Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1145 If You Want To Snatch Meat From My Intel Mouth, There Is No Way!

Yang Fei's words made Collison and other Yingfeeling executives feel their hearts sinking.

They didn't doubt what Yang Fei said.

The reason why Helios Company urgently sent people to Hans Country to contact them was to express their intention to acquire their company's wireless business.

It was because before that, Blue Star Electronics had just broken up with Gaotong and lost the support of Gaotong's baseband chips.

They have already investigated the Helios Company thoroughly.

It is a subsidiary of Blue Star Electronics Absolute Holdings.

From the collapse of talks between Blue Star Electronics and Gao Tong to the sudden establishment of Sun God Company, the time was extremely short.


The reason why Blue Star Electronics established Helios Company was to conquer baseband chips.

Starting from scratch and developing one step at a time takes too long.

The acquisition of related businesses is undoubtedly the most convenient and quick way for Helios Company.

It is possible to obtain some corresponding technologies in a very short period of time, thereby laying a foundation.

This is exactly what I saw.

Therefore, when they came into contact with Yang Fei, Collison and others seemed lukewarm.

Because they know it in their hearts.

They take the initiative.

The one in need is Blue Star Electronics.

But now it's better.

Gao Tong was about to turn around, put down his body, and turned around to surrender to Blue Star Electronics.

This means.

Blue Star Electronics can regain access to high-end baseband chips from Gaotong.

They know very well that there are only interests between shopping malls, and there are no enemies or friends.

Don't look at the unpleasant quarrel between Blue Star Electronics and Gao Tong before.

However, the possibility of the two parties shaking hands and continuing to cooperate is as high as 99.99%.

Blue Star Electronics needs Gaotong's high-end baseband chips to ensure the quality of pinnacle mobile phones.

Gaotong needs the huge market of Blue Star Electronics.

The two sides are complementary.

With the support of Gaotong baseband chips, Blue Star Electronics can slow down the pace of autonomous control of the baseband chips and does not have to pursue speed.

Then the value of their wireless business under Infineon will naturally be greatly reduced.


What Yang Fei just said can be said to have touched their hearts.

The technical threshold in the communications field is too high.

Gao Tong has already built a thick city wall. It is too difficult for others to cross this wall and find another way.

Infineon is one of the victims of this patent wall.

Why do they want to sell off their wireless business?

I just know that there is no hope of breaking through Gaotong's patent wall.

Huge amounts of R&D funds are invested in the wireless business every year, but the output is not proportional to the investment.

In front of Gao Tong, other opponents could only lower their heads.

If we continue to endlessly invest a large amount of money into a business that is only in and out, it is very likely that the entire Infineon will be swallowed up in the end.


Now that I have decided to get rid of this burden.

Of course it would be better to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Although Blue Star Electronics' technical strength is very good.


Everyone at Infineon does not believe that Helios can catch up with and surpass Gaotong in a short period of time based on their wireless business.

Ying Feileng knows this, and Blue Star Electronics and Sun God also know this.


Collinson and the others did not doubt what Yang Fei said - rather than spending a lot of time and money on research and development of technology after the acquisition, Blue Star Electronics preferred to maintain a stable cooperative relationship with Gaotong.

If they were in Blue Star Electronics' position, they would do the same thing.

Collison said very solemnly: "Mr. Yang, please allow me to express my most sincere apology to you again~.

"I must reiterate that we attach great importance to your company's request to acquire the wireless business, and we are also conducting an active feasibility study on this internally.

Now the positions of both parties have changed.

Before, it was the Sun God Company that they used to ask for things from others.

Now, they are asking the Sun God Company not to leave without saying a word.


Nice things have to be said.

They have to show that Ying Feileng attaches great importance to Yang Fei and others.


Yang Fei shrugged, looking like he didn't care at all.

The more Yang Fei showed no concern, the more panicked Collison and others became.

Are you really planning to give up and return to China?

Collison said quickly: "After our internal research, we believe that your company is fully qualified to acquire our wireless business.

Collison quickly gave Yang Fei a reassurance.

But then he changed the subject again.

"It's just that we are willing to sell our wireless business to your company, but there are many obstacles in the government's approval process."

"After all, wireless communication technology is one of the high-tech technologies."

Collison's tone seemed a little helpless.

seems to be saying.

It’s not that we don’t want to sell our wireless business to you.

We just want you to take over this mess.

We want to sell.

But the government does not agree.


You can't blame us.

We are also very helpless!

Yang Fei chuckled and said: "Mr. Collison, I believe you can definitely get around it."

..." Of course, it doesn't matter if you can't get around it.

"After all, we are no longer interested in acquiring your company's wireless business.

"You can definitely sell it to Intel."

These words immediately made Collison's lips twitch.

That's what I said.

I do want to sell to Intel.

But you guys have to cooperate and let us put pressure on Intel.

Collison immediately said with a smile: "Mr. Yang is joking, we prefer your company to Intel."

Yang Fei said he didn't believe a word of this.

at the same time.

A five-star hotel in Munich.

Intel's negotiation team lives here.


They had received news that Yang Fei was leading a team to Infineon's headquarters for the fifth time.

James Wild, the leader of the Intel team, stood in front of the window holding a red wine glass, shaking it gently, not knowing what he was thinking in his mind.

Regarding the acquisition of Infineon's wireless business, Intel (Wang Hao) is also determined to win.

In the 2G and 3G era, Intel was nowhere to be found in the communications field.

But in the 4G, 5G and even 6G era, Intel must not fall behind.

Look at Gao Tong.

Relying on the rogue's "high tax", he made money while lying down.

Isn’t this enviable?

Intel also wants to make money while lying down.

It is obviously not feasible to develop it from scratch.

It’s too time-consuming and labor-intensive.

It is better to acquire a company with a mature wireless business and use it as a springboard to catch up with Gaotong in the shortest possible time.

But what Huaide didn't expect was a man.

After they came to Munihei, they learned that another group of people was also in contact with Infinelen's senior executives, trying to snatch meat from Intel's mouth.

Wilder expressed this.

If you want to snatch meat from my Intel mouth, there is no way!

After some investigation.

They quickly found out all the details about Yang Fei and his group. .

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