dingfeng offline store.

It's just that it was too late, it was almost closed at this time.

I had no choice but to endure the impulse and return home.

I didn't go home the day before yesterday and yesterday, and my parents were probably worried to death.

It's better to go home and make sure you're safe first. .

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