Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1146 Returning To China, Ying Feileng Panicked

Intel is also paying attention to every move of Yang Fei and his party.

Infineon's wireless business is a piece of fat that Intel is eyeing.

There is absolutely no way that the Sun God can take it away.

They had already found out the details of Yang Fei and his party.

We know that the Helios Company behind Yang Fei and the others is a subsidiary of Blue Star Electronics.


It was Blue Star Electronics that wanted Infineon's wireless business.

It seems that the previous negotiation with Gao Tong collapsed and Gao Tong cut off the supply of baseband chips. The impact on Blue Star Electronics is still great.


They still attach great importance to their opponent Blue Star Electronics.

Because judging from the previous situation, Blue Star Electronics is determined to win Infineon's wireless business.

Their only advantage over Blue Star Electronics is Intel.

Europe and the United States are allies.

The Dragon Kingdom, in the eyes of Europe and America, is an evil dragon.

In order to prevent the rise of the East, the West has formulated a series of rules restricting the export of high-end technologies to the East.


Rules are made by people.

There are loopholes that can be exploited.


Infineon is not America's company.

Intel is still a little annoyed about Blue Star Electronics jumping out to compete with them for Infineon's wireless business.


Although Ying Feileng was lukewarm towards 870 Yang Fei and his group, it was far from being compared to their attitude towards them.


It can be said that having competitors and not having competitors are completely different things.

With competitors, the initiative lies with Infineon.

Infineon can take advantage of this opportunity and raise the price.

This is not a small business worth a hundred or ten yuan.

It's a big business involving hundreds of millions or even billions of gold.

Originally, it could be won with 1 billion meters of gold.

As a result, because of competitors, it was directly raised to 1.9 billion meters of gold.

An extra 500 million meters of gold.

Even Intel is not short of money.

But spending an extra 500 million meters of gold in vain is also very painful.

And there are no competitors.

In Feileng's eagerness to get rid of this bad burden.

On Intel's side, they can take this opportunity to severely lower the price.

Directly reduce the price of something worth 1 billion meters of gold to 800 million meters of gold or even lower.

This is the situation now at Infineon.

Intel intended to sell its wireless business to them, but the lion opened its mouth and asked for a price that exceeded their psychological expectations.

The reason.

Naturally, Blue Star Electronics brought it to Infineon.

Huaide was still thinking of ways to lower the price.


The situation has taken a new turn.

Paul Jacobs, the head of Gaotong, went to Sioux City and met with Lu Yi.


The friendship boat that capsized before is likely to flip over again and continue to move forward.

This time.

Blue Star Electronics is not so urgent about Infineon's wireless business.

Just when Huaide was having wild thoughts.

The assistant knocked on the door and walked in.

"What's going on?" Wade asked directly.

What he asked was naturally about the fifth meeting and negotiation between Yang Fei and his group and Collison today.

The assistant replied: "According to information provided by internal informants, Yang Fei and his team have a tough attitude this time, and are no longer so persistent in acquiring Infineon's wireless business."

Hear the words.

A ray of light flashed in Huaide's eyes, the corner of his mouth curled up, and he smiled: "It seems to be similar to what we expected. [Gao] Blue Star Electronics has the possibility of resuming cooperation, so the demand for Infineon's wireless business will not So high.”

The assistant added: "From the perspective of Collison and others, as Yang Fei expressed his intention to terminate the acquisition, Collison and others were obviously a little anxious and sent out some very positive signals."

After hearing this, Huaide's eyes turned cold and he snorted coldly.

He curled his lips and said: "This old fox Collison just wants to stabilize Yang Fei and the others. His goal is still to put pressure on us. The good lion opens his mouth. This little trick is not enough."

. "

Boss, what should we do now?" the assistant asked.

Wilder said: "There is no need to do anything. Just leave Collison alone for a few days and wait for them to take the initiative to find us. Now that the initiative has been transferred to our hands, it is Collison who should be anxious (cifd)."

"The boss is wise.

The assistant flattered me.

the other side.

Yang Fei and others returned to the hotel where they lived from the Infineon headquarters.

Yang Fei contacted Lu Yi immediately and described today's meeting and negotiations in detail.

"Director Lu, obviously, as the news about Gao Tong was released, Infineleng was a little anxious and sent out some positive signals." Yang Fei said.

Lu Yi said: "This is just a false signal. If I'm not wrong, I just want to use it to stabilize us and put pressure on Intel. Okay, you take a few people and go back to China first and stay. The two less important assistants can just watch over there, and give Infinelen a clear signal that we really don’t need their technology anymore."

"I think once I show up at Munich International Airport, Collison and the others will get angry." Yang Fei said with a smile.

Lu Yi said: "If he doesn't get started, how can we get him to get hooked?"

Yang Fei looked solemn and said: "Director Lu, what if, I mean what if, Collison doesn't take the bait and sells it directly to Intel?"

Lu Yi replied calmly: "That doesn't matter, anyway, Infineon is not the only one that owns the wireless business. At worst, we will just start from the beginning one step at a time. Besides, a big mouthful of meat has been eaten into the mouth, and then let's let it go Collison spit it out, I don't think he would be willing to."

Yang Fei nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll book the flight now."

the next day.

When Yang Fei and a group of people appeared at Munich International Airport, the news reached Collison's ears.


Collison panicked.

What the hell.

I just gave you some reassurance yesterday.


You really have to run away today!

Is this really the intention to terminate the acquisition of the wireless business?


Collison held an emergency high-level meeting.

He didn't expect it at all.

Yang Fei would be so straightforward.

It’s no surprise that I just told them yesterday that the company will no longer pay attention to the acquisition of Infineon.

As a result, the next day, I really took the people and prepared to return to the country.

Damn it!

In the past two months, our attitude towards you was so bad that you refused to return home.

As a result, now we welcome you with a smile, but you returned to China without saying a word.

At the same time Collison got the relevant news.

Huaide also received news that Yang Fei and his people appeared at Munich International Airport, preparing to return to China.

When Wilder heard the news, he suddenly smiled.

This is undoubtedly good news for them.

"Haha, once Yang Fei and the others leave, it will be good news for us."

"I guess Collison and the others must have known the news, must have panicked, and are having a meeting to discuss it.

"Everyone, believe me, we will receive a call from Infineon soon."

Just as Huaide finished speaking.

His cell phone rang. .

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