Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1143 Steve Jobs: I’M Under Too Much Pressure!

Not long after Paul Jacobs left the Blue Star Electronics headquarters.


There was news that Paul Jacobs appeared at the Blue Star Electronics headquarters.

And with Blue Star Electronics adding fuel to the fire behind the scenes.

Major news media social platforms such as Xinlang News, Wangyi News, and Sohu News have all reported on it.

The news quickly fermented and hit the hot searches on Weibo, triggering the attention and discussion of countless netizens.

"Who is Paul Jacobs? Why did his appearance at the Blue Star Electronics headquarters cause such a big sensation?"

"I'll go! Brother, are you from Mars? You don't even know Paul Jacobs? There was no Internet cafe at home before? He is the current head of Gaotong and a big shot in the technology industry.

"Oh, I remember, it was just a few months ago that the negotiation with Blue Star Electronics collapsed, right?!"

"Hey, that's interesting. Paul Jacobs came to China in a low-key manner and showed up at the Blue Star Electronics headquarters. Apparently he came to seek peace."

"As much as Gao Tong danced so happily before, now he falls so miserably."

""623" If you make a mistake, you must admit it, and if you are beaten, you must stand at attention. There is nothing wrong with you!"

"A businessman deserves to be a businessman. When he sees something is wrong, he immediately bows his head and admits his mistake. He deserves to make money."

"It was expected that Gao Tong would bow to Blue Star Electronics. On the 10th of last month, the day Apex 4 was released, didn't Gao Tong and Turing also hold a shareholding signing ceremony?

I wanted to disgust Blue Star Electronics, but the result was that Paul Jacobs greased the soles of his feet and ran away a second before signing the contract, directly leaving Jobs, Li Jianxi and others at the signing ceremony. It became a big joke. I said at that time that Gao Tong must have run away when the situation was bad, and he would definitely come to Blue Star Electronics to ask for forgiveness. This was a true prophecy. "

"Yes, at that time, the news that Gao Tong wanted to invest in Turing was a hot topic around the world. Foreign media were reporting that Turing, with the support of the three giants, would kill Blue Star Electronics. As a result, Pinnacle 4 came out , Turing has revealed its true colors directly, and Turing 1 has become the fastest price diving mobile phone in history. There is no other mobile phone. It makes me laugh to death!"

“I laughed when I saw this news, but I don’t know whether Steve Jobs, Li Jianxi and others will laugh or cry when they see Paul Jacobs coming to sue for peace.

"This time, our Blue Star Electronics has taken the initiative. Hey, with the style of the richest man in Lu, it is impossible not to kill him with a ruthless knife."

"Look at the follow-up reports. This kind of negotiation is unlikely to produce results overnight. It will last at least half a month."


Thousands of netizens in China are discussing this.

It feels quite elated.

after all.

In June, it was reported that Gao Tongshi had opened his mouth, which led to the collapse of cooperation talks with Blue Star Electronics.


Rumors spread on the Internet that Gao Tonghui would invest in Turing Company to target Blue Star Electronics.

This would be the beginning of the downfall of Blue Star Electronics.

At that time, Gao Tong had a nose, not a nose, not an eye, and he was very arrogant.

The Chinese people are very angry about this.

it's good now

How arrogant Gao Tong was at the time, now he looks so humble when he comes to seek peace.

So cool.

The Chinese people feel completely comfortable inside.

You still have to look at Blue Star Electronics for a slap in the face.

If it were any other company, would Tong Gao bow his head and admit his mistake?

But pull it down!

Why is it that Gaotong, such an awesome company, is obviously Party B, but ends up being Party A’s father and grandfather?

Because my skills are awesome!

Have that capital.


It was directly defeated by Blue Star Electronics.

If you want to charge royalties, I can pay them, and you should.

After all, technical knowledge has to be respected.


Just because I give it, doesn't mean I'm a big fat sheep or a stupid B.

The lion opens his mouth as soon as you come, and there is no room for bargaining at all.

I worked so hard to earn my hard-earned money, but before I could put it into my pocket, you, Gao Tong, snatched it away.

Who can bear this?


You have to use magic to defeat magic.

I don’t need your Gaotong baseband, the product can still sell well and the supply exceeds the demand.

In the face of the cruel reality, Gao Tong could only bow his head.

no way.

Peak 4 is indeed too popular.

In the single market of Longguo alone, the sales volume on the first day and the first week set a record.

And overseas users are eagerly awaiting it.

A petition website was even set up, asking Blue Star Electronics to treat overseas consumers equally.

It can be seen that overseas consumers are eager for Pinnacle 4.

Everyone in the industry is laughing at Blue Star Electronics’ small shipment target of 100 million units.

Was it difficult to complete?

Big indeed!

But to say that there is no chance of completion is not the case.

Based on the development trend of Blue Star Electronics, the future Peak 5, Peak 6, and Peak 7...

Is it difficult to sell 100 million units?

Not difficult at all!

This is all money.

If we completely break up with Blue Star Electronics, we will never cooperate.

The one who felt uncomfortable was Gao Tong.

after all.

They made money while lying down.

If you break up with Blue Star Electronics, don't make any money.


In the current situation, the only option is to come to the door to admit the mistake and seek peace.

We have to turn the overturned friendship boat over and continue sailing.

Even compared to the initial lion's big opening, it will make a lot less.

But that’s still a profit!

The news spread not only within the country...

He also traveled across the ocean to Europe and the United States.

Major news media in Europe and the United States have reported on the signings.

The Wall Street Times, Sun Post, Reuters, Bloomberg, Fox News, News of the World and many other overseas mainstream media organizations [all reported with exaggerated titles].

When Jobs saw these news reports, he was so angry that his nose twisted.

no doubt.

Gao Tong is going to completely give up the deep binding with Turing.


Jobs could do nothing but lose his temper.

If he were in Paul Jacobs' position, he would have made the same choice.

Now Turing1 cannot be sold in front of Peak 4.

There is already a large backlog of inventory in Turing's warehouse.

to this end.

Turing Company had to cut orders from OEM Foxconn.

no way.

The product cannot be sold.

If we continue to produce according to the original plan, the backlog will increase and losses will increase.

Even though Turing is backed by two giants, the Fruit Company and Sanxing Group, it cannot afford to admit such huge losses.

Especially for Steve Jobs.

Turing's plan fails, and he will face tremendous pressure from the board of directors.

This time is no better than before.

He invested huge resources in the Turing project, but it failed.

This caused the fruit company to suffer huge losses.

The revenue in the next fourth quarter financial report will definitely be ugly.

And keen investors have already begun to sell their 1.6 shares of Fruit Company.

This is also the main reason why the fruit company's stock price has been falling continuously during this period.

Investors are no longer optimistic about the Turing company and have predicted that the fruit company will suffer huge losses in the Q4 quarter due to the Turing project.

Investors are not fools.

Isn't it wrong to hold on to the stocks of your fruit company even though you know that your performance will suffer a huge loss?

Instead of losing money on your fruit company, I might as well cut it off early and buy stocks related to Blue Star Electronics, and still make a lot of money.

Just like Corning.

after all.

Corning and Blue Star Electronics jointly established a Kangxing joint venture in Sioux City, specializing in the production of diamond glass.

Now that Pinnacle 4 is selling so well, Kangxing Company's King Kong Glass is naturally in short supply and is making a profit.

As one of the major shareholders of the Kangxing joint venture, you can naturally get a lot of dividends.

Isn’t this performance expectation very imaginative?

Stock trading is based on expectations. .

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