Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1152: Sold Out In One Second, 19 Million Singles Were Stunned

Ahri's technical background.


Wang Jian is already ready with his technical team.

Regarding Future Group's smart cloud system, he deeply felt the technological gap between the two parties.

without any exaggeration.

The smart cloud system can easily mobilize 5,000 groups of servers.

There is no need to consider the situation where the system's computing power is insufficient due to a sudden surge in visits.

Ahri’s Double Eleven is really a piece of cake for the smart cloud system.

This is what the Ahri Feitian system envies.

They can handle 1000 groups here - the server is very good.

The key is.

Not quite sure yet.

Although they have invested a huge amount of resources in the Feitian system, Mr. Zeng Ma even led a team to the Future Group for a technical exchange, which benefited the technical staff of their Feitian system team a lot.


The gap in technical strength cannot be narrowed by just one or two exchanges.

As the undisputed overlord in the field of cloud computing, not to mention Ahri's Feitian system, Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, Google and other giants are not enough to join forces in the face of Future Group's smart cloud.

Wang Jian and his men were all nervous.

On the other side, the thousands of netizens standing in front of their computers were even more nervous.

many people.

My heart was beating violently, and cold sweat was flowing down my armpits.

Although this is not the first time Ali has organized a Double Eleven shopping festival.


This Double Eleven is the one that everyone is most looking forward to.


You can instantly kill Pinnacle 4 at half the price.

In order to participate in this event of killing Pinnacle 4 instantly, many people have been frugal and frugal in the past month, saving one or two thousand yuan.

Whether you can get Peak 4 for 2,049 yuan in a flash sale depends on your character, internet speed, hand speed, and God’s will.

Isn't this stressful?


As soon as the early morning hours arrive.

This battle without gunpowder is about to begin.

When the hands of the clock came to 0:00:00 on November 11th.

Tianmiao Mall Blue Star Electronics flagship store, snap up the page of Pinnacle 4 at half price.

Originally, the [Add to Cart] and Buy Now buttons below were gray.

When the time comes.

Activate instantly.

And being activated at the same time, there are thousands of netizens standing in front of their computers.

Almost instantly.

All over the country, millions of netizens clicked [Buy Now] almost at the same time.


Netizens with slow Internet speeds, slow mobile phone speeds, and poor moral character will see a pop-up (sold out) prompt on the page.

Seeing the three big words "Sold Out", countless netizens immediately became confused.

They were all sold out in a damn second?

This makes people crazy, and they have the urge to pick up the keyboard and smash it against the screen.

And at the same time.

Alibaba Group backstage.

"Oh my god, this is too scary!"

"There are so many people snatching up 100,000 Peak 4 units. That's about 5% of the country's Internet users!"

A technician stared at the screen and said dumbfounded.

According to data released by the state in the first half of this year, there are more than 380 million Internet users in the country.

5%, that is to say, at this moment, more than 19 million people across the country are rushing to grab Peak 4 at the same time.

They had expected that there would be millions or even tens of millions of netizens rushing to grab Pinnacle 4.

But I really didn’t expect that the real number of people would be nearly 20 million.

This is horrible.


They activated Future Group's smart cloud system before Double Eleven.

If they had used their Feitian system... there is no doubt that it would have collapsed at this moment.

That would definitely be an accident.

"Oh my god, awesome, I'm so fucking awesome, I actually got it [haha!"

In a rental house in a certain southern city.

Xiao Hang, a 22-year-old young man, jumped up when he saw the picture displayed on the computer screen.

As an ordinary person with an average income, four to five thousand Peak 4 units is undoubtedly a huge expenditure for him.

With his current salary, he would have to go without food and water for two months before he could afford it.

Pinnacle 4 has been released for more than a month. As early as during the press conference, Xiao Hang decided to buy one.

Although the price is very expensive, it is worth every penny.

He originally planned to eat instant noodles for the first half of the year to save money.

But not long after, I heard that Tianmiao Mall had a flash sale of 100,000 units of Peak 4 at half price during Double Eleven.

After confirming that the news is true.

There's nothing more to say.

It used to take half a year to eat instant noodles, but now it only takes three months.


He decided to give it a try on Tianmiao Mall.

What if my character explodes in seconds?


He really arrived in seconds.

I quickly calmed my mind, took a few deep breaths, and when I clicked to pay, my hands were shaking.

It was so exciting.

After the successful payment, Xiao Hang breathed a sigh of relief.

………Please give me flowers…0


He just needs to sit at home and wait for the courier to come to his door.

After paying the payment, Xiao Hang refreshed the page and found that the 100,000 Peak 4 units had already been sold out.

He grabbed it and paid for it, and it didn't even take a minute.

This is too damn fast.


What Xiao Hang didn't know was.

Some people, when they click to buy for the first time, wait for a second before a sold-out prompt pops up.

at the same time.

Across the country, 19 million netizens stayed up late into the night.


But didn't get it.

He was so angry that he cursed.

Then he started to complain on Tieba, Weibo, Tianya Forum and other platforms.

"This is outrageous! In one second, 100,000 Peak 4 units were gone in one second! I was dumbfounded!"


"Who am I? Where am I? What am I going to do? I haven't even clicked to buy yet, but the next second I see [Click to buy] turns gray and says it's sold out!"

"Same as the original poster, I was just one second slower, just one second, and the result was gone!"

"I've been single for 30 years and I haven't even tried to fight with my unicorn arm. This is so stupid!"

"I'm sorry! Don't you guys sleep?"

"Haha, I can't sleep! I'm so excited that Jill is turning purple."

"Haha, can I say that my character has exploded, so I grabbed one."

"Tai! Show off your sister!"

"Those who grabbed it are not welcome here. Go away and don't disturb those of us who didn't grab it from licking their wounds."

"Out of the box! Out of the way! The official V of Blue Star Electronics and Ali Group updated their Weibo updates. 100,000 Peak 4 units were sold out in one second. More than 19 million people nationwide participated in this flash sale."

"Gan! 19 million people! I lost it, I said why can't I get it! There are so many singles!"

"Haha, brother upstairs, you, a bachelor, use it very expressively."

"Those who have girlfriends have already hugged their girlfriends and got into bed. It's just us singles who compete for Peak 4 in the middle of the night."

“Double Eleven is indeed Singles’ Day!”

"It's too exaggerated! More than 19 million people are grabbing 100,000 Peak 4 units at the same time, with a probability of 1/190. In other words, I just competed with 190 people for a Peak 4 unit. It's so weird that I can grab it.

"I envy those who have grabbed it. If you can grab it all, it's a big deal!"

"I strongly request another 100,000 units, and I guarantee that I will get them this time."

"Thinking too much, Ahri can't afford the loss!".

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