Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1137 You Guys Are Just Here To Make Fun Of Me!

Once home.

Wang Gang had a meal of fried meat with bamboo shoots.

The royal father and the queen mother were so angry.

If the police from Lincheng Railway Police Station had not contacted them, they would not have known that their son had actually carried them to Lincheng, ready to sell the kidneys.


The end result is.

Wang just arrived in Lincheng and called the police.

In addition, he also cooperated with the Railway Police Station and successfully captured He Wei and other illegal personnel, which was a great contribution.


After the royal father and queen mother learned of the situation, they were still worried all day long.


Seeing Wang Gang come back, I can't hold it in anymore.

Immediately there was a mixed doubles match between men and women.

Wait until my parents are pretty angry.

Wang Gang rubbed his buttocks to comfort his parents.

After some education from the captain of the railway police station, he has deeply realized his wrong behavior.

The next day.

Wang Gang got up early and headed directly towards the Pinnacle offline store.


Then go get a copy of Peak 4 for free.

Come to the offline store.

Wang Gang saw a long queue.

I have to sigh, Pinnacle 4 is really so popular.


He walked towards the front.

People who were queuing up saw Wang Gang cutting in line and immediately stopped and asked Wang Gang to queue up.

Even the people maintaining order trotted over and asked Wang Gang to abide by order.

Wang Gang quickly explained that he was here to receive Pinnacle 4 for free.

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone in the queue was immediately stunned.

Did they not hear hallucinations?

This young man said he was here to receive Pinnacle 4 for free?

"Haha, did I hear it correctly? Get Peak 4 for free?"

"I'm afraid he's not a relative of the store manager's family."

"Young man, you must have been confused. You still want to receive Pinnacle 4 for free. What are you thinking about?

"Your excuse to jump in line is too irresponsible.

"Young man, you are just here to make fun of me!"

Everyone in the queue burst into laughter.

It was as if he had heard a joke.


The person maintaining order did not smile.

Because they are employees of Blue Star Electronics.

Naturally, the company has issued an announcement.

Those who report rogue intermediaries can receive a free copy of Peak 4.

Hearing what Wang Gang said, the man immediately said: "Then come with me, and I will take you to see the store manager."

Wang Gang nodded and followed this person towards the store.

Everyone who was laughing just now was left dumbfounded.

Both of them were stunned.

what's the situation?

No joke?

Are you really here to get Pinnacle 4 for free?

For a while.

Everyone looked towards the store, wanting to know what was going on.


Wang Gang met the store manager.

Wang Gang immediately took out the certificate issued by the Lincheng Railway Police Station.

The store manager immediately called the phone number above to verify.

A few minutes later.

The store manager said with a smile: "It has been verified, no problem.

Wang Gang burst out laughing when he heard this and said, "So, can I really get a copy of Peak 4 for free?"

The store manager smiled and nodded: "Of course! But you have to wait a moment first."

"Ah?" Wang Gang was a little confused.

The store manager explained: "This is big news. We will contact the media here and make a report when the time comes to encourage more people to participate."

I heard that I would just ask the media to interview and report on it, which is totally fine.

This was a good opportunity to show his face and shine, and he couldn't wait for it.

If it is reported on TV, and all the classmates in the school can see it, will the class beauty look at me differently?


The Yamashiro TV station that the store manager contacted is here.

Under the witness of everyone, Wang Gang received a 32GB Pinnacle 4 for free from the store manager with a smile on his face.

I finally got the pinnacle 4 I had been longing for.

For this Peak 4, I almost went astray before and sold my own money.

If he hadn't stepped back from the cliff in time.

I'm afraid I will regret it for the rest of my life.

Seeing Wang Gang being interviewed, everyone queuing up outside the store was shocked.

"What's going on?"

"Not only did this kid get a free copy of Apex 4, he was actually interviewed by a TV station. I'll go~"

"I'm stupid!"

"I want to get a copy of Peak 4 for free, and I can also watch it on TV!"

“I thought I heard just now that this young man helped the police destroy a black agency team that bought and sold live kidneys, so he received a copy of Apex 4 for free.

Everyone was talking a lot.

Some people even asked the store manager directly what was going on.

The store manager also directly explained the ins and outs to everyone.


The crowd in line was completely in a state of excitement.

"What? When did Blue Star Electronics issue this announcement? Why didn't I know?"

"I'm going, really! Look at this announcement posted on the Weibo homepage of Blue Star Electronics a few days ago. It calls on everyone to buy Dingfeng mobile phones rationally and not to sell their money to buy Dingfeng mobile phones. It also encourages the general public to report those blackmailers. Through an intermediary, you can get a copy of Peak 4 for free.

"Gee~ Why did I just see it now? Why didn't I know it earlier? Otherwise, if I hadn't said anything, I would have replaced this young man on TV now."

"This young man is so lucky. His report was successful."

"Don't tell me, two days ago, I actually saw a similar small advertisement on the wall of the alley, which said that one kidney can be exchanged for a Peak 4."


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