Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 1154: The 24-Hour Transaction Volume Exceeded 10 Billion, And It Appeared On The 7 O'cl

The next day.

Early in the morning.

Netizens who did not participate in Double Eleven last night.

Somewhat confused.

Because when you wake up in the morning and pick up your phone.

Once online.

What I saw was the overwhelming news that in the early hours of last night, 19 million people rushed to grab 100,000 Peak 4 units, and they were sold out in one second.

[Shocking! In the early hours of this morning, 19 million singles snatched up 100,000 units of Apex 4 in one second!] - Zhalang News

[Is it moral decay? Or is it the distortion of human nature? 200 strong men fought each other late at night, actually because...] - Gossip News Network

[100,000 Pinnacle 4 units sold out in one second!] - Wangyi News

[Tianmiao Mall became an instant hit and 100,000 units of Peak 4 were sold out in one second! - Sohu News

[Shocked! In the early hours of last night, 19 million singles gathered in Tianmiao, actually for...] - Squirrel Shocked Part 2

[19 million singles appeal to Ahri Group to offer another 100,000 Peak 4 units for sale at half price. 】——Bangpai News

One netizen after another.

Looking at the overwhelming news, people feel numb immediately.

Countless people were stunned when they saw the title of the news information pushed by the Gossip News Network and Squirrel Shock Part 2.

what's the situation?

19 million singles gathered in Tianmiao Mall?

200 strong men fighting each other late at night?

have to say.

These headlines were so exciting that they caught the attention of 28 netizens and made people want to click on them.

Why are these 200 strong men fighting each other late at night?

Why do 19 million singles gather in Tianmiao?


After clicking in, I read the news content.

Directly vomiting blood.

What the hell.

200 people are fighting for a Peak 4. Are you telling me that 200 strong men are fighting each other?

All right.

Title party, you win!

And on social media platforms such as Weibo, Tieba, and Tianya Forum.

Related topics have already dominated the list, attracting endless discussions among netizens.

"When I woke up in the morning, I saw the news information pushed. The headline was so exciting, so I clicked on it without hesitation, and I felt numb!"

"These headlines... I really like them!"

"Oh, 19 million people grabbed 100,000 Peak 4 units last night. A Kirin arm that has been single for 20 years is not enough. It needs at least a 30-year-old one."

"Amazing! It's amazing! 200 strong men actually fought each other late at night for a Peak 4, and their brains were knocked out. I'm really sick anyway, brothers! What about you?"

“I have to say that being able to grab Peak 4 last night was definitely a huge blow to my character and I was really lucky.


All day long.

The Internet is full of topics related to Ali, Tianmiao Mall, and 100,000 Pinnacle 4.

Even the negotiations between Blue Star Electronics and Gao Tong were overshadowed.

The next day.

November 12th.

Ali immediately announced the 24-hour transaction volume record of this year’s Double Eleven Shopping Festival promotions.

10.077 billion yuan!

This is definitely a commendable achievement.

It is also the first time in the three years since the Double Eleven Shopping Festival was held that the transaction volume exceeded the 10 billion yuan mark.


At the suggestion of Lu Yi.

Teacher Ma hastily organized the first Double Eleven Shopping Festival.

At that time.

Since online shopping is not yet mature, the total transaction volume for the whole day was only 30 million yuan.

If you compare it with the 50 million yuan turnover of the first Double Eleven in the previous life, it is definitely not as good.


The first Double Eleven in the previous life was in 2009.

And this life, because of Lu Yi, was directly advanced to 2007.

Look at it this way.

In 2007, a daily turnover of 30 million yuan was achieved, which is definitely much higher than the 50 million yuan in 2009.


At that time, Ahri was still fighting on eBay.

On Double Eleven in 2008, the transaction volume continued to rise, reaching 1.956 billion yuan.

Compared with the full-day turnover of 936 million yuan in the second Double Eleven event in the previous life, this number is much higher.

This year’s Double Eleven hit 10.077 billion yuan, breaking the 10 billion yuan mark.

To a large extent, this is due to the 100,000 Pinnacle 4 units.

Within the Ali Group.

We generally predict that the transaction volume can reach 5 billion to 6 billion yuan.


But it broke tens of billions.

Ahri couldn't be more satisfied with this report card that far exceeded expectations.

The number of users has skyrocketed by 20 to 30 million, and the transaction volume throughout the day has historically exceeded the 10 billion mark.

Such a report card is enough to blind everyone's eyes.

It’s also worthy of the more than 500 million they spread out!


After Ali announced the 24-hour transaction volume throughout the day.

The industry is also in an uproar.

Everyone was blinded by this data.

"I'll go! It's incredible, the 24-hour transaction volume actually exceeded 10 billion! I remember last year's Double Eleven, Ahri's full-day transaction volume was only over 1.9 billion, and this year it has increased fivefold!"

"This time, Ahri has won! It was previously revealed that Ahri subsidized Blue Star Electronics for 500 million yuan in order to gain popularity in Peak 4, making it a big mistake. Looking back now, I have to accept Teacher Ma and others. ah!"

"With this wave of support, there is no problem that Ali will secure the top spot in domestic e-commerce. Other competitors who want to challenge Ali's position will have to think carefully."

“Seeing this report card, competitors such as Jingdong, Erhaodian,, Vipshop, etc., cried and fainted in the toilet.”

People in the industry are talking a lot.

When Liu Qiangdong and others saw the results announced by Ah Li, they all fell silent.

This wave.

It's true that Ahri wins.

This time.

If they want to catch up with Ah Li, they will have to put in more effort.

Not only people in the industry are talking about it, but also marveling at it.

Major media organizations have also reported on this.

Of course.

Behind this, there must be someone from Ahri's public relations department.

Can't we take advantage of this opportunity to expand our influence?

What's the point of not showing off such impressive results and admiring them at home?

So you can see it.

Not long after Ahri released the report card.

There is a lot of tweet information on the Internet.

This time.

Some people who don’t care about Double Eleven also know about it.

I know that Ahli set a new record on Double Eleven this year, with the transaction volume breaking the 10 billion mark.

Tianmiao Mall is also well known to everyone.

When everyone mentions online shopping platforms, the first thing that comes to mind is Tianmiao Mall, which shined during Double Eleven.

It’s not just the media who have received money from Ahri who are crazy about it.

On the seven o'clock news on the evening of November 12.

Ah Li also successfully showed his face.

Although it lasted less than 10 seconds, the host just mentioned that Ali once again achieved great results on Double Eleven, with a turnover of over 10 billion in 24 hours.

But it was enough to make Ahri party up and down.

This is the seven o'clock news.

Being able to show one's face on it basically means that it is known to the whole country.

People want to shop online. When they think of Ali being on the seven o'clock news and it is officially recognized, there is nothing wrong with it. They can just buy it on Tianmiao and Taobao. You are right!


The day after being on the seven o'clock news.

The number of visits to Taobao and Tianmiao has increased significantly.

This is the effect of the seven o'clock news.

Although it is not as scary as the early hours of Double Eleven, it is still far beyond normal.


It’s not just the increase in visits.

The number of new user registrations also saw a peak that day. .

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