Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1149 Will Blue Star Electronics And Gao Tong Collapse In Talks For The Second Time?

[Future Group’s stock price breaks the 500-meter gold mark for the first time, and its market value breaks the 400 billion-meter gold mark for the first time!] - Wall Street Times

[Future Group has become the world's first IT Internet company with a market value exceeding 400 billion yuan. 】—Fox News

[Future Group’s closing price was 50.877 meters gold, and its market value reached 407.016 billion meters gold. 】——The Sun Mail

After the U.S. stock market closed that day.

Major domestic financial media organizations in America have conducted lengthy reports on Future Group.

The news that Future Group's stock price reached 500 million meters and its market value exceeded 400 billion meters for the first time spread throughout America in an instant, as if it had grown wings.

This has attracted countless American netizens to discuss this issue endlessly.

"I bought it! The market value of Future Group has exceeded 400 billion meters. It's incredible!"

“Future Group, an Internet company in Dragon Kingdom, has defeated all Internet companies in our country.

"Dragon Kingdom took away Internet supremacy from us America."

"The discussion of America's loss of Internet hegemony begins with a company in Longguo called Future Group."

"In front of the Future Group, our country, whether it is Microsoft, 28IBM, or Guge, Jiaguwen, all eclipsed."

"I have a hunch that the market value of 400 billion meters of gold is by no means the end of the Future Group. It is extremely possible for the Future Group to exceed the market value of one trillion meters of gold in the future."

"Don't hesitate any longer, invest your money in Future Group's stocks, and be friends with time. After three to five years, you will find that you have achieved financial freedom."

On Reddit, Twitter and other social media platforms.

Thousands of American netizens are arguing endlessly because the market value of Future Group has exceeded 400 billion yuan.

some of.

There are extreme slanderous remarks.

It is believed that Longguo has robbed America of Internet hegemony through Future Group, and should investigate Future Group to curb its development.


There are endless comments.

no doubt.

Crazy coverage of Future Group from America’s side.

Soon, it spread to the Dragon Kingdom on the other side of the ocean.

It also made hundreds of millions of netizens in Longguo furious.

"I'll go! Before I knew it, Future Group's stock price had risen to 508 meters gold, and its market value was as high as 400 billion meters gold. Oh my god, this is so awesome!"

"I can't believe it! Future Group was listed in 2006, with an issue price of 68 million gold and an opening price of 92.7 million gold. If I had bought the stock when Future Group was listed, I would have achieved a return rate of more than 500% in three years, which is amazing. Already."

"Intestinal Regret Series! Seeing the current stock price of Future Group, I regret not directly selling my house, car, wife, and buying shares of Future Group."

"Yes! If I had directly all-in the shares of Future Group in 2006, I would be able to gain direct wealth and freedom now."

"The key is that the market value of 400 billion meters is by no means the end of the future group. In the future, it will exceed the market value of one trillion yuan [that is also a certainty].

"The market value of Future Group exceeds 400 billion gold, and the personal wealth of the richest man Lu is as high as 138.3 billion gold. Wow, I can't imagine how rich Lu's richest man is."

"I used to think that Bill Gai's personal wealth could not be surpassed, but now I see the personal wealth of the richest man Lu, and I suddenly realized that the reason why Bill Gai became the world's richest man back then was entirely because Lu Yi had not yet appeared."

"Nah! The terrifying market value of Future Group is higher than that of the largest industry in the universe and petroleum. It scares everyone to death!"

Netizens from Longguo can be said to be the most fond of eating melons in the world.

With major media platforms, crazy signings reported the news that the market value of Future Group exceeded 400 billion meters.

Everyone couldn’t stop eating melon.

Two days, Saturday and Sunday.

It passed amid the sound of everyone eating melon.


Ordinary people are eating melon like crazy.

Lu Yi at the Fishing Center has no time to rest and is very busy.

Saturday night.

He met with Yang Fei and his party who had just returned to China.

Conversed with Yang Fei and his party.

Calling Yang Fei and the others back this time is to put more pressure on Ying Feileng.


Lu Yi and Paul Jacobs met for the second time.

The focus of the dispute between the two parties is still on the proportion of patent fees.

This time it's not as tentative as last time.

Lu Yi also wants to talk things over as soon as possible.

In the reception room.

Lu Yi stared into Paul Jacobs' eyes and said: "Mr. Jacobs, we hope to pay the patent fee at a rate of 2.75%.

Paul Jacobs almost jumped when he heard the figure 2.75%.

The last time Lu Yi opened his mouth, he cut off the soles of his feet.

Although everyone knows that it is absolutely impossible to achieve.

But this time.

Although Lu Yi's soles were not chopped off, his knees were completely chopped off.

"Mr. Lu, this ratio is too low, and it is impossible for our fellow students to agree to it!"

Paul Jacobs refused directly.

They are indeed in a passive position when facing the Future Group this time.


It is absolutely impossible to let a lion like Lu Yi speak so loudly.

If this was really the case.

What will other partners think?

Will they follow the same example?

"We at Gaotong are willing to give your company a very preferential treatment and collect patent fees at a rate of 4%. This is our bottom line." Paul Jacobs said, as if he would not give in at all. the meaning of.

Lu Yi is also unlikely to agree.

"Mr. Jacob, I can tell you clearly that it is impossible for us to agree to the 4% ratio." Lu Yi's attitude is also very firm.

At the beginning, we agreed to a 4% ratio, but if you don't agree, you'll have to pay 5%.


Now I know I regret it.

If you still want a 4% ratio, there is no way!

Paul Jacob spread his hands and said: "Then there is nothing to talk about."


In the second meeting, 210 still failed to reach an agreement.

The negotiations between Blue Star Electronics and Gaotong have long been the focus of attention in the industry.

Every day, a large number of media reporters stay outside the Blue Star Electronics headquarters in order to get first-hand news.


When many media reporters saw Paul Jacobs coming out of the Blue Star Electronics headquarters, they immediately rushed forward.

When interviewed by reporters, Paul Jacobs said that his differences with Lu Yi were a bit big. Lu Yi's chop was too harsh, which was completely unacceptable to Gao Tong.

Hear the words of Paul Jacobs.

The reporters at the scene were as excited as sharks smelling blood.


There is a lot of information on the Internet.

[Paul Jacobs said Lu Yi has too much appetite!] - Xinlang News

[Paul Jacobs was very dissatisfied with Lu Yi's big mouth. 】——Wangyi News

[Paul Jacobs said that we are here for cooperation, not begging. 】——Titanium Media

[Paul Jacobs and Lu Yi broke down, putting a question mark on the possibility of resuming cooperation between the two parties. 】——Pengpai News

[Paul Jacobs was dissatisfied with Lu Yi and said he would never agree. Sohu News

[Shocked! Paul Jacobs actually...] - Squirrel Shocked Part 1

Look at the information headlines on these media platforms.

If I hadn't clicked in to take a look, I would have thought that talks between Gao Tong and Blue Star Electronics had broken down again. .

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