Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1141 I’M Going To Punch You In The Gut! Are You Trying To Dig Out My Heart And Lungs?

Times are developing rapidly.

2G is the era of text.

3G is the era of pictures.

4G is the video era.

5G is the era of Internet of Everything.

For now.

In the 2G and 3G era, the requirements for network speed are not too high.

In addition, Pinnacle mobile phones are not too popular yet.


Pinnacle mobile phones are equipped with Marvel's baseband chips, and users don't feel much about it.

But in the 4G era, the transmission of information has been upgraded from pictures to videos.

At that time.

People's requirements for Internet speed will be infinitely higher.

If the top mobile phones were still equipped with baseband chips with backward performance at that time, they would probably face criticism from users.

Just like the iPhone in the previous life.

Since the iPhone 7, fruit companies have chosen to use a mix of basebands from Gaozhou and Intel because they are dissatisfied with Gaoduo's high patent fees.

The purpose is to reduce Gao Tong's orders, pay less patent fees and at the same time wake up Gao Tong - your patent fees are too high!

But there's a big problem with using Intel Baseband.

That is, mobile phone signals, download speeds and WiFi signals are not as stable as Gaotong's baseband.

That means.

Your iPhone's poor signal may not be because the signal in your area is poor, but because it uses Intel's baseband.

And about the version from iPhone8 onwards.

Because the fruit company has accumulated more and more user groups, especially the influx of new users from many young groups, the problem of poor iPhone signal has exploded.

And at the same time.

Fruit companies began to gradually adopt Intel basebands, and in the following years, Intel baseband differences became the target of criticism.


The iPhone using Intel baseband has also been criticized by consumers, and its reputation has deteriorated.

It can be seen from this.

With the advent of the 4G and 5G era.

The acquisition of information has been upgraded from pictures to videos.

Users’ requirements for network speed are also getting higher and higher.

As the absolute overlord in the communications field, Gaotong has nothing to say about its technical strength.

This is why.

In the past, many manufacturers liked to use Gaotong's latest CPU as a gimmick selling point.

Nowadays, everyone’s demand for Internet speed is not high.

After all, when loading a picture, it is difficult for ordinary people to intuitively feel the subtle differences.

Therefore, before the release of Pinnacle 4, Lu Yi was actually not panicked when talks with Gao Tong collapsed.

But if it is placed in the 4G and 5G era, it will definitely be a big trouble.

after all.

No one wants to play a mobile game, only to be killed by the opponent due to network speed and signal problems.


When I was competing for hand speed on Double Eleven, it took a long time to load because of poor signal. As a result, by the time it was loaded (cief), all the items had been taken away.

Or maybe during the Spring Festival travel rush, when you need to use both hand speed and internet speed to grab train tickets, but because the internet speed and signal are not good, you can’t get the ticket and can’t get home.


Before Helios Semiconductor Company had fully grown up and its technical strength had not reached the level of Gaotong.

In general.

Bluestar Electronics still needs Gaotong, but Gaotong needs Bluestar Electronics.

In the reception room.

Lu Yi and Paul Jacobs were chatting with each other with smiles on their faces.

Needless to say, Paul Jacobs is a veteran in shopping malls. He talks and does things in the same way, and he can be said to be flawless when testing.

Although Lu Yi is young, he is even better than Paul Jacobs in this regard.

This is why.

This is why the Wall Street tycoons, who eat people but don't spit out their bones, all felt a headache when negotiating with Lu Yi.

Because Lu Yi is young, he thinks he can take advantage of Lu Yi.

But anyway, no one has succeeded so far.

Relying on the advantage of youth, many shopping mall veterans.

The best example is old Jacob.

He was directly fooled by Lu Yi's gambling agreement and lost his position as president.

Lu Yi and Paul Jacobs chatted all the time.

He's not in a hurry anyway.

The anxious one is Paul Jacobs.

This time Paul Jacobs took the initiative to ask for peace. Since his side had the advantage, he would definitely kill Gao Tong severely.


What is he in a hurry for?

He was not in a hurry.


Paul Jacobs is at a loss for words.

During this period, he brought the topic to the cooperation between the two parties several times, but Lu Yi turned the topic in another direction without any hesitation.


Paul Jacobs is no longer prepared to continue playing winger with Lu Yi.

Although the more impatient he appears, the more likely he is to be stabbed by Lu Yi.

But who can blame it?

Last time, their side had an absolute advantage.

After the negotiation between Su Cheng and Lu Yi collapsed, Lu Yi even flew people to America to continue to demand negotiations, and even gave in to 4% again.

They didn't agree.


The result was that it was deceived by Steve Jobs and the Turing mobile phone.

The money invested in Turing was not only in vain.


He had to be stabbed severely by Lu Yi.

I will cry if I continue.

Paul Jacob organized his speech and said seriously: "Mr. Lu, I think you should know the purpose of our visit this time."

"I won't beat around the bush."

"In the past few years, our cooperation has been very exciting, and I have always regarded Blue Star Electronics as the best partner."

"Although there were some misunderstandings between us during this period, this does not hinder our continued cooperation.

"After several months of consideration, we finally made a solemn decision."

"It was decided to lower the 5% patent fee rate to 4.5%.

Although I knew I would be brutally killed by Lu Yi.

But negotiation.

Of course, Paul Jacobs couldn't just shout a super low price right away.

if not.

If Lu Yi continued to cut down, wouldn't it mean that Gao Tong and his colleagues would lose all their pants?


In the first negotiation, he naturally wanted to ask for a higher price.

In this way, Lu Yi still has a lot of room for bargaining.

Hearing Paul Jacob's words, Lu Yi smiled coldly in his heart.

What a beautiful thought.

At the beginning, we were seeking Gao Tong from you, so we had to give in.


It was your colleague who came to ask for peace, but in the end you put on a condescending air and really thought you were indispensable.

I think so.

But you definitely can’t say that.

Not only could he not say this, Lu Yi also had to put a smile on his face.


Lu Yi shook his head directly and said: "No-no-no, Mr. Jacob, there is an old saying in our Dragon Kingdom that today is different from the past."

"With all due respect, the offer you just made has no sincerity at all."

"Since your company has always regarded us, Blue Star Electronics, as its best partner, then I think you should treat your best partner with sincerity and heartfelt sincerity."

When Paul Jacobs heard the word "heart and soul", he stared directly at Lu Yi.


How can I show my heart to you?

Although I made a bid, you can bargain.

I'm already prepared to be stabbed by you, but it's not enough to cut my heart and lungs out?

The result is the next second.

Lu Yi's words would directly allow Paul Jacobs to break through the defense.

Just listen.

Lu Yi said: "Since we are best friends, Gao Tong shouldn't charge extra royalties from his friends, right?"

The words fell.

Lu Yi also winked at Paul Jacobs.

As for Paul Jacobs, he was stunned in place.

Are you kidding me?

I care deeply for you.

But it’s not about digging out your heart and lungs!

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