Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1148 The Market Value Exceeded 400 Billion Meters For The First Time

Infineon Headquarters.

CEO office.

Collison frowned.

What's going on? What's going on?

This guy Huaide actually didn't answer his phone call?!

This made Collison very upset.



three times.

I called Huaide three times in a row, but no one answered.

What is this James Wilder doing?

Is it possible that you don’t even have time to connect to your phone while doing exercises with a woman?

No way!

All day long.

Collison was in a bad mood, with a gloomy face, and was not in the mood to work.

the next day.

Collison called Wilder again.

This time, it finally got through.

"Hey, Collison, what do you want from me?"

As soon as the call was connected, Collison was furious when he heard Wilder's salty voice on the phone.

Do you know what I want from you?

I called you so many "440" calls yesterday, but you didn't answer?

Have you not looked at your phone all day?

Although very angry.

But Collison still tried his best to suppress the anger in his chest, and tried to calm down: "Haha, Wilder, I called you all day yesterday but didn't get through. I thought something happened to you, so I was ready to call the police. It’s over.”

"Thank you for your concern, Collison. I'm fine. I went out for something yesterday and left my phone in the hotel. I'm very sorry for not receiving your call," Wilder said.

He said this, but in his heart Wilder sneered at Collison.

Why are you worried that something will happen to me?

Pull it down!

We are all old foxes, who are we pretending to be?

Collison immediately climbed up the pole and said with great concern: "Oh? What's the matter? Do you need my help? Wilder, to tell you the truth, I still have some energy in Hans Country, if you need my help , just ask.

Wilder's mouth twitched and he said, "Aha, thanks to Collison for your kindness, the matter is done."

"Haha, okay, just finish it." Collison said.

Huaide: "Then, if nothing happens, I'll hang up first."

Wilder knew.

Collison called himself not to ask himself if something had happened or if he needed help.

He knew the purpose of Collison calling him.


He just didn't take the initiative to expose it.

Anyway, they are in no hurry now.

The longer it is delayed, the better it is for Intel.

Hearing that Wilder was about to hang up the phone, Collison immediately became anxious and quickly stopped him.

Collison: "Wait, Wilder, I have one more thing."

Huaide: "What's the matter?"

Collison: "Haha, Wilder, regarding Intel's acquisition of our wireless business, we can still discuss the price. Do you think you are free today? How about we meet and talk about it? Finalize the matter as soon as possible?"

Wilder showed an embarrassed tone on the phone, "Uh~ Collison, although I want to rush to your office immediately, but I am really sorry. I have made an appointment with a friend today to meet him. Meet, you see..."

Collison: "Is that so? It doesn't matter. We can't talk today. What about tomorrow?"

Wilder: "Tomorrow I'm going to meet my ex-girlfriend. She now lives in Hamburg."

When Collison heard this, he suppressed his efforts and went straight to Tianling Gai again.

Damn it.

Can you excuse me for a snack?

Do you have an ex-girlfriend in our country of Hans?


Think I, Collison, am an idiot!


Don't get angry.

How can a gentleman get angry?

Collison took a deep breath and tried to calm down his anger.


Huaide's next words directly let him break his defense.

Wilder: "Collison, let's see. I don't have time here these two days. How about you talk to the people from Helios Company first and listen to their quotation?"

These words immediately stunned Collison.

Damn it!

Are you deliberately trying to make me angry?

Want me to talk to Yang Fei and the others?

Didn't he know that Yang Fei had flown back to Dragon Kingdom yesterday?

Although Yang Fei still left two or three people behind.

But he has learned that the two or three people left behind are completely minions.

It’s a face-saving project!

Why on earth do you want me to talk to a few thugs, but my time is free of charge?

Although I wanted to yell at Huaide.

But Collison finally endured it.

Not only did he endure it, but he also said in a friendly manner: "Okay, then I'll talk to the people from the Sun God Company first. Of course, the person our company most wants to cooperate with is your company Intel.

Wilder: "Don't worry, Collison, I will come to you when I finish the work. I hope you won't let me turn away at that time."

Collison: "Haha, Wilder, you are our most distinguished guest at Yingfei. We are always waiting for you."

After hanging up the phone.

Collison's face can be said to be frosty and terrifyingly gloomy.

He's not a fool.

How could we not know that Huaide just didn't want to meet him and was stalling for time?

Although I know Huaide's purpose.


What can he do?

If Huaide doesn't see him, there's nothing he can do...


"Damn Wilder!"

Collison scowled and cursed.

Friday, November 13th.

Future Group disclosed its audited Q3 financial report.


Future Group's revenue in the third quarter was 9.569 billion yuan, a 132.8% increase from the 4.11 billion yuan in the third quarter of 2008.

The net profit in the third quarter was 2.38 billion meters of gold, a 76.3% increase from the 1.35 billion meters of gold in the third quarter of 2008.

In mid-October.

Future Group has already disclosed its Q3 performance forecast based on preliminary statistics within the group.

The forecast data exceeded market expectations.

Therefore, the stock price of Future Group ushered in a wave of gains.

at present.

The share price of Future Group has reached 494.9 meters gold.

It is only a little more than 1 point away from the 500-meter gold mark.


At 10:30 pm Beijing time, the US stock market Nasdaq opened.

Future Group’s share price surged upward again.

The closing price was 508.77 meters of gold, an increase of 2.8%.

This is also the first time that Future Group’s stock price has reached the 500-meter gold mark.

As the stock price reached the 500-meter mark, the market value of Future Group also exceeded 400 billion meters for the first time, reaching 407.016 billion meters.

Among the world's listed IT Internet companies, the market value of Future Group is also unparalleled, exceeding the market value of the second-placed Microsoft, which is nearly 130 billion meters. 2.0

Now Microsoft's market value has just climbed back to 280 billion meters.

According to previous statistics released by the Financial Times, so far, only 10 IT Internet companies have a market value of more than 100 billion yuan.

The No. 1 Future Group has currently reached the 400 billion gold mark.

The second largest company, Microsoft, has a market value of 280 billion meters, which is still 40 billion meters away from its peak market value of 320 billion meters.

And further down.

IBM, the third largest company, has a market capitalization of only 172 billion meters, not even 200 billion meters.

Ranked 10th is Gao Tong.

Thanks to the good news of rebuilding the old relationship with Blue Star Electronics, the market value has just reached the 100 billion meter mark.

after U.S. stocks close.

America's major financial media organizations have reported the news that Future Group's stock price has exceeded the 500-meter mark [the market value has exceeded 40,007 meters for the first time. .

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