Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1142 It’S So Shameless, You Just Want To Have Sex For Nothing

Lu Yi's words immediately stunned Paul Jacobs.

what-are-you-what are you doing?

Um, no.


Paul Jacobs looked at Lu Yi in disbelief.

What does Shenma mean?

Do you want to have sex for nothing?

I really consider you a friend.

As a result, you gave me a knife with your backhand.

I make an offer and you counteroffer~ I ask you to make a small cut.

The result is good for you.

Say nothing.

Directly chop with the sole of the foot.

I just want to have sex for free.

Or not a human anymore?!!

It took a long time.

Paul Jacobs got over it - God came.

I thought I was hearing hallucinations, so I checked my ears.

"Mr. Lu, what did you just say? I didn't hear clearly." Paul Jacob said.

He seriously suspected that he had just heard a hallucination.

if not.

How could a shameless person say such things as free prostitution?

Lu Yi said with a smile: "Mr. Jacob, since we are best friends, why do you open your mouth to your best friend, the lion? Didn't we pay for your company's baseband chip when we purchased it?"

"Since we are good friends, shouldn't good friends help each other?"

“Should good friends not charge additional royalties?”

All right.

Reality made Paul Jacobs understand that he did not have auditory hallucinations.

The young man in front of me is so shameless.

He just wants to have sex for nothing!

Paul Jacobs responded: "Mr. Lu, although we are good friends, that's not how friends should be treated."

"Besides, isn't there an old saying in your Dragon Kingdom that brothers will settle their scores."

"Even brothers have to keep their accounts clear. Besides, we are just friends, right?"


When I say we are good friends, does that mean we are really good friends?

You are too good at climbing up the pole.

this moment.

Paul Jacobs saw what it means to be shameless.

This is really brilliant if you give it some sunshine.

"Mr. Jacob seems to know our country's culture very well."

Lu Yi smiled and gave a thumbs up.

Paul Jacobs rolled his eyes and refused to answer.

If you want to have sex for free, there is no way!

If I agree to your request for white bleaching from Blue Star Electronics, wouldn’t other partners also have to follow suit?

So how much less will my high school student earn every year?

The friendship with you, Blue Star Electronics, can only be strong if you have money?

See this.

Lu Yi also immediately stopped smiling, and his expression became serious.

"Mr. Jacob, with all due respect, I think your company's high tax rate is very unreasonable.

"We purchased your company's products and paid for them."

"As a result, you still want us to pay additional high patent fees, which is unethical.

Lu Yi said.

Who doesn’t want to make a little more money?

Why did the fruit company and Gao Tong have such a quarrel in the previous life?

Isn't it just because of Gaotong's high tax that makes the fruit company very unhappy?

I worked so hard to make money selling mobile phones, but it turned out that you, Gao Tong, easily took a large amount of profit from me without doing anything.

Who can I accept instead?

Faced with Lu Yi's righteous words, a proud smile appeared on Jacob's face.

"Mr. Lu, you know that we, Gaotong, have invested a lot of manpower, material and financial resources in order to develop relevant technologies."

"Therefore, it is reasonable for us, Gaotong, to charge patent fees, which are protected by global intellectual property rights."

"Just like the multi-touch technology developed by your company, if other manufacturers such as Sanxing and LG want to use this technology, shouldn't they also pay patent fees to your company?"

Paul Jacobs said with a faint smile.


Why should I spend so much effort researching patented technology after all the hard work in the early stage?

Isn’t it just to prepare to collect money once it is developed?

How can selling equipment be as profitable as charging royalties?

Gaotong currently has three main business segments: QTC (equipment and services), QTL (licensing and patents), and QSI (strategic investment).


The QTC and QTL businesses are the main sources of revenue and profits, while the QSI business does not generate revenue in most years.

From the data point of view.

The pre-tax net profit margin of QTC business is only 17%, while the pre-tax net profit margin of QTL business is as high as 80%.

I'm not sucking blood from you big fat sheep. What's the point of my hard work on Bala's research technology?


Big brother Mo Xiao, second brother, Blue Star Electronics is not a good person when it comes to collecting patent fees.

Now you are saying that my gay sex is immoral in such a righteous way, you just want to have sex for nothing!

Regarding this point, Lu Yi is not entangled either.

He said: "Well, intellectual property rights should indeed be protected, but I still think that your company's patent fees are too high." The application is very unreasonable.

.........Please give me flowers...

"Your company makes chips, and its patents are mainly on chips."

"Therefore, even if your company charges, it should be calculated based on the chip."

"But the reality is that your company charges fees based on the whole machine. This may cause problems in the operation and is very unreasonable."

For example.

If Dingfeng Mobile changes its appearance or adds another device, the price of the mobile phone increases by 100 yuan.

Then according to the charging rules.

This extra 100 yuan should also be subject to "high tax".

This is obviously unreasonable.

Because the extra 100 yuan has nothing to do with Gao Tong's technology.

For a while.

Lu Yi and Paul Jacobs were at loggerheads and refused to give in to each other.

There is no way to give in.

Because the interests involved are not a small number like millions or tens of millions, but hundreds of millions or even tens of billions.

Even if you gain a 0.1% advantage for yourself, you can save or earn hundreds of millions more profits.

Paul Jacobs was indeed prepared to be stabbed severely by Lu Yi.

But it’s not without a bottom line.

When it comes to something like this, it's a direct cut with the sole of the foot, and no one can accept it.

You can say my high taxes are a bit high.

But if you say my high taxes are unreasonable, then I, Paul Jacobs, will have a serious fight with you, Lu Yi.

"Okay, Mr. Lu, we are willing to make a concession."

"Reduce the patent fee ratio from 4.5% to 4.2%."

After more than ten or twenty minutes of bickering, Paul Jacobs took a step back.

But it's only a small step.

Lu Yi shook his head and said: "Mr. Jacob, the 0.3% concession did not make me feel your company's sincerity."

"With high taxes, your company takes away hundreds of millions or even billions of gold in profits from us every year, which is unacceptable.

Lu Yi shows his tough attitude.


After the two sides fought back and forth for half an hour, they decided to call it quits temporarily, take a break, and fight another day.

Wait until Paul Jacobs and his team leave Blue Star Electronics.

Lu Yi asked the public relations department to release some gossip to the outside world.

He has not forgotten that the team negotiating with Infineon in Hans Country, thousands of miles away, still needs him to exert pressure from a distance. .

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