Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1151 The Last Minute, It’S Time To Compete With Hand Speed

during this time.

The hot news is undoubtedly Blue Star Electronics and Gaotong.


There is still one company that has taken away a large part of the hot spots.

That is the Ali Group.

Let’s go back to October 10th.

There are only three and a half hours left before the 2009 Double Eleven Shopping Festival.

For the entire Ahri, these three and a half hours are extremely important moments.

The domain name of Tianmiao Mall was officially launched this year.

In order to make Tianmiao Mall famous, the person in charge Zhang Xiaoyao, with the support of Teacher Ma, also worked hard.

In order to become famous, be polite.

With the strong support of Teacher Ma, Ahri spent 500 million yuan in subsidy funds to ride on the popularity of Apex 4, and became a big injustice with tears in his eyes.


I don’t know how many netizens are gearing up and completely sleepless, waiting for the arrival of midnight on November 11th.

By then.

You can buy a 16GB version of Pinnacle 4 on Tianmiao Mall for 2,049 yuan.

In order to wait for this moment to arrive, countless netizens in China have been waiting for more than a month, and they are already hungry and thirsty.

after all.

The current phenomenal product Peak 4, the cheapest 16GB version, has a market price of 4,099 yuan.

When it went on sale on the 24th of last month, the price was as high as five to six thousand yuan by scalpers.

If Blue Star 577 Electronics hadn't attacked scalpers hard, the price might not have come down yet.

And now.

On Tianmiao Mall, you can buy it for half the price of 2,049 yuan.

This is undoubtedly great news for many netizens who want a Peak 4 but are not financially well off.


After Ali released the news, Tianmiao Mall will release 100,000 Peak 4 units on the Double Eleven Shopping Festival.

Countless netizens in China are already sharpening their knives and making preparations.

Those whose hand speed is not fast enough have spent the past month practicing how to improve their hand speed.

And more people have upgraded their home Internet speeds.

You can imagine it with your toes.

On the day of Double Eleven, there were a lot of people rushing to grab half-price Peak 4. It was a terrifying number.

The number of Pinnacle 4 in Tianmiao Mall is limited, only 100,000 units.

Whether you can grab it or not depends on who has the fastest hand speed and who has the fastest Internet speed.

If you don’t prepare for rush buying in advance, you may not even be able to squeeze into the website.


At this moment.

All over the country.

I have a computer and Internet at home, so I sat in front of the computer early, opened the Tianmiao Mall website, and logged in to my account.

If you don’t have a computer or Internet at home, you can only go to an Internet cafe.

Everyone arrived early and stayed in front of the computer, waiting for the early morning hours to arrive.

Ali Group Headquarters.

In the conference room.

"Do not worry."

“Although the current number of visits is beyond our expectations, the Feitian system can fully withstand it.

Wang Jian, the person in charge of Feitian System who attended the meeting, said.

Teacher Ma said with a calm face: "What I want is to ensure that we can withstand the massive number of visits at midnight on Double Eleven."

Wang Jian nodded: "We are already prepared. Even if the system collapses due to the number of visits, we will activate the backup as soon as possible."

Although Wang Jian is confident that the Feitian system can withstand the massive number of visits during Double Eleven.


He wasn't 100% sure either.

Because it’s not Double Eleven yet, the current number of visits has surprised everyone.

You can imagine.

By the early hours of the morning, the number of visits to the website would be terrifying.

Ah Li should be happy about this, but she is not happy about it.

This is probably pain and happiness.

no way.

The current situation is that the enthusiasm of netizens is too high, beyond imagination.

At this time.

Zhang Xiaoyao spoke.

“I think we should spend another amount of money to find Future Group’s smart cloud system to provide emergency plans.

“This time, because of Tianmiao Mall’s half-price flash sale of Pinnacle 4, too many netizens paid attention.”

"Most of them are using it for the first time. If the first impression is too negative, it will easily be labeled as a spam website.

"The impact on us will not be very good."

After hearing this, everyone in the meeting nodded in agreement.

Teacher Ma was also decisive and said: "Then let's rent it for a day. Anyway, we have spent hundreds of millions on it, and we don't have to throw in millions more."

Future Group's smart cloud system is at least five years ahead of the industry, so it can be said to be completely fine.

The last Longmei hacker war once again verified the strength of Future Group's cloud computing service technology.

Enterprises that used Future Group's cloud computing services were unscathed in that network melee.

On the other hand, companies that do not use Future Group's cloud computing services will suffer heavy losses.


Future Group’s cloud services are easy to use.

Just one word - expensive.

One day, the asking price is 2 million yuan, which is equivalent to more than 600 million yuan a year.

Of course.

If you really buy the annual package, it will definitely not be so expensive. It only costs 250 million.


For those companies with an annual output value of tens of millions, the annual fee of 250 million is still expensive and cannot be afforded.

Zhang Xiaoyao's proposal was quickly approved.

The meeting continues.

At this time.

Wang Jian suggested: "I have an idea, that is, during the peak period of traffic in the early morning, let Future Group's smart cloud support it, and wait until the peak period has passed, and then replace it with Feitian system."

"In this way, we can not only ensure that netizens will not have negative online shopping experiences caused by system crashes, but also allow the Feitian system to be fully technically tested, which will be helpful for us to improve the Feitian system."

As soon as these words came out, people's eyes suddenly lit up.

Teacher Ma asked: "I don't understand technology, but I still have to ask, from a technical point of view, can this be done? Will it cause a system crash in the connection?"

Wang Jian replied: "It can definitely be done. Moreover, our Feitian system has borrowed many aspects of the open source WisdomStack platform architecture technically, so there is no problem in terms of compatibility."

Teacher Ma immediately slapped the table and said: "Since there is no problem, let's do it!"

The countdown to the next three hours has already entered.

There is no extra time to waste time here.

Teacher Ma is not a person who is procrastinating and makes decisions on the spot.

After determining a reliable solution, all Ahli's senior executives breathed a sigh of relief.

In terms of technology.

With the Feitian system as an escort and the Future Group's smart cloud as a firefighting reserve team, you can feel at ease under the double protection.


Time passed by minute by minute.


There is only one minute left before midnight.


Thousands of netizens from all over the country, from north to south, are already fully armed in front of the computer screen.

Regardless of whether it was useful or not, I closed all the programs, kept only the Tianmiao Mall web page, and stayed at the Blue Star Electronics Tianmiao flagship store.

The 2,049 yuan is already ready, just wait for the time to come and use your hand speed to get it in seconds. .

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